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A zoom/pan/drag plugin for Snap.svg
This is an an adaptation of Andrea Leofreddi's SVGPan library, version 1.2.2, for use as a Snap.svg plugin.
This usually use on present view only. Not for Storing or Modifying the paper.
Drop me an issue/PR for the showcase
$ bower install snap.svg.zpd --save
$ npm install snap.svg.zpd --save
Include snap.svg.zpd.js
after snap.svg.js
<script src="snap.svg.js"></script>
<script src="snap.svg.zpd.js"></script>
Writing the script
var paper = Snap();
var bigCircle = paper.circle(150, 150, 100);
// with options and callback
paper.zpd(options, function (err, paper) {
// with callback
paper.zpd(function (err, paper) {
true or false: enable or disable panning (default true)
true or false: enable or disable zooming (default true)
true or false: enable or disable dragging (default false)
number: Zoom sensitivity (default 0.2)
array: min and max zoom level threshold [min, max] (default null)
Destroy all the zpd elements, events and nodes
// => return SVGMatrix {a:0.6787972450256348,b:0,c:0,d:0.6787972450256348,e:159.63783264160156,f:12.84811782836914}
paper.zpd('save', function (err, data) {
// => return SVGMatrix {a:0.6787972450256348,b:0,c:0,d:0.6787972450256348,e:159.63783264160156,f:12.84811782836914}
return current <g> transform attribute (matrix) - only in pan,zoom, not for drag now
paper.zpd({ load: {a:0.6787972450256348,b:0,c:0,d:0.6787972450256348,e:159.63783264160156,f:12.84811782836914}});
set the initial <g> transform matrix
back to the origin location
paper.zoomTo(1.5, 3000, mina.bounce, function (err, paper) {
zoom (must > 0), interval (ms optional), mina (optional), callback (optional)
paper.panTo('-1'); // go left -1 x location
paper.panTo('+0', '-1'); // go up -1 y location
paper.panTo(100,100); // go to location (x, y) (100, 100)
paper.panTo(100, 100, 3000, mina.bounce, function (err, paper) {
x, y (can be number or string with + -), interval (ms optional), mina (optional), callback (optional)
paper.panTo(a, x, y, mina.bounce, function (err, paper) {
a (rotate degree) x, y (original point), interval (ms optional), mina (optional), callback (optional)
to add an element to the transformation matrix. select the group that contains the matrix
canvas = Snap.select('#snapsvg-zpd-'+paper.id);
create an element and add
Basic concepts of matrix
to get the current matrix
SVGMatrix {
a: zoom,
b: 0,
c: 0,
d: zoom,
e: offset X,
f: offset Y
if you need to map one point, for example event.click (x, y)
matrix X = (original X + offsetX) / zoom
matrix Y = (original Y + offsetY) / zoom