Open brackets must be closed by the same type of brackets.
Open brackets must be closed in the correct order.
O(N) Time and O(N) Space, straightforward solution
if the string is empty, return true
if the string has an odd number of characters, return false
Create a stack to store parenthesis.
if character is any opening parenthesis, push it to the stack
after first if, if stack is empty, which means the character is closing parenthesis, return false
current character is matching parenthesis of top char of stack, pop that opening character from stack.
else push it in the stack.
return true if stack is empty else false.
class Solution {
bool isValid (string s){
stack<char > st;
int n = s.size ();
if ((n & 1 ))
return false ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++){
if (s[i] == ' (' || s[i] == ' [' || s[i] == ' {' ){
st.push (s[i]);
else {
if (st.empty ()) return false ;
if ((s[i] == ' )' && () == ' (' ) || (s[i] == ' ]' && () == ' [' ) || (s[i] == ' }' && () == ' {' )){
st.pop ();
}else {
st.push (s[i]);
return st.empty ();
Some slight simplification
we don't need to push extra closing parenthesis in the stack, if extra parenthesis appears return false.
class Solution {
bool isValid (string s){
stack<char > st;
int n = s.size ();
if ((n & 1 )) return false ;
for (int i = 0 ; i < n; i++){
if (s[i] == ' (' || s[i] == ' [' || s[i] == ' {' ){
st.push (s[i]);
else {
if (st.empty () || (s[i] == ' )' && () != ' (' ) || (s[i] == ' ]' && () != ' [' ) || (s[i] == ' }' && () != ' {' ))
return false ;
st.pop ();
return st.empty ();
class Solution {
bool isValid (string s) {
stack<char > st;
for (auto x: s){
if (x == ' (' ||x == ' [' ||x == ' {' )
st.push (x);
else {
if (st.empty ())
return false ;
char c = ();
st.pop ();
if (c == ' (' && x != ' )' )
return false ;
if (c == ' [' && x != ' ]' )
return false ;
if (c == ' {' && x != ' }' )
return false ;
return st.empty ();