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Giuseppe Capizzi edited this page Jun 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

This document lists the Github repositories the Garden team has been responsible for. The document does not cover all repositories containing garden in their name as we have lost our tribal knowledge on some of them. Probably they have been used in the past.

The Garden Code

garden-runc-release is the bosh release of Garden and the starting point of every development task. It contains:

  • bosh jobs
  • bosh packages
  • Garden submodules
  • utilities used by the bosh jobs, such as greenskeeper and thresholder
  • test utilities

Garden bits are placed in different git repositories and they are submoduled here. After cloning the garden-runc-release repository do make sure to update its submodules to get the complete Garden code.

Garden depends on external components that did not support go modules at the time of Garden adopting them. That is why they are submoduled under src/gopath/src and the GO_PATH environment variable is set to src/gopath in order regular submodules to be built against the submoduled dependencies.

garden-runc-release submodules are listed below

dontpanic is the Garden diagnostics tool, refer to Don't panic! for more details

garden is the Garden server, the Garden API and the Garden client

garden-integration-tests are Garden's acceptance tests (GATs). The name of the repository is a bit unfortunate as those are acceptance, not integration tests

GrootFS is the container filesystem management utility

guardian is Guardian, the thing that makes Garden run

idmapper contains a couple of small utilities:

  • newuidmap creates the /proc/[pid]/uid_map that map user IDs in the user namespace of the process specified by pid. Refer to the user_namespaces man page for details
  • newgidmap creates the /proc/[pid]/gid_map that map group IDs in the user namespace of the process specified by pid. Refer to the user_namespaces man page for details
  • maximus returns the ID of the user with the maximum user ID possible, hence the name. The maximum user ID differs on different systems, hence the need of such an utility.

netplugin-shim is the network plugin shim server and client. Only used for the experimental bpm-enabled/rotless deployments

Garden Performance Acceptance Tests (GPATs) contains the performance acceptance tests for Garden. As of today, the only performance test is that containers creation should take less than 1.5 seconds.

The CPU Entitlement CF CLI plugin a CF CLI plugin to monitor CPU entitlement usage of running apps

Groot is a library which can be used to build custom image plugins for Garden. For example, groot-windows uses that library to implement an image plugin for Windows.

The code contained in this library is a shameless copy-paste from GrootFS, we had the idea to make GrootFS to use Groot but that never happened... shame...

Garden dotfiles contains scripts for setting up a developer workstation

garden-wiki is a wiki page containing ancient Garden legacy (some bits might be outdated). Contains interesting articles.

Pushing changes to the Garden code (i.e. garden-runc-release and its submodules)

Once you have pulled garden-runc-release and updated its submodule, you can start implementing new stuff. Pushing stuff however obeys certain rules:

  1. Garden submodules (see above) are developed in the master branch
  2. We do not push changes in dependencies (such as containerd under the src/gopath/src/ path). You can implement an experimental change to see how it would work but you do not push it. Instead, we are only updating the version of the dependecy from the upstream. If you want to contribute a change to that dependency, you should open a pull request there and wait for a new release which you can bump to.
  3. You MUST NOT push to the garden-runc-release master branch, this is up to CI to do that. You can only push to the default develop branch or wip branches.
  4. Pushing is a multi-step process. Provided that you are happy with a change and all tests are green:
    1. First, you commit you change in the submodule (note that bumping a dependency is also a commit) but DO NOT push it yet
    2. Then, you run ./scripts/bump from ~/workspace/garden-runc-release in the develop branch. The script would pick up the new commits in the submodules and create a bump commit in the release referencing the submodules' new commits
    3. Finally, you run ./scripts/gotta-push-em-all from ~/workspace/garden-runc-release in the develop branch. The script will recursively push the new commits in the submodules and the bump commit in the release.

If you do not follow the procedure above and push changes to the submodules without the bump commit, CI will not pick them up. If you only push the bump commit without the commits in the submodules, CI would not be able to find them and would eventually fail.

Infrastructure repositories

garden-ci is the only private repository. It contains our CI infrastructure and test deployments. It submodules bosh-deployment, cf-deployment, concourse-deployment under the modules subdirectory.

  • ./ci - contains the definition of the Garden CI pipeline
  • ./directors - contains the state of all the bosh directors we use and their deployments
  • ./modules - bosh deployments submodules. Scripts that create test sandbox enritonments and update concourse use the versions being checked out there
  • ./ops - various bosh ops files we found useful over the years
  • ./scripts - various helper scripts

garden-dockerfiles contains various docker images used in CI or tests. The most notable image is garden-ci which is used by all CI jobs.

Masters of cats is an organisation where Garden puts repositories for experiments, forks, custom tools or random stuff. Initially the repository contained the master branch of CATs (hence the name). The organisation is owned by @callisto13, an ex-Gardener, we are all at her mercy here :). Below are repostiries for tools used in our infrastructure

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