Pipeline for evaluating actionable findings from VCF file
GATK GRCh38 resource files (via FTP Server Access; see details here )
Create a pedigree file with six columns
Family ID (same as individual ID if unrelated)
Individual ID
Paternal ID (0 if founder)
Maternal ID (0 if founder)
Sex (2=Female; 1=Male)
Phenotype (2=Case; 1=Control)
zcat AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.vcf.gz | head -5000 | egrep CHROM | \
awk '{ for (i=10;i<=NF;++i) print $i,$i,0,0,2,1}' \
> AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.vcf.ped
Prepare a dbSNP file by excluding variants after version 129
# specify the path to your gatk resource folder
gatk_resources=< path>
refseq=$gatk_resources /Homo_sapiens_assembly38.fasta
dbsnp=$gatk_resources /dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz
# remove variants after version 129 to evaluate TiTv (>3.0 for exome and >2.0 for genome)
bcftools filter -e " dbSNPBuildID>129" /psychipc01/disk2/references/GATK_hg38_bundle/dbsnp_146.hg38.vcf.gz | bgzip > $gatk_resources /dbsnp_146.hg38.excluding_sites_after_129.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf -f $gatk_resources /dbsnp_146.hg38.excluding_sites_after_129.vcf.gz
dbsnp129=$gatk_resources /dbsnp_146.hg38.excluding_sites_after_129.vcf.gz
Variant Evaluation using GATK to determine the TiTv
./gatk --java-options " -Xms10g -Xmx10g" VariantEval \
-R $refseq \
--dbsnp $dbsnp129 \
--eval AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.vcf.gz \
-ped AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.ped \
--no-st -ST Sample -ST Novelty -ST Filter \
--no-ev -EV CountVariants -EV TiTvVariantEvaluator \
--lenient \
-O AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.VariantEval.gatk-report
Individual-based and variant-based quality control using PLINK
plink2 --vcf /lustre1/u/u3579068/project/AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4_AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.vcf.gz \
--double-id \
--vcf-min-gq 20 \
--vcf-min-dp 8 \
--out AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCpos
plink2 --pfile AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCpos \
--maf 0.05 \
--geno 0.05 \
--max-alleles 2 \
--make-bed \
--out AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCedpos.biallelic.maf05
# PLINK 1.9
plink --bfile AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCedpos.biallelic.maf05 \
--indep-pairwise 200 50 0.2 \
--out AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCedpos.biallelic.maf05.pruned
plink --bfile AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCedpos.biallelic.maf05 \
--extract AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCedpos.biallelic.maf05.pruned.prune.in \
--genome \
--out AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.QCedpos.biallelic.maf05.pruned
Allele frequency
In silico damaging scores
java -Xmx37g -jar kggseq.jar \
--resource resources/ \
--no-lib-check --buildver hg19 \
--vcf-file /lustre1/u/u3579068/project/AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4_AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.vcf.gz \
--seq-qual 30 --seq-mq 20 --gty-qual 20 --gty-dp 8 \
--db-gene refgene --gene-feature-in 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 \
--db-filter 1kg201204,1kgafr201204,1kgeur201204,1kgasn201204,1kgeur201305,1kgeas201305,1kgafr201305,ESP6500AA,ESP6500EA,exac,ehr,gadexome,gadgenome \
--rare-allele-freq 1.1 \
--db-score dbnsfp \
--mendel-causing-predict best \
--out AnVIL_CCDG_Broad_NP_Epilepsy_HKOSB_GRU_WES_Year4.impact \
--nt 10 # number of nodes
Extract the Clinvar variants of genes of interest
Get the ncbi gene TSS and TSE from UCSC Table Browser (like the one introduced in BBMS2003
ucsc.hg19.ncbiRefSeq.22Oct2018.txt: record the gene information
ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.genes: records the gene names of interest (one gene one row)
awk -F" \t" ' NR==FNR { gene[$1]++ } NR!=FNR && NR>1 && $3!~/_/ && $13 in gene { print $3"\t"$5"\t"$6"\t"$13 }' \
ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.genes \
ucsc.hg19.ncbiRefSeq.22Oct2018.txt \
| sort -k1,1 -k2,2g -k3,3g | uniq \
> UCSC.ncbiRefSeq.hg19.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.chr_tss_tse.txt
Extract the Clinvar variants of genes by TSE and TSE
awk ' { gsub("chr","",$2); print $1,$2":"$3"-"$4 }' UCSC.ncbiRefSeq.hg19.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.chr_tss_tse.txt | while read GENE CHRPOS; do
tabix /surgerypt04/disk1/References/Clinvar/clinvar_20211030.vcf.gz $CHRPOS > ClinVar/clinvar_20211030.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.$GENE .vcf
Extract the KGGseq annotation by gene (column 5 or 6; cannot remember)
write into ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.kggseqANNOT.kggseq_annot.protein-altering.maf05.AD.$GENE.txt
Record the chromosomal positions of the protein-altering variants from our data to bed file
cat ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.genes | while read GENE; do
awk -F" \t" -v gene=$GENE ' BEGIN { OFS="\t" }{ varend=$2 }
$5==gene && ($6=="missense" || $6~/frameshift/ || $6~/stop/ || $6~/start/ || $6=="splicing"){
if (length($3)>3){ split($3,ra,"/"); if (ra[2]~/+/) varend=$2+length(ra[2])-1 }
print $1,$2,varend,$1":"$2":"$3 }' \
ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.kggseqANNOT.kggseq_annot.protein-altering.maf05.AD.$GENE .txt \
> bed/kggseqannot.$GENE .protein-altering.bed
Record the chromosomal positions of protein-altering ClinVar variants to bed file
cat ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.genes | while read GENE; do
awk -F" \t" ' BEGIN { OFS="\t" }{ afflength=(length($4)>length($5))?length($4):length($5); afflength; print $1,$2,$2+afflength-1,$3":"$4":"$5":"$8 }' \
ClinVar/clinvar_20211030.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.$GENE .vcf \
> ClinVar/clinvar_20211030.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.$GENE .bed
Record the overlapping variants
# module load BEDTools (search the exact name by module avail)
cat ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.genes | while read GENE; do
bedtools window -a bed/kggseqannot.$GENE .protein-altering.bed -b ClinVar/clinvar_20211030.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.$GENE .bed -w 1 \
| perl -lane ' { if ($F[7]=~/CLNSIG=([^,;]+);/){ if ($1=~/atho/){ print $_ } } }' \
> ClinVar-vs-kggseq/ClinVar-vs-kggseq.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.wPatho.$GENE .protein-altering.txt
Merge the two sets of files together
cat ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.genes | while read GENE; do
awk ' NR==FNR { info[$1":"$2":"$3]=$0 } NR!=FNR && $4 in info { print $0"\t"info[$4] }' \
../ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.kggseqANNOT.kggseq_annot.protein-altering.maf05.AD.$GENE .txt \
ClinVar-vs-kggseq.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.wPatho.$GENE .protein-altering.txt \
> ClinVar-vs-kggseq.ACMG_IFv3.0_new_n14.AD.wPatho.$GENE .protein-altering.flt.txt; done