x*(x+1)/2, where x=max(l, r)
First, we need to calculate how many pairs (i, j) are there where
To do this, for each 0<=x<k, we need to record x^a and x^b mod k,
then check for each 0<=x<k, the number of i where (i^a)%k=x
and the number of j where (j^b)%k=k-x
Then, we need to minus the number of i where (i^a+i^b)%k=0
Note: the number of i in [1, n] where i%k==x
is n/k+(x!=0&&x<=n%k?1:0)
We can use a TreeMap to remember all the segments where it's covered
by only one given interval.
That is, sort all intervals, keep the current segments where it's covered
only once, and consider each case
Check calTreeMap
in for details.
After calculating the treemap, then for each interval, check all the length
of segments in the treemap where it's covered by this segment.
This problem is hard, extremely hard.
Assume prims[n]
the number of n-permutation where it can not be divided anymore.
(0, 1, 1, 3, 13, ...)
Then prims[n]=n! - sigma_(i,0,n-1) {i!*prims[n-i]}
Let f[n, k]
means the number of n-permutation where it can be divided to
at most k segments.
Then f[n, 1]=prims[n]
, f[n, k] = sigma_(i,0,n-1) {f[i, k-1]*prims[n-i]}
We need to calculate ss[n] = sigma_(k,1,n) {k*k*f[n, k]}
To solve this, first we calculate s[n] = sigma_(k,1,n) {k*f[n, k]}
Obviously, s[n] = sigma_(i,0,n-1) {(s[i]+i!)*prims[n-i]}
and we can get ss[n] = sigma_(i,0,n-1) {(ss[i]+2*s[i]+i!)*prims[n-i]}
Time complexity:
O(n^2) to calculate prims[n]
, no need to calculate f[n,k]
O(n^2) to calculate s[n]
, O(n^2) to calculate ss[n]
Check for more details.