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Environment Variables

These "auto-fill" the functionOptions that have to be passed to GCFHelper.

Environment Variable Default Description Auto-decrypt
APIFS_SECRET_HEADER apifs-secret Auth header
APIFS_SECRET undefined Auth Secret
FUNCTION_ID undefined Cloud Function ID
PROJECT_ID undefined Google Project ID
ERROR_TOPIC undefined PubSub Error Topic
DATASET_ID undefined BigQuery Dataset
TABLE_ID undefined BigQuery Table
KMS_ENABLED false Use Google Cloud KMS to decrypt secrets
LOCATION_ID undefined Google Cloud KMS location
KEYRING_ID undefined Google Cloud KMS Keyring ID
CRYPTOKEY_ID undefined Google Cloud KMS Cryptokey ID
SQL_CONNECTION_NAME undefined Cloud SQL Instance Connection Name
SQL_DATABASE_NAME undefined Cloud SQL Database Name
SQL_USERNAME undefined Cloud SQL Database Username
SQL_PASSWORD undefined Cloud SQL Database Password
METRICS_TOPIC undefined PubSub Metrics Topic
DISABLE_METRICS undefined If metric calls should be ignored
METRICS_FLUSH_TIMEOUT 100 ms of time to batch before publishing

Using the lib to improve your cloud functions

1. Setup

const { GCFHelper } = require("gcf-helper");
const gcfHelper = new GCFHelper({});

// alt
const { setup } = require("gcf-helper");
const gcfHelper = setup({});

2. Handling errors

Make sure to set the following env variables in your function PROJECT_ID and ERROR_TOPIC. = async (event, _) => {
  try {
    // stuff you do in your function
  } catch (error) {
    await gcfHelper.handleError(
      error, /* you can pass any kind of additional payload here, optional */

Note: The lib will throw again, which is why you should make sure to not handle that error afterwards. But it will only throw a small error message with a small footprint and an identifier that can be used to identify the error at a later time. The actual error is then produced to the passed errorTopic on pubsub. Our best practice approach is to store these errors in a BigQuery table.

The error payload looks like this:

export interface ErrorPayload {
  error_id: string;
  function_id: string;
  error_message: string;
  payload: string;
  error_occured_at: number;

3. Validating HTTP requests

This works best if you are using apifs-gateway to actually trigger your functions.

Make sure to set the following env variables in your function APIFS_SECRET and PROJECT_ID and ERROR_TOPIC. Also note: That you should not try to handle any errors from the functions of this lib, they are handeled internally. Especially do not catch an exception from a function of this lib and pass it to gcfHelper.handleError() this will result in a throw loop.

exports.retrieve = async (req, res) => {
  await gcfHelper.validateAPIFSRequest(
    null /* you can pass any kind of additional payload here, optional */
  try {
    // do your stuff here
  } catch (error) {
    await gcfHelper.handleError(error);

The call above will throw an exception and end your function if the secret is not provided or not correct. However you might want to handle the response yourself or you might simply do not want to throw errors when secrets are wrong. There is an alternative call for that:

exports.retrieve = async (req, res) => {
  if (!gcfHelper.validateAPIFSRequestNoError(req, res)) {

  try {
    // do your stuff here
  } catch (error) {
    await gcfHelper.handleError(error);

If you pass a response to validateAPIFSRequestNoError it will be used to send back status 403 with a JSON error message, this parameter is optional. This function will return false if the secret is missing or invalid, please also note that it is not async.

4. Storing rows in BigQuery

Make sure to set the following env variables in your function DATASET_ID and TABLE_ID and PROJECT_ID and ERROR_TOPIC. You do not have to handle the errors. We are using the streaming API of BigQuery and will fail on partial insert errors or bad row schemas. = async (event, _) => {
  const rows =; // turn data into rows..

  // some optional etl magic that is applied to every row before insert
  const etl = row => {
    return { ...row, additional_column: };

  await gcfHelper.writeBigQueryRows(
    null, /* you can pass any kind of additional payload here, optional */
    undefined, /* you can pass an optional dataset name here, else DATASET_ID will be used */
    undefined, /* you can pass an optional table name here, else TABLE_ID will be used */

5. Parse pubsub events

Requires no env variables. Note: However requires your event data to contain serialised JSON data. = async (event, _) => {
  const parsed = gcfHelper.getPubSubDataFromEvent(event);
  // do something

6. Using cloud sql

Make sure to set the following env variables in your function SQL_CONNECTION_NAME and SQL_DATABASE_NAME and SQL_USERNAME and SQL_PASSWORD. = async (event, _) => {
  await gcfHelper.sqlQuery("SELECT $1::text as message", ["Hello world!"]);
  // do something

7. Using KMS

Make sure to set the following env variables in your function PROJECT_ID and KMS_ENABLED and LOCATION_ID and KEYRING_ID and CRYPTOKEY_ID. If you enable KMS certain environment variables will automatically be decrypted, check the table at the top of this file.

8. Creating custom metrics (Google Cloud Functions to Prometheus/Grafana)

Make sure to set the following env variables in your function PROJECT_ID and METRICS_TOPIC.

When using RoachStorm to handle Prometheus metrics from pubsub subscriptions, you can use the following helper methods to create custom metrics (counters, gauges) in your functions.

Metrics are batched internally by default, to decrease the amount of pubsub events as well as traffic that is required. You can controll the buffer flush timeout via METRICS_FLUSH_TIMEOUT. If you set it to null, 0 or -1 every metric is immediately published to the pubsub topic. = async (event, _) => {
  // do something
  await gcfHelper.metricsIncCounter("my_counter", 1, { someLabel: "labelValue" });
  await gcfHelper.metricsSetGauge("my_gauge", 55, { someLabel: "labelValue" });
  // do something

9. Kill any running (currently awaited) operation to end function

In case you should need this, which you should not. You can use this method to end any running operation. = async (event, _) => {
  // do something