LiferayContent is a gem library providing access to content hosted on Liferay portal ( It works through the Liferay web service (JSON version). So far, only Article can be retrieved.
Add it to your Gemfile:
gem "liferay_content"
Configure your Rails (or Ruby) application to use the related Liferay server. For example, in Rails, create a liferay_content.rb file inside the initializers folder and place inside this file the configuration:
LiferayContent.setup do |config| = "" config.port = 80 config.uri = "/tunnel-web/secure/json" config.group_id = 112345 config.login = "[email protected]" config.password = "abcde" end
Retrieve the article content from a controller:
@content = LiferayContent::Article.get(39860).html_safe
Display the content in a view:
<%= @content %>