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0:00:00 Introduction 0:01:02 What is SQL? 0:04:24 Cheat Sheet 0:04:50 Installing MySQL on Mac 0:09:48 Installing MySQL on Windows 0:15:08 Creating the Databases for this Course 0:23:40 The SELECT Statement 0:29:30 The SELECT Clause 0:38:18 The WHERE Clause 0:43:35 The AND, OR, and NOT Operators 0:51:38 The IN Operator 0:54:41 The BETWEEN Operator 0:56:53 The LIKE Operator 1:02:31 The REGEXP Operator 1:11:51 The IS NULL Operator 1:14:18 The ORDER BY Operator 1:21:23 The LIMIT Operator

1:24:50 Inner Joins 1:33:16 Joining Across Databases 1:36:03 Self Joins 1:40:17 Joining Multiple Tables 1:47:03 Compound Join Conditions 1:50:44 Implicit Join Syntax 1:53:04 Outer Joins 1:59:31 Outer Join Between Multiple Tables 2:05:50 Self Outer Joins 2:08:02 The USING Clause 2:13:25 Natural Joins 2:14:46 Cross Joins 2:18:01 Unions 2:26:29 Column Attributes 2:29:54 Inserting a Single Row 2:35:40 Inserting Multiple Rows 2:38:58 Inserting Hierarchical Rows 2:44:51 Creating a Copy of a Table 2:53:38 Updating a Single Row 2:57:33 Updating Multiple Rows 3:00:47 Using Subqueries in Updates 3:06:24 Deleting Rows 3:07:48 Restoring Course Databases

  • install SQL Community Server
  • MySQL workbench
  • open .sql file
  • it should have code to create tables
  • click the thunder icon (it will execute the selected lines OR the entire script)
  • refresh schemas
  • once the .sql code has executed, you can close that window as the tables are created
  • SQL is not case sensitive but its good practice to CAPITALIZE SQL keywords
  • terminate each statement with semicolon;
  • comments in SQL: use -- to ignore a SQL statement
  • every row is called a 'record'

View Database tables

  • Under Schemas, select the database
  • can also execute this by code:

USE - Select a database named: sql_store

USE sql_store;

The Select Statement

SELECT (column) FROM (table) WHERE (condition) ORDER BY (name of columns to sort results on)

  • note: the order matters...SELECT / FROM / WHERE / ORDER BY
  • under Tables, select the table you want to view
  • click the icon that looks like a table with a thunder icon
  • executes code (shows all table data)
  • here we selecting all columns (* )
  • use WHERE to filter
  • use ORDER BY (name of columns) to sort results on
SELECT * FROM sql_store.customers;
FROM customers
WHERE customer_id = 1
ORDER BY first_name

the SELECT clause

  • we can select just the columns we want from a table

Selecting some columns from Table

  • populates result set table
  • can use parenthesis
  • AS aliases can be used, if the alias has spaces, wrap in ''
  • DISTINCT keyword can be used to return unique values from SQL (ie. remove duplicates)
(points * 10) + 100 AS 'discount factor'
FROM customers
FROM customers
unit_price AS 'unit price',
(unit_price * 1.1) AS 'new price'
FROM Products

the WHERE clause

  • Where can be used as a filter to limit results, if true, it is included in result set
  • comparison operators can be used on Date values as strings eg. '1990-01-01'

Comparison operators

  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • =
  • != OR <> (both mean not equal)
FROM Customers
WHERE points > 3000
FROM Customers
where state = 'VA'      --note: string 'va' is not case sensative

Date syntax

'1990-01-01' --date syntax YYYY-MM-DD
FROM Customers
WHERE birth_date > '1990-01-01'

Get Orders placed this year

FROM Orders
WHERE order date >= '2019-01-01'

AND , OR , NOT operators

  • Combining multiple search conditions
  • AND operator is always evaluated first
FROM Orders
WHERE order date >= '2019-01-01' OR
    (points > 1000 AND state = 'VA')
  • WHERE NOT operator can negate condition, but you can simplify by turning the expression into its negated value
FROM Orders
-- WHERE NOT (birth_date > '1990-01-01' OR points > 1000)

WHERE birth_date <= '1990-01-01' AND points <= 1000


  • From the order_items table, get the items for order #6 where the total price is greater than 30
FROM order_items
WHERE order_id = 6 AND
(quantity * unit_price) > 30

In Operator

  • IN is like OR
FROM Customers
-- WHERE state = 'VA' OR state = 'GA' OR state = 'FL'
--same as
WHERE state IN ('VA', 'FL', 'GA')
WHERE state NOT IN ('VA', 'FL', 'GA')


  • Return products with quantity in stock equal to 49, 38, 72
FROM products
WHERE quantity_in_stock IN (49, 38, 72)

BETWEEN operator

  • values are inclusive
FROM customers
-- WHERE points >= 1000 AND points <= 3000
WHERE points BETWEEN 1000 AND 3000


  • return customers born between 1990/1/1 and 1/1/2000
FROM customers
WHERE birth_date BETWEEN '1990-01-01' AND '2000-01-01'