This module is used to configure a virtual webhost wich contains files for autoconfiguring email clients.
include autoconfigmail
To make it work, you need to setup DNS for your maildomains. An example record would look like:
; Autoconfig for Thunderbird etc.
autoconfig IN CNAME your_webserver
; Autoconfig for Outlook
autodiscover._tcp IN SRV 0 5 80 your_webserver
Find a reference of all available parameters in the manifests or in the file.
add further autoconfigure methods. eg: for iOS / Apple Mail (email.mobileconfig).
Please report bugs and feature request using GitHub issue tracker.
For pull requests, it is very much appreciated to check your Puppet manifest with puppet-lint and the available spec tests in order to follow the recommended Puppet style guidelines from the Puppet Labs style guide.
This module is mainly written by Cirrax GmbH.
See the list of contributors for a list of all contributors.