Plugin in Python3 for Nagios to check the status of alerts on a remote AlertManager.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt <alertManager_URL> <crit_level> <alt_hostname> <tls_enable>
-h, --help: Show this help message and exit
URL of the AlertManager instance
The sensibility of the check. Default is 2.
1: Critical if ANY alert is raised regardless of the alert severity
2: Critical if ONLY CRITICAL alerts are raised
3: Warning always, this check will return a warning
4: Warning if ANY alert is raised regardless if the alert is suppressed or not
5: Critical if ANY alert is raised regardless if the alert is suppressed or not
Alternative hostname to use in the output. Default is the hostname of the machine.
If empty localhost will be used.
TLS for the hostname. Default is False.
0: Disable TLS, HTTP scheme will be used
1: Enable TLS, HTTPS scheme will be used