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An addition to this dependency parser which includes implementations for beam search, selectional branching, and heuristic backtracking, as described in this paper.

If using this code, please cite the paper:

  author    = {Buckman, Jacob  and  Ballesteros, Miguel  and  Dyer, Chris},
  title     = {Transition-Based Dependency Parsing with Heuristic Backtracking},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2016 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing},
  month     = {November},
  year      = {2016},
  address   = {Austin, Texas},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {2313--2318},
  url       = {}

Using alternate decoding methods

To use each decoding method, simply add the correct flags to the model (all numbers in these examples are tunable parameters):

-b 12: Beam search with 12 beams

-D -b 50: Dynamic beam search, cutting off any beams whose score is less than 50% of the top beam

-b 32 -M .105: Selectional branching, maximum of 32 beams, spawn a new beam whenever the negative log of the difference in probabilities between the top two beams is less than .105

-B 12: Heuristic backtracking, backtrack 12 times

-B 12 --hb_cutoff: Heuristic backtracking, backtrack up to 12 times unless we cutoff earlier

Training the cutoff model

The cutoff model freezes the parameters of the regular network and trains an additional Stack-LSTM to predict where to cut off parsing. To train this model, use the normal training script, make sure you load an already-trained model, and add the --train_hb flag.

Checking out the project for the first time

The first time you clone the repository, you need to sync the cnn/ submodule.

git submodule init
git submodule update

Build instructions

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/opt/tools/eigen-dev ..
make -j2

Update cnn instructions

To sync the most recent version of cnn, you need to issue the following command:

git submodule foreach git pull origin master

How to get the arc-std oracles (traning set and dev set of the parser) having a CoNLL 2006 file:

java -jar ParserOracleArcStd.jar -t -1 -l 1 -c train10.conll -i train10.conll > oracleTrainArcStd.txt
(oracle code is in: /usr2/home/miguel/ParserOracle)
(the train10.conll file should be fully projective)


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