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Tutorial 1: hello world

This tutorial teaches you, in 5 minutes, how to use Traveling Ruby to create self-contained packages of a hello world app. This app has no gem dependencies; dependency management is covered in tutorial 2. We will be creating three packages, namely for Linux x86, Linux x86_64 and OS X.

This tutorial does not cover Windows. This tutorial will not work on Windows; nor will this tutorial generate packages for Windows. The creation of packages for Windows is covered in tutorial 4.

The process is as follows. First, you create several package directories (one for each target platform) and copy your app into the directory. Then you extract Traveling Ruby binaries into each directory, appropriate for that platform. Then you write a wrapper script so that users can conveniently start your app. Finally, you package everything up in tar.gz files, and automate the process.

You can find the end result of this tutorial at

The final hello world package weights 6 MB compressed.


Let's begin by creating a hello world app:

mkdir hello_app
cd hello_app
echo '#!/usr/bin/env ruby' > hello.rb
echo 'puts "hello world"' >> hello.rb
ruby hello.rb
# => hello world

Creating package directories

The next step is to prepare packages for all the target platforms, by creating a directory each platform, and by copying your app into each directory.

mkdir -p hello-1.0.0-linux-x86/lib/app
cp hello.rb hello-1.0.0-linux-x86/lib/app/

mkdir -p hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64/lib/app
cp hello.rb hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64/lib/app/

mkdir -p hello-1.0.0-osx/lib/app/
cp hello.rb hello-1.0.0-osx/lib/app/

Next, create a packaging directory and download Traveling Ruby binaries for each platform into that directory. Then extract these binaries into each packaging directory. You can find a list of binaries at the Traveling Ruby Amazon S3 bucket. For faster download times, use the CloudFront domain "". In this tutorial we're extracting version 20141215-2.1.5.

mkdir packaging
cd packaging
curl -L -O --fail
curl -L -O --fail
curl -L -O --fail
cd ..

mkdir hello-1.0.0-linux-x86/lib/ruby && tar -xzf packaging/traveling-ruby-20141215-2.1.5-linux-x86.tar.gz -C hello-1.0.0-linux-x86/lib/ruby
mkdir hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64/lib/ruby && tar -xzf packaging/traveling-ruby-20141215-2.1.5-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64/lib/ruby
mkdir hello-1.0.0-osx/lib/ruby && tar -xzf packaging/traveling-ruby-20141215-2.1.5-osx.tar.gz -C hello-1.0.0-osx/lib/ruby

Now, each package directory will have Ruby binaries included. It looks like this: Your directory structure will now look like this:

 +-- hello.rb
 +-- hello-1.0.0-linux-x86/
 |   |
 |   +-- lib/
 |       +-- app/
 |       |   |
 |       |   +-- hello.rb
 |       |
 |       +-- ruby/
 |           |
 |           +-- bin/
 |           |   |
 |           |   +-- ruby
 |           |   +-- ...
 |           +-- ...
 +-- hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64/
 |   |
 |  ...
 +-- hello-1.0.0-osx/

Quick sanity testing

Let's do a basic sanity test by running your app with a bundled Ruby interpreter. Suppose that you are developing on OS X. Run this:

cd hello-1.0.0-osx
./lib/ruby/bin/ruby lib/app/hello.rb
# => hello world
cd ..

Creating a wrapper script

Now that you've verified that the bundled Ruby interpreter works, you'll want create a wrapper script. After all, you don't want your users to run /path-to-your-app/lib/ruby/bin/ruby /path-to-your-app/lib/app/hello.rb. You want them to run /path-to-your-app/hello.

Here's what a wrapper script could look like:

set -e

# Figure out where this script is located.
SELFDIR="`dirname \"$0\"`"
SELFDIR="`cd \"$SELFDIR\" && pwd`"

# Run the actual app using the bundled Ruby interpreter.
exec "$SELFDIR/lib/ruby/bin/ruby" "$SELFDIR/lib/app/hello.rb" "$@"

Save this file as packaging/ in your project's root directory. Then you can copy it to each of your package directories and name it hello:

editor packaging/
...edit the file as per above...
chmod +x packaging/
cp packaging/ hello-1.0.0-linux-x86/hello
cp packaging/ hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64/hello
cp packaging/ hello-1.0.0-osx/hello

Finalizing packages

Your package directories are now ready. You can finalize the packages by packaging up all these directories using tar:

tar -czf hello-1.0.0-linux-x86.tar.gz hello-1.0.0-linux-x86
tar -czf hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64
tar -czf hello-1.0.0-osx.tar.gz hello-1.0.0-osx
rm -rf hello-1.0.0-linux-x86
rm -rf hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64
rm -rf hello-1.0.0-osx

Congratulations, you have created packages using Traveling Ruby!

An x86 Linux user could now use your app like this:

  1. The user downloads hello-1.0.0-linux-x86.tar.gz.
  2. The user extracts this file.
  3. The user runs your app:
# => hello world

Automating the process using Rake

Going through all of the above steps on every release is a hassle, so you should automate the packaging process, for example by using Rake. Here's how the Rakefile could look like:

PACKAGE_NAME = "hello"
VERSION = "1.0.0"
TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION = "20150210-2.1.5"

desc "Package your app"
task :package => ['package:linux:x86', 'package:linux:x86_64', 'package:osx']

namespace :package do
  namespace :linux do
    desc "Package your app for Linux x86"
    task :x86 => "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-linux-x86.tar.gz" do

    desc "Package your app for Linux x86_64"
    task :x86_64 => "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" do

  desc "Package your app for OS X"
  task :osx => "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-osx.tar.gz" do

file "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-linux-x86.tar.gz" do

file "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz" do

file "packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-osx.tar.gz" do

def create_package(target)
  package_dir = "#{PACKAGE_NAME}-#{VERSION}-#{target}"
  sh "rm -rf #{package_dir}"
  sh "mkdir -p #{package_dir}/lib/app"
  sh "cp hello.rb #{package_dir}/lib/app/"
  sh "mkdir #{package_dir}/lib/ruby"
  sh "tar -xzf packaging/traveling-ruby-#{TRAVELING_RUBY_VERSION}-#{target}.tar.gz -C #{package_dir}/lib/ruby"
  sh "cp packaging/ #{package_dir}/hello"
  if !ENV['DIR_ONLY']
    sh "tar -czf #{package_dir}.tar.gz #{package_dir}"
    sh "rm -rf #{package_dir}"

def download_runtime(target)
  sh "cd packaging && curl -L -O --fail " +

You can then create all 3 packages by running:

rake package

You can also create a package for a specific platform by running one of:

rake package:linux:x86
rake package:linux:x86_64
rake package:osx

You can also just create package directories, without creating the .tar.gz files, by passing DIR_ONLY=1:

rake package DIR_ONLY=1
rake package:linux:x86 DIR_ONLY=1
rake package:linux:x86_64 DIR_ONLY=1
rake package:osx DIR_ONLY=1

End users

You now have three files which you can distribute to end users.

  • hello-1.0.0-linux-x86.tar.gz
  • hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  • hello-1.0.0-osx.tar.gz

Suppose the end user is on Linux x86_64. S/he uses your app by downloading hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz, extracting it and running it:

wget hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
tar xzf hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
cd hello-1.0.0-linux-x86_64
# => hello world


You can download the end result of this tutorial at

Creating self-contained packages with Traveling Ruby is simple and straightforward. But most apps will have gem dependencies. Read tutorial 2 to learn how to handle gem dependencies.