diff --git a/SolarmanPV-to-PVoutput-inverter-data.py b/SolarmanPV-to-PVoutput-inverter-data.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e01829b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/SolarmanPV-to-PVoutput-inverter-data.py
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+# -* coding: utf-8 *-
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see .
+# Based on Matt Cordell's SolarMax_PVoutLiveLog.py code
+# Developed 2016 by Christopher McAvaney
+import sys
+import argparse
+import datetime
+from util import DEBUG, utc_to_local
+# class for talking to the Solarman PV API
+from SolarmanPVAPI.solarmanpv_api import SolarmanPVAPI
+# API for talking to the PVoutput inverter
+from PVoutput.pvoutput import PVoutput_Connection
+# class for getting Weewx info
+from Weewx.weewx import WeewxInfo
+import requests
+import socket
+if sys.version_info < (2, 7):
+ raise "must user Python 2.7 or greater"
+# pvoutput specifics
+# time to delay between API calls
+apiDelay = 5
+appVersion = 0.3
+# parameters (with defaults)
+debug = False
+smpv_client_id = smpv_client_secret = smpv_plant_id = None
+pvo_key = pvo_system_id = None
+weewx_user = weewx_password = weewx_host = weewx_database = None
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=sys.argv[0])
+parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", help="turn on debug output", action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + str(appVersion))
+parser.add_argument("--smpv_client_id", help="SolarmanPV API client ID", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--smpv_client_secret", help="SolarmanPV API client secret", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--smpv_plant_id", help="ID of the plant (i.e. The solar PV site within SolarmanPV)", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--smpv_device_id", help="ID of the device (i.e. The solar PV inverter within the site within SolarmanPV)", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--pvo_key", help="PVoutput API key", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--pvo_system_id", help="PVoutput system ID", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--power_data", help="Use the getPower() i.e. SolarmanPVAPI plant/power method. Default is getInverterData()", required=False, action="store_true")
+parser.add_argument("--weewx_user", help="Weewx MySQL username", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--weewx_password", help="Weewx MySQL password", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--weewx_host", help="Weewx MySQL host", required=True)
+parser.add_argument("--weewx_database", help="Weewx MySQL database", required=True)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+if args.debug:
+ print("debug turned on")
+ debug = True
+client_id = args.smpv_client_id
+client_secret = args.smpv_client_secret
+plant_id = args.smpv_plant_id
+device_id = args.smpv_device_id
+pvo_key = args.pvo_key
+pvo_system_id = args.pvo_system_id
+weewx_user = args.weewx_user
+weewx_password = args.weewx_password
+weewx_host = args.weewx_host
+weewx_database = args.weewx_database
+if args.power_data:
+ data_method = 'power'
+ data_method = 'inverter'
+# Create the SolarmanAPI object
+smpv = SolarmanPVAPI(client_id, client_secret, plant_id)
+if smpv.connected is not True:
+ print('An issue with connection to the SolarmanPV API')
+ sys.exit(1)
+# get temperature data from Weewx
+# create an instance for a Weewx class and call the get "current outside temp" method
+ weather_info = WeewxInfo(weewx_user, weewx_password, weewx_host, weewx_database)
+ current_outside_temp = weather_info.getCurrentOutsideTemp()
+ current_outside_temp = None
+DEBUG('current outside temp == ' + str(current_outside_temp))
+# testing getInverterData() instead (see below after this if statement)
+if data_method == 'power':
+ power_details = smpv.getPower(datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), True)
+ if power_details is not None:
+ power = power_details['power']
+ # need to convert date and time value from UTC to local time before uploading to pvoutput.org
+ power_datetime_local = utc_to_local(datetime.datetime.strptime(power_details['time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+ power_date = power_datetime_local.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ power_time = power_datetime_local.strftime("%H:%M")
+ DEBUG('power == ' + str(power) + ' and power_date == ' + power_date)
+ try:
+ # Create connection to pvoutput.org
+ pvout = PVoutput_Connection(pvo_key, pvo_system_id)
+ # update pvoutput - but only if there is a value power value (i.e. > 0)
+ # add_output() is for end of day output - therfore the peak power, peak time, etc
+# pvout.add_output(power_date, generated=power)
+ if power > 0:
+ DEBUG('adding inverter data to PVOutput')
+ pvout.add_status(power_date, power_time, power_exp=power, temp=current_outside_temp)
+ else:
+ DEBUG('no need to update - power %dW' % power)
+ except:
+ print('An error with PVoutput ', sys.exc_info()[0])
+ raise
+ else:
+ # Changed this to a DEBUG, so that it won't output when in a CRON job
+ DEBUG('Invalid power data from SolarmanPV API - no further action')
+elif data_method == 'inverter':
+ date_to_retrieve = datetime.date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
+ inverter_details = smpv.getInverterData(date_to_retrieve, device_id, True)
+ if inverter_details is not None:
+ DEBUG('inverter_details == ' + str(inverter_details))
+ DEBUG('power == %sW' % (inverter_details['power']))
+ DEBUG('input current 1 == %sA and 2 == %sA' % (inverter_details['iPv1'], inverter_details['iPv2']))
+ DEBUG('input voltage 1 == %sV and 2 == %sV' % (inverter_details['vPv1'], inverter_details['vPv2']))
+ DEBUG('output current 1 == %sA' % (inverter_details['iac1']))
+ DEBUG('output voltage 1 == %sV' % (inverter_details['vac1']))
+ DEBUG('frequency == %sHz' % (inverter_details['fac']))
+ DEBUG('time == %s' % (inverter_details['time']))
+ inverter_datetime_local = datetime.datetime.strptime(inverter_details['time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S+10:00")
+ inverter_date = inverter_datetime_local.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ inverter_time = inverter_datetime_local.strftime("%H:%M")
+ DEBUG('inverter power == ' + str(inverter_details['power']) + ' and inverter_date == ' + inverter_date + ' inverter_time == ' + inverter_time)
+ # power = power_details['power']
+ # # need to convert date and time value from UTC to local time before uploading to pvoutput.org
+ # power_datetime_local = utc_to_local(datetime.datetime.strptime(power_details['time'], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ"))
+ # power_date = power_datetime_local.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ # power_time = power_datetime_local.strftime("%H:%M")
+ # DEBUG('power == ' + str(power) + ' and power_date == ' + power_date)
+ try:
+ # Create connection to pvoutput.org
+ pvout = PVoutput_Connection(pvo_key, pvo_system_id)
+ # update pvoutput - but only if there is a value power value (i.e. > 0)
+ # add_output() is for end of day output - therfore the peak power, pear time, etc
+# pvout.add_output(power_date, generated=power)
+ if inverter_details['power'] > 0:
+ DEBUG('adding inverter data to PVOutput')
+ pvout.add_status(inverter_date, inverter_time, power_exp=inverter_details['power'], vdc=inverter_details['vac1'], temp=current_outside_temp)
+ else:
+ DEBUG('no need to update - power %dW' % inverter_details['power'])
+ except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e:
+ print('PVoutput_Connection: request failed on a timeout - %s' % (e))
+ except socket.error as e:
+ print('PVoutput_Connection: request/socket failed on a timeout - %s' % (e))
+ except:
+ print('An error with PVoutput ', sys.exc_info()[0])
+ raise
+ else:
+ # Changed this to a DEBUG, so that it won't output when in a CRON job
+ DEBUG('Invalid inverter data from SolarmanPV API - no further action')
+# temporary exit, looking to include voltage and current data - but need to find out why the current day data doesn't come back through the API
+# cycle through the known inverters
+count = 0
+for sm in smlist:
+ for (no, ivdata) in sm.inverters().iteritems():
+ try:
+ # Pass the parameters you wish to get from the inverter and log. Power, Voltage and Temp are all that's required for PVoutput.
+ (inverter, current) = sm.query(no, ['PAC', 'UL1', 'TKK'])
+ # create connection to pvoutput.org
+ pvoutz = PVoutput_Connection(pvo_key, pvo_systemid)
+ #use system date/Time for logging. Close enough
+ powerdate = time.strftime("%Y%m%d")
+ powerTime = time.strftime("%H:%M")
+ # parse the results of sm.query above
+ PowerGeneration = str(current['PAC'])
+ Temperature = str(current['TKK'])
+ Voltage = str(current['UL1'])
+ print("Date: " + str(powerdate) + " Time: " + str(
+ powerTime) + " W: " + PowerGeneration + " temp: " + Temperature + " volt: " + Voltage)
+ # update pvoutput
+ if (PowerGeneration): # make sure that we have actual values...
+ pvoutz.add_status(powerdate, powerTime, power_exp=PowerGeneration, temp=Temperature, vdc=Voltage)
+ print("Sucessful Log ")
+ #Ensure API limits adhered to
+ time.sleep(apiDelay)
+ else:
+ print("aint no data bitch.. make the sun come up")
+ count += 1
+ except:
+ print('Communication Error, WR %i' % no)
+ continue
+#(status, errors) = sm.status(count)
+#if errors:
+# print('WR %i: %s (%s)' % (no, status, errors))
+# try:
+# print("details: ", int(PAC), int(TEMP), int(VOLTAGE))
+# except:
+# pass
+if count < len(allinverters):
+ print('Not all inverters queried (%i < %i)' % (count, len(allinverters)))
+print("Data Succesfully query and posted.")