Standalone functions for calculating binomial, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and Fisher 2x2/2x3 exact test statistics.
Test program compilation:
gcc -O2 binom.c binom_test.c -o binom_test
gcc -O2 snphwe2.c snphwe_test.c -o snphwe_test
gcc -O2 fisher.c fisher_test.c -o fisher_test
Test program usage examples:
binom_test binom_test.txt
binom_test 2900 5000 0.52
snphwe_test snphwe_test.txt
snphwe_test 16 3 81
fisher_test fisher_test.txt
fisher_test 20 30 40 50 60 70
binom.c and fisher.c are covered by GPLv3 (see the LICENSE file). For snphwe2.c usage rules, refer to the Abecasis Lab's SNP-HWE page at .