Please download the DHP19 dataset from this link.
Please use the MATLAB data processing script in this GitHub repository to create .h5 files. Move the folders to
to make the directory structure look like this
|-- data
| |-- h5_dataset_7500_events
| | |-- 346x260
| | | |-- <many .h5 files>
| | |-- Fileslog_<timestamp>.log
| |-- P_matrices
| | |-- <a few camera calibration files>
| |-- merge_h5.py
|-- baseline
| |-- <implementation of the baseline model>
|-- ours
| |-- <implementation of our model>
- In
, please runpython merge_h5.py
. This merges all .h5 files belonging to the same human subject into one single file. This command creates a directorydata/processed
with 17 .hdf5 files.
Unfortunately, there is not an open-source implementation for the prediction model described in Section 4 of the DHP19 paper. ./baseline
contains an implementation with our best understanding. To use the baseline model, please first create a symbolic link to the data directory:
cd baseline
ln -s ../data .
To train the model, please run:
python src/train.py
Alternatively, you can download our pre-trained weights here: Google Drive.
To test the model, please run:
python src/test3d.py --pred_name saved_weights/release/keypoints.npy
To use our model, please first create a symbolic link to the data directory:
cd ours
ln -s ../data .
To train the model, please run:
python src/train.py --norm <'constant' or 'none'>
Alternatively, you can download our pre-trained weights here: Google Drive.
To test the model, please run:
python src/test3d.py --pred_name saved_weights/<'constant' or 'none'>/keypoints.npy