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File metadata and controls

139 lines (112 loc) · 7.06 KB

Getting Started

After reading this, you will know:

  1. How to assemble furniture
  2. Control the agent with human or RL
  3. Basic environment configuration
  4. Code structure and key functions

Task Description

The furniture assembly task can be defined as a cycle of part selection and attachment. As seen in the image, the robot must grip the correct parts, and then align the connectors (colored dots). Once the connectors are correctly aligned, the robot can attach the parts together. This process is repeated until the furniture is assembled. You can try assembling some pieces in the next section.

Human Control Demo

$ python -m furniture.demo_manual

We recommend trying the Cursor agent first to get a sense of the furniture and physics. The Cursor, Sawyer, and Baxter share a common control scheme. In general, the control is over the movement and rotation of the hand.

  • Move: Q-E moves the hand up-down, W-S moves the hand forward-backward, and A-D moves the hand left-right.
  • Rotate: J-L, I-K, U-O keys control each axis of rotation.
  • Switch hands: 1 or 2 for the corresponding hand.
  • Grasp: The space key holds an object within the Cursor. For Sawyer and Baxter, the space key closes the grippers.
  • Attach: C will attach two parts together. The environment requires multiple attach actions to fully attach the parts together.
  • Release: The enter (return) key releases any objects held by the Cursor. For Sawyer and Baxter, the enter key opens the grippers.
  • Screenshot: T key will save the screen in furniture/camera_ob.png.
  • Record video: setting flag --record True in the command line args will record a video.
  • Record trajectory: To save the current episode to a pickle file, press Y. Make sure the --record_demo flag is True. The scene will be saved in the demo directory as test.pkl. You can load this scene using --load_demo. Demonstration playback is supported through the run_demo function of furniture/env/

Basic Usage and Configuration

The Gym interface makes it easy to use the environment with various RL algorithms. Moreover, users can easily switch furniture models and backgrounds using reset method. Please refer to furniture/ for more detail.

import gym
import furniture

# make an environment
env = gym.make('IKEASawyer-v0', furniture_name="table_lack_0825")

done = False

# reset environment
observation = env.reset()
# reset environment with @furniture_id and @background_name
# observation = env.reset(furniture_id=furniture_id, background=background_name)

while not done:
    # simulate environment
    observation, reward, done, info = env.step(env.action_space.sample())

Here are some general command line configuration options.

'--furniture_name': str, name of furniture. Refer to furniture list in docs/
'--furniture_id': int, ID of furniture. Refer to list below for ID furniture mappings
'--background': str, name of background scene. Refer to list below for supported scenes
'--unity': bool, use unity for rendering, otherwise use mujoco viewer
'--unity_editor' bool, use unity editor for unity
'--port': port, port for MuJoCo-Unity plugin
'--seed': int, seed for rng
'--max_episode_steps': int, maximum length (# of steps) of episode
'--screen_width': int, width of visual observation
'--screen_height': int, height of visual observation
'--camera_ids': list[int], MuJoCo camera ID
'--control_freq': int, frequency of physics simulation
'--move_speed': float, step size of movements
'--rotate_speed': float, step size of rotation
'--load_demo': string, path to a pickle file of a demonstration
'--record_demo': bool, whether to enable demonstration recording
'--demo_dir': string, path to demonstration folder
'--virtual_display': str, specify display number

Within each furniture/config/furniture_*.py, there are environment specific configurations in the __init__ function. See Configure Environments for available furniture models, backgrounds, etc.

RGB Depth Segmentation

To configure the observations, use the following flags.

'--robot_ob': bool, whether to include agent state in ob
'--object_ob': bool, whether to include object pose in ob
'--subtask_ob': bool, whether to include subtask (part ids) in ob
'--visual_ob': bool, whether to include camera image in ob
'--depth_ob': bool, whether to include depth map in ob
'--segmentation_ob': bool, whether to include object segmentation in ob

Parallel Execution

See for parallel execution of our environment.

Code Structure

The structure of the repository:

  • env: Environment code for simulated experiments
  • furniture-unity: Unity project
  • config: Argument parser
  • util: Utility functions including logger
  • method: Code for IL/RL (BC, SAC, and PPO)

env folder

furniture/env folder contains the python code for environment scripting. We use many files and functions from the Robosuite environment. The main files and folders are:

This is the base environment. It contains functionality for interfacing with the MuJoCo simulation and Unity Renderer. Some functions of interest are:

  • step(action): Environmental step function used for RL training.
  • render(mode): Gets RGB images, segmentation map, depth maps, from the simulation.
  • _is_aligned(a,b): Checks if two connectors are aligned. You can adjust threshold to decide connection of two parts
  • _connect(a,b): Connects the given two connectors using a weld constraint.

Agent-specific files

The next files all extend furniture/env/ with agent-specific logic.

These agents override observation_space, dof, get_obs, and _step.

models folder

Code for robots, MuJoCo XML objects, and initialization code can be found in the respective folders. The furniture XMLs can be found in furniture/env/models/assets/objects. More documentation on the XML schema can be found in the XML documentation.

furniture-unity folder

This folder is a Unity3d project. You can open it using the Unity Editor to change lighting, backgrounds, and textures. The code is implemented on top of DoorGym-Unity.

method folder

This folder contains BC, SAC, PPO implementation.