- Fleeces, T-shirts
- 3D Printer Training
- Workshop Tool Suggestions/donations
- Rota?
- Funding for professional cleaner?
- Untidy desk will result in you having to take care of the Nabaztag for a week
- New system:
- All materials stored in store
- Except workshop, lounge, cabinets in co-working space
- Store system drawn up by Eoghan, E to discuss it
- Some broken/obsolete/dangerous/unusable items being disposed of
- Emphasise workshop tidiness as a function of safety
- Outgoings
- Incomings
- State of finances
- Projections
- Plea for money
- Director positions
- Company Law re one year liability
- Review added sections
- Discuss
- Obtain consensus?
- Specifications
- Legal matters
- Remote IP power switches
- Creativity Month - B
- Mech Eng/Design workshop - D
- Gathering of Lightning - B
- Guitar Pedal workshop - B
- Gamecraft - B
- Flacknite topic suggestions - B
- Hack the Space - D
N/A, Town Hall's not wikified at the time