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📝 StateDB GoDoc

StateDB is an in-memory database for Go. The database is built on top of Persistent Adaptive Radix Trees.

StateDB is/supports:

  • In-memory. Objects and indexes are stored in main memory and not on disk. This makes it easy to store and index any Go data type.

  • Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC). Both objects and indexes are immutable and objects are versioned. A read transaction has access to an immutable snapshot of the data.

  • Cross-table write transactions. Write transactions lock the requested tables and allow modifying objects in multiple tables as a single atomic action. Transactions can be aborted to throw away the changes.

  • Multiple indexes. A table may have one or more indexers for objects, with each indexer returning zero or more keys. Indexes can be unique or non-unique. A non-unique index is a concatenation of the primary and secondary keys.

  • Watch channels. Changes to the database can be watched at fine-granularity via Go channels that close when a relevant part of the database changes. This is implemented by having a Go channel at each of the radix tree nodes. This enables watching an individual object for changes, a key prefix, or the whole table.

Warning! Immutable data! Read this!

To support lockless readers and transactionality StateDB relies on both the indexes and the objects themselves being immutable. Since in Go you cannot declare fields const we cannot stop mutation of public fields in objects. This means that care must be taken with objects stored in StateDB and not mutate objects that have been inserted into it. This means both the fields directly in the object and everything referenced from it, e.g. a map field must not be modified, but must be cloned first!

StateDB has a check in Insert() to validate that if an object is a pointer then it cannot be replaced with the same pointer, but that at least a shallow clone has been made. This of course doesn't extend to references within the object.

For "very important objects", please consider storing an interface type instead that contains getter methods and a safe way of mutating the object, e.g. via the builder pattern or a constructor function.

Also prefer persistent/immutable data structures within the object to avoid expensive copying on mutation. The part package comes with persistent Map[K]V and Set[T].


Here's a quick example to show how using StateDB looks like.

// Define an object to store in the database.
type MyObject struct {
  ID uint32
  Foo string

// Define how to index and query the object.
var IDIndex = statedb.Index[*MyObject, uint32]{
  Name: "id",
  FromObject: func(obj *MyObject) index.KeySet {
    return index.NewKeySet(index.Uint64(obj.ID))
  FromKey: func(id uint32) index.Key {
    return index.Uint32(id)
  Unique: true,

// Create the database and the table.
func example() {
  db := statedb.New()
  myObjects, err := statedb.NewTable(
  if err != nil { ... }

  if err := db.RegisterTable(myObjects); err != nil {

  wtxn := db.WriteTxn(myObjects)
  // Insert some objects
  myObjects.Insert(wtxn, &MyObject{1, "a"})
  myObjects.Insert(wtxn, &MyObject{2, "b"})
  myObjects.Insert(wtxn, &MyObject{3, "c"})

  // Modify an object
  if obj, _, found := myObjects.Get(wtxn, IDIndex.Query(1)); found {
    objCopy := *obj
    objCopy.Foo = "d"
    myObjects.Insert(wtxn, &objCopy)

  // Delete an object
  if obj, _, found := myObjects.Get(wtxn, IDIndex.Query(2)); found {
    myObjects.Delete(wtxn, obj)
  if feelingLucky {
    // Commit the changes.
  } else {
    // Throw away the changes.

  // Query the objects with a snapshot of the database.
  txn := db.ReadTxn()

  if obj, _, found := myObjects.Get(txn, IDIndex.Query(1)); found {

  // Iterate over all objects
  for obj := range myObjects.All() {

  // Iterate with revision
  for obj, revision := range myObjects.All() {
  // Iterate all objects and then wait until something changes.
  objs, watch := myObjects.AllWatch(txn)
  for obj := range objs { ... }

  // Grab a new snapshot to read the new changes.
  txn = db.ReadTxn()
  // Iterate objects with ID >= 2
  objs, watch = myObjects.LowerBoundWatch(txn, IDIndex.Query(2))
  for obj := range objs { ... }
  // Iterate objects where ID is between 0x1000_0000 and 0x1fff_ffff
  objs, watch = myObjects.PrefixWatch(txn, IDIndex.Query(0x1000_0000))
  for obj := range objs { ... }

Read on for a more detailed guide or check out the Go package docs.

Guide to StateDB

StateDB can be used directly as a normal library, or as a Hive Cell. For example usage as part of Hive, see reconciler/example. Here we show a standalone example.

We start by defining the data type we want to store in the database. There are no constraints on the type and it may be a primitive type like an int or a struct type, or a pointer. Since each index stores a copy of the object one should use a pointer if the object is large.

import (

type ID = uint64
type Tag = string
type MyObject struct {
  ID ID              // Identifier
  Tags part.Set[Tag] // Set of tags


With the object defined, we can describe how it should be indexed. Indexes are constant values and can be defined as global variables alongside the object type. Indexes take two type parameters, your object type and the key type: Index[MyObject, ID]. Additionally you define two operations: FromObject that takes your object and returns a set of StateDB keys (zero or many), and FromKey that takes the key type of your choosing and converts it to a StateDB key.

// IDIndex is the primary index for MyObject indexing the 'ID' field.
var IDIndex = statedb.Index[*MyObject, ID]{
  Name: "id",

  FromObject: func(obj *MyObject) index.KeySet {
    return index.NewKeySet(index.Uint64(obj.ID))

  FromKey: func(id ID) index.Key {
    return index.Uint64(id)
  // Above is equal to just:
  // FromKey: index.Uint64,

  Unique: true, // IDs are unique.

The index.Key seen above is just a []byte. The index package contains many functions for converting into the index.Key type, for example index.Uint64 and so on.

A single object can also map to multiple keys (multi-index). Let's construct an index for tags.

var TagsIndex = statedb.Index[*MyObject, Tag]{
  Name: "tags",

  FromObject: func(o *MyObject) index.KeySet {
    // index.Set turns the part.Set[string] into a set of keys
    // (set of byte slices)
    return index.Set(o.Tags)

  FromKey: index.String,

  // Many objects may have the same tag, so we mark this as
  // non-unique.
  Unique: false,

With the indexes now defined, we can construct a table.

Setting up a table

func NewMyObjectTable() (statedb.RWTable[*MyObject], error) {
  return statedb.NewTable[*MyObject](

    IDIndex,   // IDIndex is the primary index
    TagsIndex, // TagsIndex is a secondary index
    // ... more secondary indexes can be passed in here

The NewTable function takes the name of the table, a primary index and zero or more secondary indexes. The table name must match the regular expression "^[a-z][a-z0-9_\-]{0,30}$".

NewTable returns a RWTable, which is an interface for both reading and writing to a table. An RWTable is a superset of Table, an interface that contains methods just for reading. This provides a simple form of type-level access control to the table. NewTable may return an error if the name or indexers are malformed, for example if IDIndex is not unique (primary index has to be), or if the indexers have overlapping names.


With the table defined, we can now create the database and start writing and reading to the table.

db := statedb.New()

myObjects, err := NewMyObjectTable()
if err != nil { return err }

// Register the table with the database.
err := db.RegisterTable(myObjects)
if err != nil { 
  // May fail if the table with the same name is already registered.
  return err

To insert objects into a table, we'll need to create a WriteTxn. This locks the target table(s) allowing for an atomic transaction change.

// Create a write transaction against the 'myObjects' table, locking
// it for writing.
// Note that the returned 'wtxn' holds internal state and it is not
// safe to use concurrently (e.g. you must not have multiple goroutines
// using the same WriteTxn in parallel).
wtxn := db.WriteTxn(myObjects)

// We can defer an Abort() of the transaction in case we encounter
// issues and want to forget our writes. This is a good practice
// to safe-guard against forgotten call to Commit(). Worry not though,
// StateDB has a finalizer on WriteTxn to catch forgotten Abort/Commit.
defer wtxn.Abort()

// Insert an object into the table. This will be visible to readers
// only when we commit.
obj := &MyObject{ID: 42, Tags: part.NewStringSet("hello")}
oldObj, hadOld, err := myObjects.Insert(wtxn, obj)
if err != nil {
  // Insert can fail only if 'wtxn' is not locking the table we're
  // writing to, or if 'wxtn' was already committed.
  return err
// hadOld is true and oldObj points to an old version of the object
// if it was replaced. Since the object type can be a non-pointer
// we need the separate 'hadOld' boolean and cannot just check for nil.

// Commit the changes to the database and notify readers by closing the
// relevant watch channels.


Now that there's something in the table we can try out reading. We can read either using a read-only ReadTxn, or we can read using a WriteTxn. With a ReadTxn we'll be reading from a snapshot and nothing we do will affect other readers or writers (unless you mutate the immutable object, in which case bad things happen).

txn := db.ReadTxn()

The txn is now a frozen snapshot of the database that we can use to read the data.

// Let's break out the types so you know what is going on.
var (
  obj *MyObject
  revision statedb.Revision
  found bool
  watch <-chan struct{}
// Get returns the first matching object in the query.
obj, revision, found = myObjects.Get(txn, IDIndex.Query(42))
if found {
  // obj points to the object we inserted earlier.
  // revision is the "table revision" for the object. Revisions are
  // incremented for a table on every insertion or deletion.
// GetWatch is the same as Get, but also gives us a watch
// channel that we can use to wait on the object to appear or to
// change.
obj, revision, watch, found = myObjects.GetWatch(txn, IDIndex.Query(42))
<-watch // closes when object with ID '42' is inserted or deleted


List can be used to iterate over all objects that match the query.

// List returns all matching objects as an iter.Seq2[Obj, Revision].
objs := myObjects.List(txn, TagsIndex.Query("hello"))
for obj, revision := range objs {

// ListWatch is like List, but also returns a watch channel.
objs, watch := myObjects.ListWatch(txn, TagsIndex.Query("hello"))
for obj, revision := range objs { ... }

// closes when an object with tag "hello" is inserted or deleted.

Prefix or PrefixWatch can be used to iterate over objects that match a given prefix.

// Prefix does a prefix search on an index. Here it returns an iterator
// for all objects that have a tag that starts with "h".
objs, watch = myObjects.Prefix(txn, TagsIndex.Query("h"))
for obj := range objs {

// closes when an object with a tag starting with "h" is inserted or deleted

LowerBound or LowerBoundWatch can be used to iterate over objects that have a key equal to or higher than given key.

// LowerBoundWatch can be used to find all objects with a key equal to or higher
// than specified key. The semantics of it depends on how the indexer works.
// For example index.Uint32 returns the big-endian or most significant byte
// first form of the integer, in other words the number 3 is the key
// []byte{0, 0, 0, 3}, which allows doing a meaningful LowerBound search on it.
objs, watch = myObjects.LowerBoundWatch(txn, IDIndex.Query(3))
for obj, revision := range objs {
  // obj.ID >= 3

// closes when anything happens to the table. This is because there isn't a
// clear notion of what part of the index to watch for, e.g. if the index
// stores 0x01, 0x11, 0x20, and we do LowerBound(0x10), then none of these nodes
// in the tree are what we should watch for since "0x01" is in the wrong subtree
// and we may insert "0x10" above "0x11", so cannot watch that either. LowerBound
// could return the watch channel of the node that shares a prefix with the search
// term, but instead StateDB currently does the conservative thing and returns the
// watch channel of the "root node".

All objects stored in StateDB have an associated revision. The revision is unique to the table and increments on every insert or delete. Revisions can be queried with ByRevision.

// StateDB also has a built-in index for revisions and that can be used to
// iterate over the objects in the order they have been changed. Furthermore
// we can use this to wait for new changes!
lastRevision := statedb.Revision(0)
for {
  objs, watch = myObjects.LowerBoundWatch(txn, statedb.ByRevision(lastRevision+1))
  for obj, revision := range objs {
    // do something with obj
    lastRevision = revision

  // Wait until there are new changes. In real code we probably want to
  // do a 'select' here and check for 'ctx.Done()' etc.

  // We should rate limit so we can see a batch of changes in one go.
  // For sake of example just sleeping here, but you likely want to use the
  // 'rate' package.

  // Take a new snapshot so we can see the changes.
  txn = db.ReadTxn()

As it's really useful to know when an object has been deleted, StateDB has a facility for storing deleted objects in a separate index until they have been observed. Using Changes one can iterate over insertions and deletions.

// Let's iterate over both inserts and deletes. We need to use
// a write transaction to create the change iterator as this needs to
// register with the table to track the deleted objects. 

wtxn := statedb.WriteTxn(myObjects)
changeIter, err := myObjects.Changes(wtxn)
if err != nil {
  // This can fail due to same reasons as e.g. Insert()
  // e.g. transaction not locking target table or it has
  // already been committed.
  return err

// Now very similar to the LowerBound revision iteration above, we will
// iterate over the changes.
for {
  changes, watch := changeIter.Next(db.ReadTxn())
  for change := range changes {
    if change.Deleted {
      fmt.Printf("Object %#v was deleted!\n", change.Object)
    } else {
      fmt.Printf("Object %#v was inserted!\n", change.Object)
  // Wait for more changes.
  select {
  case <-ctx.Done():
  case <-watch:

Modifying objects

Modifying objects is basically just a query and an insert to override the object. One must however take care to not modify the object returned by the query.

// Let's make a write transaction to modify the table.
wtxn := db.WriteTxn(myObjects)

// Now that we have the table written we can retrieve an object and none will
// be able to modify it until we commit.
obj, revision, found := myObjects.Get(wtxn, IDIndex.Query(42))
if !found { panic("it should be there, I swear!") }

// We cannot just straight up modify 'obj' since someone might be reading it.
// It's supposed to be immutable after all. To make this easier, let's define
// a Clone() method.
func (obj *MyObject) Clone() *MyObject {
  obj2 := *obj
  return &obj2

// Now we can do a "shallow clone" of the object and we can modify the fields
// without the readers getting upset. Of course we still cannot modify anything
// referenced by those fields without cloning the fields themselves. But that's
// why we're using persistent data structures like 'part.Set' and 'part.Map'.
// Let's add a new tag. But first we clone.
obj = obj.Clone()
obj.Tags = obj.Tags.Set("foo")

// Now we have a new object that has "foo" set. We can now write it to the table.
oldObj, hadOld, err := myObjects.Insert(wtxn, obj)
// err should be nil, since we're using the WriteTxn correctly
// oldObj is the original object, without the "foo" tag
// hadOld is true since we replaced the object

// Commit the transaction so everyone sees it.

// We can also do a "compare-and-swap" to insert an object. This is useful when
// computing the change we want to make is expensive. Here's how you do it.

// Start with a ReadTxn that is cheap and doesn't block anyone.
txn := db.ReadTxn()

// Look up the object we want to update and perform some slow calculation
// to produce the desired new object.
obj, revision, found := myObjects.Get(txn, IDIndex.Query(42))
obj = veryExpensiveCalculation(obj)

// Now that we're ready to insert we can grab a WriteTxn.
wtxn := db.WriteTxn(myObjects)

// Let's try and update the object with the revision of the object we used
// for that expensive calculation.
oldObj, hadOld, err := myObjects.CompareAndSwap(wtxn, obj, revision)
if errors.Is(err, statedb.ErrRevisionNotEqual) {
  // Oh no, someone updated the object while we were calculating.
  // I guess I need to calculate again...
  return err


StateDB includes few utility functions for operating on the iterators returned by the query methods.

  // objs is an iterator for (object, revision) pairs. It can be consumed
  // multiple times.
  var objs iter.Seq2[*MyObject, statedb.Revision]
  objs = myObjects.All(db.ReadTxn())

  // The values can be collected into a slice.
  var objsSlice []*MyObject
  objsSlice = statedb.Collect(objs)

  // The sequence can be mapped to another value.
  var ids iter.Seq2[ID, Revision]
  ids = statedb.Map(objs, func(o *MyObject) ID { return o.ID })

  // The sequence can be filtered.
  ids = statedb.Filter(ids, func(id ID) bool { return id > 0 })

  // The revisions can be dropped by converting iter.Seq2 into iter.Seq
  var onlyIds iter.Seq[ID]
  onlyIds = statedb.ToSeq(ids)

Performance considerations

Needless to say, one should keep the duration of the write transactions as short as possible so that other writers are not starved (readers are not affected as they're reading from a snapshot). Writing in batches or doing first a ReadTxn to compute the changes and committing with CompareAndSwap is a good way to accomplish this as shown above (optimistic concurrency control).

One should also avoid keeping the ReadTxn around when for example waiting on a watch channel to close. The ReadTxn holds a pointer to the database root and thus holding it will prevent old objects from being garbage collected by the Go runtime. Considering grabbing the ReadTxn in a function and returning the watch channel to the function doing the for-select loop.

It is fine to hold onto the iter.Seq2[Obj, Revision] returned by the queries and since it may be iterated over multiple times, it may be preferable to pass and hold the iter.Seq2 instead of collecting the objects into a slice.

Persistent Map and Set

The part package contains persistent Map[K, V] and Set[T] data structures. These, like StateDB, are implemented with the Persistent Adaptive Radix Trees. They are meant to be used as replacements for the built-in mutable Go hashmap in StateDB objects as they're persistent (operations return a copy) and thus more efficient to copy and suitable to use in immutable objects.

Here's how to use Map[K, V]:

import (

// Create a new map with strings as keys
m := part.NewStringMap[int]()

// Set the key "one" to value 1. Returns a new map.
mNew := m.Set("one", 1)
v, ok := m.Get("one")
// ok == false since we didn't modify the original map.

v, ok = mNew.Get("one")
// v == 1, ok == true

// Let's reuse 'm' as our variable.
m = mNew
m = m.Set("two")

// All key-value pairs can be iterated over.
kvs := m.All()
// Maps can be prefix and lowerbound searched, just like StateDB tables
kvs = m.Prefix("a")  // Iterator for anything starting with 'a'
kvs = m.LowerBound("b") // Iterator for anything equal to 'b' or larger, e.g. 'bb' or 'c'...

for k, v := range kvs {
  // ...

m.Len() == 2
m = m.Delete("two")
m.Len() == 1

// We can use arbitrary types as keys and values... provided
// we teach it how to create a byte slice key out of it.
type Obj struct {
  ID string
m2 := part.NewMap[*Obj, *Obj](
  func(o *Obj) []byte { return []byte(o.ID) },
  func(b []byte) string { return string(b) },
o := &Obj{ID: "foo"}
m2.Set(o, o)

And here's Set[T]:

// 's' is now the empty string set
s := part.StringSet
s = s.Set("hello")
s.Has("hello") == true
s2 := s.Delete("hello")
s.Has("hello") == true
s2.Has("hello") == false

// we can initialize a set with NewStringSet
s3 := part.NewStringSet("world", "foo")

// Sets can be combined.
s3 = s3.Union(s)
// s3 now contains "hello", "foo", world"
s3.Len() == 3

// Print "hello", "foo", "world"
for word := range s3.All() {

// We can remove a set from another set
s4 := s3.Difference(part.NewStringSet("foo"))
s4.Has("foo") == false

// As with Map[K, V] we can define Set[T] for our own objects
type Obj struct {
  ID string
s5 := part.NewSet[*Obj](
  func(o *Obj) []byte { return []byte(o.ID) },
s5.Has(&Obj{"quux"}) == true


This repository comes with a generic reconciliation utility that watches a table for changes and performs a configurable Update or Delete operation on the change. The status of the operation is written back into the object, which allows inspecting or waiting for an object to be reconciled. On failures the reconciler will retry the operation at a later time. Reconciler supports health reporting and metrics.

See the example application in reconciler/example for more information.