Brute force.
sort the intervals by start time.(NlogN Time)
for every interval i, check if it overlaps with any interval j.
if it does, merge the two intervals.
if it doesn't, add it to the result.
O(NlogN) Time O(N) Space Solution
Check for invalid case.
Sort the intervals by start time.
Take first pair of interval.
iterate over intervals and check if they overlap or not.
if they overlap, then change temp pair to max(temp[1],x[1])
else push temp pair to result and change temp pair to x.
class Solution {
vector<vector<int >> merge (vector<vector<int >> &intervals){
int n = intervals.size ();
vector<vector<int >> ans;
if (n == 0 ) return ans;
sort (intervals.begin (), intervals.end ());
vector<int > temp = intervals[0 ]; // first pair
for (auto &x : intervals){
if (temp[1 ] >= x[0 ]){
temp[1 ] = max (temp[1 ], x[1 ]);
else {
ans.push_back (temp);
temp = x;
ans.push_back (temp);
return ans;
O(NlogN) Time O(1) Space Solution
If we not consider the vector ans, which we have to return this problem can be solved without using temp vector.
We can simply use vector.back and do the operations on it.
class Solution {
vector<vector<int >> merge (vector<vector<int >> &intervals){
int n = intervals.size ();
if (n <= 1 ) return intervals;
sort (intervals.begin (), intervals.end ());
vector<vector<int >> ans;
ans.push_back (intervals[0 ]);
for (int i = 1 ; i < n; i++){
if (ans.back ()[1 ] >= intervals[i][0 ])
ans.back ()[1 ] = max (ans.back ()[1 ], intervals[i][1 ]);
ans.push_back (intervals[i]);
return ans;