The following is organized by the SYNCHS screens each function appears on:
First check is full UI support; second check is lower-level IO and
tests. strikeout text means no plans to support that feature.
[x] Create CRT file from existing VCE files
[ ]
Create a DOC file -
[ ]
View a DOC file -
[x] Load Synergy Machine State
[x] Save Synergy Machine State
[x] Load VRAM image
[x] Save VRAM image
[x] Edit VRAM image
[x] Disable VRAM
[x] Test communications
[ ]
"Extended programmer" Performance Program controller (sequence of CRT/SYN files for live performance) -
Voicing System Main screen
- [x] Load a VCE directly into VRAM
- [x] Save a VCE from VRAM
- [x] set # oscillators
- [x] set default patch
- [ ] clear filters
- [ ] import filters from other voice
- [ ] clear voicing system
- [ ]
print voicing parameters
Voice page
- [x] "ensemble"/"group"/"solo" oscillators
- [x] copy an oscillator (in Synergize, this is on the Envelopes page "copy from")
- [x] change harmonic
- [x] detune
- [x] aperiodic detune
- [x] select sine vs. triangle
- [x] assign A-filter, B-filter or no-filter to each oscillator
- [x] set timbre/amp sensitivity and center
- [x]
set portamento - [x] set vibrato
- [x] toggle keyboard proportionalization per oscillator
- [x] adjust the "patch" routing (adder, frequency, output registers)
Envelopes page (AKA Oscillator page)
- [x] Change number of points in an envelope
- [x] set Sustain point
- [x] set Loop point
- [x] change envelope type
- [ ]
scale up/down - [x] change freq, amp or time values for both upper and lower bounds
- [x] change type1 accelerations
- [ ] copy upper <-> lower
- [x] set each point in the curve
- [ ]
scale display - [x] copy other oscillator's filter
Keyboard Equalization
- [x] set each point in the curve
Keyboard Proportion
- [x] set each point in the curve
- VCART6 doesnt load
- refresh (explicit and perhaps automatically after a timeout?)