I have deviated from the course a bit, customized the interface, backend and frontend to cater for my own requirments.
- validation - im using validatejs
- the course starts with server side rendering of pages using template engines where i went with REST api
- using JSONApi for backend data structure
- using React on frontend
- using Vite for build
This folder covers the following sections from Udemy course: https://www.udemy.com/course/nodejs-the-complete-guide
Working with mongoose
Sessions & cookies (switched out for jwt)
- switch out again: JWT tokens with BEARER to JWT cookies
adding authentication
sending emails
- using
advanced authentication
Error handling
File upload and download
Adding Pagination
Understanding Async requests
Adding Payments (incomplete)
Working with REST API's (basics)
Application of REST Apis
understanding Async/await in nodejs
understanding web sockets & socket.io (incomplete)
working with graphql (incomplete)
testing nodejs applications
nodejs as a build tool
modern js and node
nodejs and typescript