diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index f26e59d62c..b693a1f6f6 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -10,43 +10,1139 @@ As of writing this README, this feature is JDK 22 as first preview.
## Examples
-#### With diffoscope 272
-> Java 17
---- A45305b1a-3bdc-455f-b22d-96636743c129.class
-+++ A4e6577e8-d1ee-4acd-b38f-1dcd68658a48.class
- ├── procyon -ec {}
- │ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- │
- │ package io.dropwizard.jersey;
- │
-- │ public class DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862 extends DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder
-+ │ public class DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443 extends DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder
- │ {
-- │ public DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862(final Object o, final Class clazz) {
-+ │ public DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443(final Object o, final Class clazz) {
- │ super(o, clazz);
- │ }
- │ }
-#### With gumtree-jvm-bytecode-diff
-> Java 22
-thisClass: io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443 [0,0]
-replace io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443 by io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862
-sourceFileAttribute: DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443.java [0,0]
-replace DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443.java by DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862.java
-It precisely tells you what has changed in the classfile. In this case,
-`thisClass` and `sourceFileAttribute` have been updated.
+1. Simplifying decompiled diff
+ #### With diffoscope 272
+ > Java 17
+ ```diff
+ --- A45305b1a-3bdc-455f-b22d-96636743c129.class
+ +++ A4e6577e8-d1ee-4acd-b38f-1dcd68658a48.class
+ ├── procyon -ec {}
+ │ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
+ │
+ │ package io.dropwizard.jersey;
+ │
+ - │ public class DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862 extends DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder
+ + │ public class DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443 extends DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder
+ │ {
+ - │ public DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862(final Object o, final Class clazz) {
+ + │ public DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443(final Object o, final Class clazz) {
+ │ super(o, clazz);
+ │ }
+ │ }
+ ```
+ #### With gumtree-jvm-bytecode-diff
+ > Java 22
+ ```txt
+ ===
+ update-node
+ ---
+ thisClass: io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443 [0,0]
+ replace io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443 by io/dropwizard/jersey/DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862
+ ===
+ update-node
+ ---
+ sourceFileAttribute: DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443.java [0,0]
+ replace DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBinder1d717258-a234-4322-aa8f-167ac4454443.java by DropwizardResourceConfig$SpecificBindere75da6ac-3201-4073-bd4f-75682c761862.java
+ ```
+ It precisely tells you what has changed in the classfile. In this case,
+ `thisClass` and `sourceFileAttribute` have been updated.
+2. Simplifying disassembled diff
+ With diffoscope 272
+ Java22
+ --- src/test/resources/classfileVersion/ClientMain6.class
+ +++ src/test/resources/classfileVersion/ClientMain8.class
+ ├── javap -verbose -constants -s -l -private {}
+ │ @@ -1,339 +1,332 @@
+ │ - SHA-256 checksum 4509fdd7e1698dbbe4fa37122e86b2e1ac477a2c926eccfcba15db93fb0b6e47
+ │ + SHA-256 checksum 426d165c027ad3388b00f9ef08750cfa3802ab90c20e24f9ad5a4031e77e90df
+ │ Compiled from "ClientMain.java"
+ │ public class com.turn.ttorrent.cli.ClientMain
+ │ minor version: 0
+ │ - major version: 50
+ │ + major version: 52
+ │ flags: (0x0021) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_SUPER
+ │ - this_class: #50 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ - super_class: #85 // java/lang/Object
+ │ + this_class: #124 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ + super_class: #2 // java/lang/Object
+ │ interfaces: 0, fields: 2, methods: 5, attributes: 2
+ │ Constant pool:
+ │ - #1 = Methodref #85.#157 // java/lang/Object."":()V
+ │ - #2 = Methodref #158.#159 // java/net/NetworkInterface.getByName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ - #3 = Methodref #158.#160 // java/net/NetworkInterface.getInetAddresses:()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ - #4 = InterfaceMethodref #161.#162 // java/util/Enumeration.hasMoreElements:()Z
+ │ - #5 = InterfaceMethodref #161.#163 // java/util/Enumeration.nextElement:()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #6 = Class #164 // java/net/InetAddress
+ │ - #7 = Class #165 // java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ - #8 = Methodref #6.#166 // java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost:()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ - #9 = Class #167 // java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException
+ │ - #10 = Methodref #9.#157 // java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException."":()V
+ │ - #11 = String #168 // usage: Client [options]
+ │ - #12 = Methodref #169.#170 // java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #13 = Methodref #169.#171 // java/io/PrintStream.println:()V
+ │ - #14 = String #172 // Available options:
+ │ - #15 = String #173 // -h,--help Show this help and exit.
+ │ - #16 = String #174 // -o,--output DIR Read/write data to directory DIR.
+ │ - #17 = String #175 // -i,--iface IFACE Bind to interface IFACE.
+ │ - #18 = String #176 // -s,--seed SECONDS Time to seed after downloading (default: infinitely).
+ │ - #19 = String #177 // -d,--max-download KB/SEC Max download rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ - #20 = String #178 // -u,--max-upload KB/SEC Max upload rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ - #21 = Class #179 // org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender
+ │ - #22 = Class #180 // org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout
+ │ - #23 = String #181 // %d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n
+ │ - #24 = Methodref #22.#182 // org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #25 = Methodref #21.#183 // org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender."":(Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ - #26 = Methodref #184.#185 // org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator.configure:(Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ - #27 = Class #186 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ - #28 = Methodref #27.#157 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser."":()V
+ │ - #29 = String #132 // help
+ │ - #30 = Methodref #27.#187 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addBooleanOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #31 = String #136 // output
+ │ - #32 = Methodref #27.#188 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #33 = String #104 // iface
+ │ - #34 = String #189 // seed
+ │ - #35 = Methodref #27.#190 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addIntegerOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #36 = String #191 // max-upload
+ │ - #37 = Methodref #27.#192 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #38 = String #193 // max-download
+ │ - #39 = Methodref #27.#194 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.parse:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #40 = Class #195 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException
+ │ - #41 = Fieldref #196.#197 // java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - #42 = Methodref #40.#198 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #43 = Methodref #50.#199 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain.usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ - #44 = Methodref #196.#200 // java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ - #45 = Fieldref #47.#201 // java/lang/Boolean.TRUE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ - #46 = Methodref #27.#202 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #47 = Class #203 // java/lang/Boolean
+ │ - #48 = Methodref #47.#204 // java/lang/Boolean.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ - #49 = Fieldref #196.#205 // java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - #50 = Class #206 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ - #51 = String #207 // /tmp
+ │ - #52 = Methodref #27.#208 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #53 = Class #209 // java/lang/String
+ │ - #54 = Methodref #55.#210 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ - #55 = Class #211 // java/lang/Integer
+ │ - #56 = Methodref #55.#212 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
+ │ - #57 = Methodref #58.#213 // java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ - #58 = Class #214 // java/lang/Double
+ │ - #59 = Methodref #58.#215 // java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
+ │ - #60 = Methodref #27.#216 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getRemainingArgs:()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #61 = Class #217 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ - #62 = Methodref #50.#218 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain.getIPv4Address:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ - #63 = Class #219 // java/io/File
+ │ - #64 = Methodref #63.#182 // java/io/File."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #65 = Methodref #220.#221 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent.fromFile:(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ - #66 = Methodref #61.#222 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client."":(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ - #67 = Methodref #61.#223 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxDownloadRate:(D)V
+ │ - #68 = Methodref #61.#224 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxUploadRate:(D)V
+ │ - #69 = Methodref #225.#226 // java/lang/Runtime.getRuntime:()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ - #70 = Class #227 // java/lang/Thread
+ │ - #71 = Class #228 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown
+ │ - #72 = Methodref #71.#230 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown."":(Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ - #73 = Methodref #70.#231 // java/lang/Thread."":(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ - #74 = Methodref #225.#232 // java/lang/Runtime.addShutdownHook:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ - #75 = Methodref #61.#233 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.share:(I)V
+ │ - #76 = Fieldref #234.#235 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.ERROR:Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - #77 = Methodref #61.#236 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.getState:()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - #78 = Methodref #234.#204 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ - #79 = Class #237 // java/lang/Exception
+ │ - #80 = Fieldref #50.#238 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain.logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - #81 = String #239 // Fatal error: {}
+ │ - #82 = Methodref #79.#198 // java/lang/Exception.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #83 = InterfaceMethodref #240.#241 // org/slf4j/Logger.error:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ - #84 = Methodref #242.#243 // org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.getLogger:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - #85 = Class #244 // java/lang/Object
+ │ - #86 = Utf8 logger
+ │ - #87 = Utf8 Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - #89 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #90 = Utf8 ConstantValue
+ │ - #91 = Utf8
+ │ - #92 = Utf8 ()V
+ │ - #93 = Utf8 Code
+ │ - #94 = Utf8 LineNumberTable
+ │ - #95 = Utf8 LocalVariableTable
+ │ - #96 = Utf8 this
+ │ - #97 = Utf8 Lcom/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain;
+ │ - #98 = Utf8 getIPv4Address
+ │ - #99 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ - #100 = Utf8 addr
+ │ - #101 = Utf8 Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ - #102 = Utf8 addresses
+ │ - #103 = Utf8 Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ - #104 = Utf8 iface
+ │ - #105 = Utf8 localhost
+ │ - #106 = Utf8 LocalVariableTypeTable
+ │ - #107 = Utf8 Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ - #108 = Utf8 StackMapTable
+ │ - #109 = Class #245 // java/util/Enumeration
+ │ - #110 = Class #164 // java/net/InetAddress
+ │ - #111 = Utf8 Exceptions
+ │ - #112 = Class #246 // java/net/SocketException
+ │ - #113 = Class #247 // java/net/UnknownHostException
+ │ - #114 = Utf8 usage
+ │ - #115 = Utf8 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ - #116 = Utf8 s
+ │ - #117 = Utf8 Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - #118 = Utf8 main
+ │ - #119 = Utf8 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #120 = Utf8 oe
+ │ - #121 = Utf8 OptionException
+ │ - #122 = Utf8 InnerClasses
+ │ - #123 = Utf8 Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException;
+ │ - #124 = Utf8 c
+ │ - #125 = Utf8 Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;
+ │ - #126 = Utf8 e
+ │ - #127 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/Exception;
+ │ - #128 = Utf8 args
+ │ - #129 = Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #130 = Utf8 parser
+ │ - #131 = Utf8 Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser;
+ │ - #132 = Utf8 help
+ │ - #133 = Class #248 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option
+ │ - #134 = Utf8 Option
+ │ - #135 = Utf8 Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #136 = Utf8 output
+ │ - #137 = Utf8 seedTime
+ │ - #138 = Utf8 maxUpload
+ │ - #139 = Utf8 maxDownload
+ │ - #140 = Utf8 outputValue
+ │ - #141 = Utf8 ifaceValue
+ │ - #142 = Utf8 seedTimeValue
+ │ - #143 = Utf8 I
+ │ - #144 = Utf8 maxDownloadRate
+ │ - #145 = Utf8 D
+ │ - #146 = Utf8 maxUploadRate
+ │ - #147 = Utf8 otherArgs
+ │ - #148 = Class #129 // "[Ljava/lang/String;"
+ │ - #149 = Class #186 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ - #150 = Class #248 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option
+ │ - #151 = Class #195 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException
+ │ - #152 = Class #209 // java/lang/String
+ │ - #153 = Class #237 // java/lang/Exception
+ │ - #154 = Utf8
+ │ - #155 = Utf8 SourceFile
+ │ - #156 = Utf8 ClientMain.java
+ │ - #157 = NameAndType #91:#92 // "":()V
+ │ - #158 = Class #249 // java/net/NetworkInterface
+ │ - #159 = NameAndType #250:#251 // getByName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ - #160 = NameAndType #252:#253 // getInetAddresses:()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ - #161 = Class #245 // java/util/Enumeration
+ │ - #162 = NameAndType #254:#255 // hasMoreElements:()Z
+ │ - #163 = NameAndType #256:#257 // nextElement:()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #164 = Utf8 java/net/InetAddress
+ │ - #165 = Utf8 java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ - #166 = NameAndType #258:#259 // getLocalHost:()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ - #167 = Utf8 java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException
+ │ - #168 = Utf8 usage: Client [options]
+ │ - #169 = Class #260 // java/io/PrintStream
+ │ - #170 = NameAndType #261:#262 // println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #171 = NameAndType #261:#92 // println:()V
+ │ - #172 = Utf8 Available options:
+ │ - #173 = Utf8 -h,--help Show this help and exit.
+ │ - #174 = Utf8 -o,--output DIR Read/write data to directory DIR.
+ │ - #175 = Utf8 -i,--iface IFACE Bind to interface IFACE.
+ │ - #176 = Utf8 -s,--seed SECONDS Time to seed after downloading (default: infinitely).
+ │ - #177 = Utf8 -d,--max-download KB/SEC Max download rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ - #178 = Utf8 -u,--max-upload KB/SEC Max upload rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ - #179 = Utf8 org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender
+ │ - #180 = Utf8 org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout
+ │ - #181 = Utf8 %d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n
+ │ - #182 = NameAndType #91:#262 // "":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #183 = NameAndType #91:#263 // "":(Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ - #184 = Class #264 // org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator
+ │ - #185 = NameAndType #265:#266 // configure:(Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ - #186 = Utf8 jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ - #187 = NameAndType #267:#268 // addBooleanOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #188 = NameAndType #269:#268 // addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #189 = Utf8 seed
+ │ - #190 = NameAndType #270:#268 // addIntegerOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #191 = Utf8 max-upload
+ │ - #192 = NameAndType #271:#268 // addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #193 = Utf8 max-download
+ │ - #194 = NameAndType #272:#119 // parse:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #195 = Utf8 jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException
+ │ - #196 = Class #273 // java/lang/System
+ │ - #197 = NameAndType #274:#117 // err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - #198 = NameAndType #275:#276 // getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #199 = NameAndType #114:#115 // usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ - #200 = NameAndType #277:#278 // exit:(I)V
+ │ - #201 = NameAndType #279:#280 // TRUE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ - #202 = NameAndType #281:#282 // getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #203 = Utf8 java/lang/Boolean
+ │ - #204 = NameAndType #283:#284 // equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ - #205 = NameAndType #285:#117 // out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - #206 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ - #207 = Utf8 /tmp
+ │ - #208 = NameAndType #281:#286 // getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #209 = Utf8 java/lang/String
+ │ - #210 = NameAndType #287:#288 // valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ - #211 = Utf8 java/lang/Integer
+ │ - #212 = NameAndType #289:#290 // intValue:()I
+ │ - #213 = NameAndType #287:#291 // valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ - #214 = Utf8 java/lang/Double
+ │ - #215 = NameAndType #292:#293 // doubleValue:()D
+ │ - #216 = NameAndType #294:#295 // getRemainingArgs:()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #217 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ - #218 = NameAndType #98:#99 // getIPv4Address:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ - #219 = Utf8 java/io/File
+ │ - #220 = Class #296 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent
+ │ - #221 = NameAndType #297:#298 // fromFile:(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ - #222 = NameAndType #91:#299 // "":(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ - #223 = NameAndType #300:#301 // setMaxDownloadRate:(D)V
+ │ - #224 = NameAndType #302:#301 // setMaxUploadRate:(D)V
+ │ - #225 = Class #303 // java/lang/Runtime
+ │ - #226 = NameAndType #304:#305 // getRuntime:()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ - #227 = Utf8 java/lang/Thread
+ │ - #228 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown
+ │ - #229 = Utf8 ClientShutdown
+ │ - #230 = NameAndType #91:#306 // "":(Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ - #231 = NameAndType #91:#307 // "":(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ - #232 = NameAndType #308:#309 // addShutdownHook:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ - #233 = NameAndType #310:#278 // share:(I)V
+ │ - #234 = Class #311 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState
+ │ - #235 = NameAndType #313:#314 // ERROR:Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - #236 = NameAndType #315:#316 // getState:()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - #237 = Utf8 java/lang/Exception
+ │ - #238 = NameAndType #86:#87 // logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - #239 = Utf8 Fatal error: {}
+ │ - #240 = Class #317 // org/slf4j/Logger
+ │ - #241 = NameAndType #318:#319 // error:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ - #242 = Class #320 // org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
+ │ - #243 = NameAndType #321:#322 // getLogger:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - #244 = Utf8 java/lang/Object
+ │ - #245 = Utf8 java/util/Enumeration
+ │ - #246 = Utf8 java/net/SocketException
+ │ - #247 = Utf8 java/net/UnknownHostException
+ │ - #248 = Utf8 jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option
+ │ - #249 = Utf8 java/net/NetworkInterface
+ │ - #250 = Utf8 getByName
+ │ - #251 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ - #252 = Utf8 getInetAddresses
+ │ - #253 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ - #254 = Utf8 hasMoreElements
+ │ - #255 = Utf8 ()Z
+ │ - #256 = Utf8 nextElement
+ │ - #257 = Utf8 ()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #258 = Utf8 getLocalHost
+ │ - #259 = Utf8 ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ - #260 = Utf8 java/io/PrintStream
+ │ - #261 = Utf8 println
+ │ - #262 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - #263 = Utf8 (Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ - #264 = Utf8 org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator
+ │ - #265 = Utf8 configure
+ │ - #266 = Utf8 (Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ - #267 = Utf8 addBooleanOption
+ │ - #268 = Utf8 (CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ - #269 = Utf8 addStringOption
+ │ - #270 = Utf8 addIntegerOption
+ │ - #271 = Utf8 addDoubleOption
+ │ - #272 = Utf8 parse
+ │ - #273 = Utf8 java/lang/System
+ │ - #274 = Utf8 err
+ │ - #275 = Utf8 getMessage
+ │ - #276 = Utf8 ()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #277 = Utf8 exit
+ │ - #278 = Utf8 (I)V
+ │ - #279 = Utf8 TRUE
+ │ - #280 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ - #281 = Utf8 getOptionValue
+ │ - #282 = Utf8 (Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #283 = Utf8 equals
+ │ - #284 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ - #285 = Utf8 out
+ │ - #286 = Utf8 (Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - #287 = Utf8 valueOf
+ │ - #288 = Utf8 (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ - #289 = Utf8 intValue
+ │ - #290 = Utf8 ()I
+ │ - #291 = Utf8 (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ - #292 = Utf8 doubleValue
+ │ - #293 = Utf8 ()D
+ │ - #294 = Utf8 getRemainingArgs
+ │ - #295 = Utf8 ()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - #296 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent
+ │ - #297 = Utf8 fromFile
+ │ - #298 = Utf8 (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ - #299 = Utf8 (Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ - #300 = Utf8 setMaxDownloadRate
+ │ - #301 = Utf8 (D)V
+ │ - #302 = Utf8 setMaxUploadRate
+ │ - #303 = Utf8 java/lang/Runtime
+ │ - #304 = Utf8 getRuntime
+ │ - #305 = Utf8 ()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ - #306 = Utf8 (Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ - #307 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ - #308 = Utf8 addShutdownHook
+ │ - #309 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ - #310 = Utf8 share
+ │ - #311 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState
+ │ - #312 = Utf8 ClientState
+ │ - #313 = Utf8 ERROR
+ │ - #314 = Utf8 Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - #315 = Utf8 getState
+ │ - #316 = Utf8 ()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - #317 = Utf8 org/slf4j/Logger
+ │ - #318 = Utf8 error
+ │ - #319 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ - #320 = Utf8 org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
+ │ - #321 = Utf8 getLogger
+ │ - #322 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #1 = Methodref #2.#3 // java/lang/Object."":()V
+ │ + #2 = Class #4 // java/lang/Object
+ │ + #3 = NameAndType #5:#6 // "":()V
+ │ + #4 = Utf8 java/lang/Object
+ │ + #5 = Utf8
+ │ + #6 = Utf8 ()V
+ │ + #7 = Methodref #8.#9 // java/net/NetworkInterface.getByName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ + #8 = Class #10 // java/net/NetworkInterface
+ │ + #9 = NameAndType #11:#12 // getByName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ + #10 = Utf8 java/net/NetworkInterface
+ │ + #11 = Utf8 getByName
+ │ + #12 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ + #13 = Methodref #8.#14 // java/net/NetworkInterface.getInetAddresses:()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ + #14 = NameAndType #15:#16 // getInetAddresses:()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ + #15 = Utf8 getInetAddresses
+ │ + #16 = Utf8 ()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ + #17 = InterfaceMethodref #18.#19 // java/util/Enumeration.hasMoreElements:()Z
+ │ + #18 = Class #20 // java/util/Enumeration
+ │ + #19 = NameAndType #21:#22 // hasMoreElements:()Z
+ │ + #20 = Utf8 java/util/Enumeration
+ │ + #21 = Utf8 hasMoreElements
+ │ + #22 = Utf8 ()Z
+ │ + #23 = InterfaceMethodref #18.#24 // java/util/Enumeration.nextElement:()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #24 = NameAndType #25:#26 // nextElement:()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #25 = Utf8 nextElement
+ │ + #26 = Utf8 ()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #27 = Class #28 // java/net/InetAddress
+ │ + #28 = Utf8 java/net/InetAddress
+ │ + #29 = Class #30 // java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ + #30 = Utf8 java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ + #31 = Methodref #27.#32 // java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost:()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ + #32 = NameAndType #33:#34 // getLocalHost:()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ + #33 = Utf8 getLocalHost
+ │ + #34 = Utf8 ()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ + #35 = Class #36 // java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException
+ │ + #36 = Utf8 java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException
+ │ + #37 = Methodref #35.#3 // java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException."":()V
+ │ + #38 = String #39 // usage: Client [options]
+ │ + #39 = Utf8 usage: Client [options]
+ │ + #40 = Methodref #41.#42 // java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #41 = Class #43 // java/io/PrintStream
+ │ + #42 = NameAndType #44:#45 // println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #43 = Utf8 java/io/PrintStream
+ │ + #44 = Utf8 println
+ │ + #45 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #46 = Methodref #41.#47 // java/io/PrintStream.println:()V
+ │ + #47 = NameAndType #44:#6 // println:()V
+ │ + #48 = String #49 // Available options:
+ │ + #49 = Utf8 Available options:
+ │ + #50 = String #51 // -h,--help Show this help and exit.
+ │ + #51 = Utf8 -h,--help Show this help and exit.
+ │ + #52 = String #53 // -o,--output DIR Read/write data to directory DIR.
+ │ + #53 = Utf8 -o,--output DIR Read/write data to directory DIR.
+ │ + #54 = String #55 // -i,--iface IFACE Bind to interface IFACE.
+ │ + #55 = Utf8 -i,--iface IFACE Bind to interface IFACE.
+ │ + #56 = String #57 // -s,--seed SECONDS Time to seed after downloading (default: infinitely).
+ │ + #57 = Utf8 -s,--seed SECONDS Time to seed after downloading (default: infinitely).
+ │ + #58 = String #59 // -d,--max-download KB/SEC Max download rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ + #59 = Utf8 -d,--max-download KB/SEC Max download rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ + #60 = String #61 // -u,--max-upload KB/SEC Max upload rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ + #61 = Utf8 -u,--max-upload KB/SEC Max upload rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ + #62 = Class #63 // org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender
+ │ + #63 = Utf8 org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender
+ │ + #64 = Class #65 // org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout
+ │ + #65 = Utf8 org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout
+ │ + #66 = String #67 // %d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n
+ │ + #67 = Utf8 %d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n
+ │ + #68 = Methodref #64.#69 // org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #69 = NameAndType #5:#45 // "":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #70 = Methodref #62.#71 // org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender."":(Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ + #71 = NameAndType #5:#72 // "":(Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ + #72 = Utf8 (Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ + #73 = Methodref #74.#75 // org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator.configure:(Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ + #74 = Class #76 // org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator
+ │ + #75 = NameAndType #77:#78 // configure:(Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ + #76 = Utf8 org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator
+ │ + #77 = Utf8 configure
+ │ + #78 = Utf8 (Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ + #79 = Class #80 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ + #80 = Utf8 jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ + #81 = Methodref #79.#3 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser."":()V
+ │ + #82 = String #83 // help
+ │ + #83 = Utf8 help
+ │ + #84 = Methodref #79.#85 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addBooleanOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #85 = NameAndType #86:#87 // addBooleanOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #86 = Utf8 addBooleanOption
+ │ + #87 = Utf8 (CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #88 = String #89 // output
+ │ + #89 = Utf8 output
+ │ + #90 = Methodref #79.#91 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #91 = NameAndType #92:#87 // addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #92 = Utf8 addStringOption
+ │ + #93 = String #94 // iface
+ │ + #94 = Utf8 iface
+ │ + #95 = String #96 // seed
+ │ + #96 = Utf8 seed
+ │ + #97 = Methodref #79.#98 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addIntegerOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #98 = NameAndType #99:#87 // addIntegerOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #99 = Utf8 addIntegerOption
+ │ + #100 = String #101 // max-upload
+ │ + #101 = Utf8 max-upload
+ │ + #102 = Methodref #79.#103 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #103 = NameAndType #104:#87 // addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #104 = Utf8 addDoubleOption
+ │ + #105 = String #106 // max-download
+ │ + #106 = Utf8 max-download
+ │ + #107 = Methodref #79.#108 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.parse:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #108 = NameAndType #109:#110 // parse:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #109 = Utf8 parse
+ │ + #110 = Utf8 ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #111 = Class #112 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException
+ │ + #112 = Utf8 jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException
+ │ + #113 = Fieldref #114.#115 // java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + #114 = Class #116 // java/lang/System
+ │ + #115 = NameAndType #117:#118 // err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + #116 = Utf8 java/lang/System
+ │ + #117 = Utf8 err
+ │ + #118 = Utf8 Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + #119 = Methodref #111.#120 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #120 = NameAndType #121:#122 // getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #121 = Utf8 getMessage
+ │ + #122 = Utf8 ()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #123 = Methodref #124.#125 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain.usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ + #124 = Class #126 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ + #125 = NameAndType #127:#128 // usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ + #126 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ + #127 = Utf8 usage
+ │ + #128 = Utf8 (Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ + #129 = Methodref #114.#130 // java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ + #130 = NameAndType #131:#132 // exit:(I)V
+ │ + #131 = Utf8 exit
+ │ + #132 = Utf8 (I)V
+ │ + #133 = Fieldref #134.#135 // java/lang/Boolean.TRUE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ + #134 = Class #136 // java/lang/Boolean
+ │ + #135 = NameAndType #137:#138 // TRUE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ + #136 = Utf8 java/lang/Boolean
+ │ + #137 = Utf8 TRUE
+ │ + #138 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ + #139 = Methodref #79.#140 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #140 = NameAndType #141:#142 // getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #141 = Utf8 getOptionValue
+ │ + #142 = Utf8 (Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #143 = Methodref #134.#144 // java/lang/Boolean.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ + #144 = NameAndType #145:#146 // equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ + #145 = Utf8 equals
+ │ + #146 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ + #147 = Fieldref #114.#148 // java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + #148 = NameAndType #149:#118 // out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + #149 = Utf8 out
+ │ + #150 = String #151 // /tmp
+ │ + #151 = Utf8 /tmp
+ │ + #152 = Methodref #79.#153 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #153 = NameAndType #141:#154 // getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #154 = Utf8 (Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + #155 = Class #156 // java/lang/String
+ │ + #156 = Utf8 java/lang/String
+ │ + #157 = Methodref #158.#159 // java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ + #158 = Class #160 // java/lang/Integer
+ │ + #159 = NameAndType #161:#162 // valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ + #160 = Utf8 java/lang/Integer
+ │ + #161 = Utf8 valueOf
+ │ + #162 = Utf8 (I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ + #163 = Methodref #158.#164 // java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
+ │ + #164 = NameAndType #165:#166 // intValue:()I
+ │ + #165 = Utf8 intValue
+ │ + #166 = Utf8 ()I
+ │ + #167 = Methodref #168.#169 // java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ + #168 = Class #170 // java/lang/Double
+ │ + #169 = NameAndType #161:#171 // valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ + #170 = Utf8 java/lang/Double
+ │ + #171 = Utf8 (D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ + #172 = Methodref #168.#173 // java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
+ │ + #173 = NameAndType #174:#175 // doubleValue:()D
+ │ + #174 = Utf8 doubleValue
+ │ + #175 = Utf8 ()D
+ │ + #176 = Methodref #79.#177 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getRemainingArgs:()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #177 = NameAndType #178:#179 // getRemainingArgs:()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #178 = Utf8 getRemainingArgs
+ │ + #179 = Utf8 ()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #180 = Class #181 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ + #181 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ + #182 = Methodref #124.#183 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain.getIPv4Address:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ + #183 = NameAndType #184:#185 // getIPv4Address:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ + #184 = Utf8 getIPv4Address
+ │ + #185 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ + #186 = Class #187 // java/io/File
+ │ + #187 = Utf8 java/io/File
+ │ + #188 = Methodref #186.#69 // java/io/File."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + #189 = Methodref #190.#191 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent.fromFile:(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ + #190 = Class #192 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent
+ │ + #191 = NameAndType #193:#194 // fromFile:(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ + #192 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent
+ │ + #193 = Utf8 fromFile
+ │ + #194 = Utf8 (Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ + #195 = Methodref #180.#196 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client."":(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ + #196 = NameAndType #5:#197 // "":(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ + #197 = Utf8 (Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ + #198 = Methodref #180.#199 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxDownloadRate:(D)V
+ │ + #199 = NameAndType #200:#201 // setMaxDownloadRate:(D)V
+ │ + #200 = Utf8 setMaxDownloadRate
+ │ + #201 = Utf8 (D)V
+ │ + #202 = Methodref #180.#203 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxUploadRate:(D)V
+ │ + #203 = NameAndType #204:#201 // setMaxUploadRate:(D)V
+ │ + #204 = Utf8 setMaxUploadRate
+ │ + #205 = Methodref #206.#207 // java/lang/Runtime.getRuntime:()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ + #206 = Class #208 // java/lang/Runtime
+ │ + #207 = NameAndType #209:#210 // getRuntime:()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ + #208 = Utf8 java/lang/Runtime
+ │ + #209 = Utf8 getRuntime
+ │ + #210 = Utf8 ()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ + #211 = Class #212 // java/lang/Thread
+ │ + #212 = Utf8 java/lang/Thread
+ │ + #213 = Class #214 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown
+ │ + #214 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown
+ │ + #215 = Methodref #213.#216 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown."":(Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ + #216 = NameAndType #5:#217 // "":(Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ + #217 = Utf8 (Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ + #218 = Methodref #211.#219 // java/lang/Thread."":(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ + #219 = NameAndType #5:#220 // "":(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ + #220 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ + #221 = Methodref #206.#222 // java/lang/Runtime.addShutdownHook:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ + #222 = NameAndType #223:#224 // addShutdownHook:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ + #223 = Utf8 addShutdownHook
+ │ + #224 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ + #225 = Methodref #180.#226 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.share:(I)V
+ │ + #226 = NameAndType #227:#132 // share:(I)V
+ │ + #227 = Utf8 share
+ │ + #228 = Fieldref #229.#230 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.ERROR:Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + #229 = Class #231 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState
+ │ + #230 = NameAndType #232:#233 // ERROR:Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + #231 = Utf8 com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState
+ │ + #232 = Utf8 ERROR
+ │ + #233 = Utf8 Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + #234 = Methodref #180.#235 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.getState:()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + #235 = NameAndType #236:#237 // getState:()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + #236 = Utf8 getState
+ │ + #237 = Utf8 ()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + #238 = Methodref #229.#144 // com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ + #239 = Class #240 // java/lang/Exception
+ │ + #240 = Utf8 java/lang/Exception
+ │ + #241 = Fieldref #124.#242 // com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain.logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #242 = NameAndType #243:#244 // logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #243 = Utf8 logger
+ │ + #244 = Utf8 Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #245 = String #246 // Fatal error: {}
+ │ + #246 = Utf8 Fatal error: {}
+ │ + #247 = Methodref #239.#120 // java/lang/Exception.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #248 = InterfaceMethodref #249.#250 // org/slf4j/Logger.error:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ + #249 = Class #251 // org/slf4j/Logger
+ │ + #250 = NameAndType #252:#253 // error:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ + #251 = Utf8 org/slf4j/Logger
+ │ + #252 = Utf8 error
+ │ + #253 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ + #254 = Methodref #255.#256 // org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.getLogger:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #255 = Class #257 // org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
+ │ + #256 = NameAndType #258:#259 // getLogger:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #257 = Utf8 org/slf4j/LoggerFactory
+ │ + #258 = Utf8 getLogger
+ │ + #259 = Utf8 (Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + #261 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #262 = Utf8 ConstantValue
+ │ + #263 = Utf8 Code
+ │ + #264 = Utf8 LineNumberTable
+ │ + #265 = Utf8 LocalVariableTable
+ │ + #266 = Utf8 this
+ │ + #267 = Utf8 Lcom/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain;
+ │ + #268 = Utf8 addr
+ │ + #269 = Utf8 Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ + #270 = Utf8 addresses
+ │ + #271 = Utf8 Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ + #272 = Utf8 localhost
+ │ + #273 = Utf8 LocalVariableTypeTable
+ │ + #274 = Utf8 Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ + #275 = Utf8 StackMapTable
+ │ + #276 = Utf8 Exceptions
+ │ + #277 = Class #278 // java/net/SocketException
+ │ + #278 = Utf8 java/net/SocketException
+ │ + #279 = Class #280 // java/net/UnknownHostException
+ │ + #280 = Utf8 java/net/UnknownHostException
+ │ + #281 = Utf8 s
+ │ + #282 = Utf8 main
+ │ + #283 = Utf8 oe
+ │ + #284 = Utf8 Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException;
+ │ + #285 = Utf8 c
+ │ + #286 = Utf8 Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;
+ │ + #287 = Utf8 e
+ │ + #288 = Utf8 Ljava/lang/Exception;
+ │ + #289 = Utf8 args
+ │ + #290 = Utf8 [Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + #291 = Utf8 parser
+ │ + #292 = Utf8 Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser;
+ │ + #293 = Utf8 Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + #294 = Utf8 seedTime
+ │ + #295 = Utf8 maxUpload
+ │ + #296 = Utf8 maxDownload
+ │ + #297 = Utf8 outputValue
+ │ + #298 = Utf8 ifaceValue
+ │ + #299 = Utf8 seedTimeValue
+ │ + #300 = Utf8 I
+ │ + #301 = Utf8 maxDownloadRate
+ │ + #302 = Utf8 D
+ │ + #303 = Utf8 maxUploadRate
+ │ + #304 = Utf8 otherArgs
+ │ + #305 = Class #290 // "[Ljava/lang/String;"
+ │ + #306 = Class #307 // jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option
+ │ + #307 = Utf8 jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option
+ │ + #308 = Utf8
+ │ + #309 = Utf8 SourceFile
+ │ + #310 = Utf8 ClientMain.java
+ │ + #311 = Utf8 InnerClasses
+ │ + #312 = Utf8 Option
+ │ + #313 = Utf8 OptionException
+ │ + #314 = Utf8 ClientShutdown
+ │ + #315 = Utf8 ClientState
+ │ {
+ │ private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger;
+ │ descriptor: Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ flags: (0x001a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC, ACC_FINAL
+ │
+ │ private static final java.lang.String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = "/tmp";
+ │ descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ @@ -358,42 +351,42 @@
+ │ descriptor: (Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
+ │ Code:
+ │ stack=2, locals=3, args_size=1
+ │ 0: aload_0
+ │ 1: ifnull 46
+ │ 4: aload_0
+ │ - 5: invokestatic #2 // Method java/net/NetworkInterface.getByName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ - 8: invokevirtual #3 // Method java/net/NetworkInterface.getInetAddresses:()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ + 5: invokestatic #7 // Method java/net/NetworkInterface.getByName:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/NetworkInterface;
+ │ + 8: invokevirtual #13 // Method java/net/NetworkInterface.getInetAddresses:()Ljava/util/Enumeration;
+ │ 11: astore_1
+ │ 12: aload_1
+ │ - 13: invokeinterface #4, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Enumeration.hasMoreElements:()Z
+ │ + 13: invokeinterface #17, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Enumeration.hasMoreElements:()Z
+ │ 18: ifeq 46
+ │ 21: aload_1
+ │ - 22: invokeinterface #5, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Enumeration.nextElement:()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 27: checkcast #6 // class java/net/InetAddress
+ │ + 22: invokeinterface #23, 1 // InterfaceMethod java/util/Enumeration.nextElement:()Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 27: checkcast #27 // class java/net/InetAddress
+ │ 30: astore_2
+ │ 31: aload_2
+ │ - 32: instanceof #7 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ + 32: instanceof #29 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ 35: ifeq 43
+ │ 38: aload_2
+ │ - 39: checkcast #7 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ + 39: checkcast #29 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ 42: areturn
+ │ 43: goto 12
+ │ - 46: invokestatic #8 // Method java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost:()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ + 46: invokestatic #31 // Method java/net/InetAddress.getLocalHost:()Ljava/net/InetAddress;
+ │ 49: astore_1
+ │ 50: aload_1
+ │ - 51: instanceof #7 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ + 51: instanceof #29 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ 54: ifeq 62
+ │ 57: aload_1
+ │ - 58: checkcast #7 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ + 58: checkcast #29 // class java/net/Inet4Address
+ │ 61: areturn
+ │ - 62: new #9 // class java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException
+ │ + 62: new #35 // class java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException
+ │ 65: dup
+ │ - 66: invokespecial #10 // Method java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException."":()V
+ │ + 66: invokespecial #37 // Method java/nio/channels/UnsupportedAddressTypeException."":()V
+ │ 69: athrow
+ │ LineNumberTable:
+ │ line 74: 0
+ │ line 75: 4
+ │ line 76: 5
+ │ line 77: 12
+ │ line 78: 21
+ │ @@ -428,41 +421,41 @@
+ │
+ │ private static void usage(java.io.PrintStream);
+ │ descriptor: (Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ flags: (0x000a) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_STATIC
+ │ Code:
+ │ stack=2, locals=1, args_size=1
+ │ 0: aload_0
+ │ - 1: ldc #11 // String usage: Client [options]
+ │ - 3: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 1: ldc #38 // String usage: Client [options]
+ │ + 3: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 6: aload_0
+ │ - 7: invokevirtual #13 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:()V
+ │ + 7: invokevirtual #46 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:()V
+ │ 10: aload_0
+ │ - 11: ldc #14 // String Available options:
+ │ - 13: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 11: ldc #48 // String Available options:
+ │ + 13: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 16: aload_0
+ │ - 17: ldc #15 // String -h,--help Show this help and exit.
+ │ - 19: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 17: ldc #50 // String -h,--help Show this help and exit.
+ │ + 19: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 22: aload_0
+ │ - 23: ldc #16 // String -o,--output DIR Read/write data to directory DIR.
+ │ - 25: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 23: ldc #52 // String -o,--output DIR Read/write data to directory DIR.
+ │ + 25: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 28: aload_0
+ │ - 29: ldc #17 // String -i,--iface IFACE Bind to interface IFACE.
+ │ - 31: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 29: ldc #54 // String -i,--iface IFACE Bind to interface IFACE.
+ │ + 31: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 34: aload_0
+ │ - 35: ldc #18 // String -s,--seed SECONDS Time to seed after downloading (default: infinitely).
+ │ - 37: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 35: ldc #56 // String -s,--seed SECONDS Time to seed after downloading (default: infinitely).
+ │ + 37: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 40: aload_0
+ │ - 41: ldc #19 // String -d,--max-download KB/SEC Max download rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ - 43: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 41: ldc #58 // String -d,--max-download KB/SEC Max download rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ + 43: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 46: aload_0
+ │ - 47: ldc #20 // String -u,--max-upload KB/SEC Max upload rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ - 49: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 47: ldc #60 // String -u,--max-upload KB/SEC Max upload rate (default: unlimited).
+ │ + 49: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 52: aload_0
+ │ - 53: invokevirtual #13 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:()V
+ │ + 53: invokevirtual #46 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:()V
+ │ 56: return
+ │ LineNumberTable:
+ │ line 97: 0
+ │ line 98: 6
+ │ line 99: 10
+ │ line 100: 16
+ │ line 101: 22
+ │ @@ -477,179 +470,179 @@
+ │ 0 57 0 s Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │
+ │ public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
+ │ descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ flags: (0x0009) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_STATIC
+ │ Code:
+ │ stack=7, locals=17, args_size=1
+ │ - 0: new #21 // class org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender
+ │ + 0: new #62 // class org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender
+ │ 3: dup
+ │ - 4: new #22 // class org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout
+ │ + 4: new #64 // class org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout
+ │ 7: dup
+ │ - 8: ldc #23 // String %d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n
+ │ - 10: invokespecial #24 // Method org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - 13: invokespecial #25 // Method org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender."":(Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ - 16: invokestatic #26 // Method org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator.configure:(Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ - 19: new #27 // class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ + 8: ldc #66 // String %d [%-25t] %-5p: %m%n
+ │ + 10: invokespecial #68 // Method org/apache/log4j/PatternLayout."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 13: invokespecial #70 // Method org/apache/log4j/ConsoleAppender."":(Lorg/apache/log4j/Layout;)V
+ │ + 16: invokestatic #73 // Method org/apache/log4j/BasicConfigurator.configure:(Lorg/apache/log4j/Appender;)V
+ │ + 19: new #79 // class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ 22: dup
+ │ - 23: invokespecial #28 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser."":()V
+ │ + 23: invokespecial #81 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser."":()V
+ │ 26: astore_1
+ │ 27: aload_1
+ │ 28: bipush 104
+ │ - 30: ldc #29 // String help
+ │ - 32: invokevirtual #30 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addBooleanOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + 30: ldc #82 // String help
+ │ + 32: invokevirtual #84 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addBooleanOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ 35: astore_2
+ │ 36: aload_1
+ │ 37: bipush 111
+ │ - 39: ldc #31 // String output
+ │ - 41: invokevirtual #32 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + 39: ldc #88 // String output
+ │ + 41: invokevirtual #90 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ 44: astore_3
+ │ 45: aload_1
+ │ 46: bipush 105
+ │ - 48: ldc #33 // String iface
+ │ - 50: invokevirtual #32 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + 48: ldc #93 // String iface
+ │ + 50: invokevirtual #90 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addStringOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ 53: astore 4
+ │ 55: aload_1
+ │ 56: bipush 115
+ │ - 58: ldc #34 // String seed
+ │ - 60: invokevirtual #35 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addIntegerOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + 58: ldc #95 // String seed
+ │ + 60: invokevirtual #97 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addIntegerOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ 63: astore 5
+ │ 65: aload_1
+ │ 66: bipush 117
+ │ - 68: ldc #36 // String max-upload
+ │ - 70: invokevirtual #37 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + 68: ldc #100 // String max-upload
+ │ + 70: invokevirtual #102 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ 73: astore 6
+ │ 75: aload_1
+ │ 76: bipush 100
+ │ - 78: ldc #38 // String max-download
+ │ - 80: invokevirtual #37 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ + 78: ldc #105 // String max-download
+ │ + 80: invokevirtual #102 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.addDoubleOption:(CLjava/lang/String;)Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;
+ │ 83: astore 7
+ │ 85: aload_1
+ │ 86: aload_0
+ │ - 87: invokevirtual #39 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.parse:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 87: invokevirtual #107 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.parse:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ 90: goto 116
+ │ 93: astore 8
+ │ - 95: getstatic #41 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + 95: getstatic #113 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ 98: aload 8
+ │ - 100: invokevirtual #42 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ - 103: invokevirtual #12 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - 106: getstatic #41 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - 109: invokestatic #43 // Method usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ + 100: invokevirtual #119 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + 103: invokevirtual #40 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 106: getstatic #113 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + 109: invokestatic #123 // Method usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ 112: iconst_1
+ │ - 113: invokestatic #44 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ - 116: getstatic #45 // Field java/lang/Boolean.TRUE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ + 113: invokestatic #129 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ + 116: getstatic #133 // Field java/lang/Boolean.TRUE:Ljava/lang/Boolean;
+ │ 119: aload_1
+ │ 120: aload_2
+ │ - 121: invokevirtual #46 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 124: checkcast #47 // class java/lang/Boolean
+ │ - 127: invokevirtual #48 // Method java/lang/Boolean.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ + 121: invokevirtual #139 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 124: checkcast #134 // class java/lang/Boolean
+ │ + 127: invokevirtual #143 // Method java/lang/Boolean.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ 130: ifeq 143
+ │ - 133: getstatic #49 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - 136: invokestatic #43 // Method usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ + 133: getstatic #147 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + 136: invokestatic #123 // Method usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ 139: iconst_0
+ │ - 140: invokestatic #44 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ + 140: invokestatic #129 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ 143: aload_1
+ │ 144: aload_3
+ │ - 145: ldc #51 // String /tmp
+ │ - 147: invokevirtual #52 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 150: checkcast #53 // class java/lang/String
+ │ + 145: ldc #150 // String /tmp
+ │ + 147: invokevirtual #152 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 150: checkcast #155 // class java/lang/String
+ │ 153: astore 8
+ │ 155: aload_1
+ │ 156: aload 4
+ │ - 158: invokevirtual #46 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 161: checkcast #53 // class java/lang/String
+ │ + 158: invokevirtual #139 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 161: checkcast #155 // class java/lang/String
+ │ 164: astore 9
+ │ 166: aload_1
+ │ 167: aload 5
+ │ 169: iconst_m1
+ │ - 170: invokestatic #54 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ - 173: invokevirtual #52 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 176: checkcast #55 // class java/lang/Integer
+ │ - 179: invokevirtual #56 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
+ │ + 170: invokestatic #157 // Method java/lang/Integer.valueOf:(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;
+ │ + 173: invokevirtual #152 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 176: checkcast #158 // class java/lang/Integer
+ │ + 179: invokevirtual #163 // Method java/lang/Integer.intValue:()I
+ │ 182: istore 10
+ │ 184: aload_1
+ │ 185: aload 7
+ │ 187: dconst_0
+ │ - 188: invokestatic #57 // Method java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ - 191: invokevirtual #52 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 194: checkcast #58 // class java/lang/Double
+ │ - 197: invokevirtual #59 // Method java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
+ │ + 188: invokestatic #167 // Method java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ + 191: invokevirtual #152 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 194: checkcast #168 // class java/lang/Double
+ │ + 197: invokevirtual #172 // Method java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
+ │ 200: dstore 11
+ │ 202: aload_1
+ │ 203: aload 6
+ │ 205: dconst_0
+ │ - 206: invokestatic #57 // Method java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ - 209: invokevirtual #52 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ - 212: checkcast #58 // class java/lang/Double
+ │ - 215: invokevirtual #59 // Method java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
+ │ + 206: invokestatic #167 // Method java/lang/Double.valueOf:(D)Ljava/lang/Double;
+ │ + 209: invokevirtual #152 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getOptionValue:(Ljargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option;Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;
+ │ + 212: checkcast #168 // class java/lang/Double
+ │ + 215: invokevirtual #172 // Method java/lang/Double.doubleValue:()D
+ │ 218: dstore 13
+ │ 220: aload_1
+ │ - 221: invokevirtual #60 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getRemainingArgs:()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + 221: invokevirtual #176 // Method jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser.getRemainingArgs:()[Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ 224: astore 15
+ │ 226: aload 15
+ │ 228: arraylength
+ │ 229: iconst_1
+ │ 230: if_icmpeq 243
+ │ - 233: getstatic #41 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ - 236: invokestatic #43 // Method usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ + 233: getstatic #113 // Field java/lang/System.err:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
+ │ + 236: invokestatic #123 // Method usage:(Ljava/io/PrintStream;)V
+ │ 239: iconst_1
+ │ - 240: invokestatic #44 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ - 243: new #61 // class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ + 240: invokestatic #129 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ + 243: new #180 // class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ 246: dup
+ │ 247: aload 9
+ │ - 249: invokestatic #62 // Method getIPv4Address:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ - 252: new #63 // class java/io/File
+ │ + 249: invokestatic #182 // Method getIPv4Address:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/Inet4Address;
+ │ + 252: new #186 // class java/io/File
+ │ 255: dup
+ │ 256: aload 15
+ │ 258: iconst_0
+ │ 259: aaload
+ │ - 260: invokespecial #64 // Method java/io/File."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - 263: new #63 // class java/io/File
+ │ + 260: invokespecial #188 // Method java/io/File."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 263: new #186 // class java/io/File
+ │ 266: dup
+ │ 267: aload 8
+ │ - 269: invokespecial #64 // Method java/io/File."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ - 272: invokestatic #65 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent.fromFile:(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ - 275: invokespecial #66 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client."":(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ + 269: invokespecial #188 // Method java/io/File."":(Ljava/lang/String;)V
+ │ + 272: invokestatic #189 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent.fromFile:(Ljava/io/File;Ljava/io/File;)Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;
+ │ + 275: invokespecial #195 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client."":(Ljava/net/InetAddress;Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/SharedTorrent;)V
+ │ 278: astore 16
+ │ 280: aload 16
+ │ 282: dload 11
+ │ - 284: invokevirtual #67 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxDownloadRate:(D)V
+ │ + 284: invokevirtual #198 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxDownloadRate:(D)V
+ │ 287: aload 16
+ │ 289: dload 13
+ │ - 291: invokevirtual #68 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxUploadRate:(D)V
+ │ - 294: invokestatic #69 // Method java/lang/Runtime.getRuntime:()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ - 297: new #70 // class java/lang/Thread
+ │ + 291: invokevirtual #202 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.setMaxUploadRate:(D)V
+ │ + 294: invokestatic #205 // Method java/lang/Runtime.getRuntime:()Ljava/lang/Runtime;
+ │ + 297: new #211 // class java/lang/Thread
+ │ 300: dup
+ │ - 301: new #71 // class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown
+ │ + 301: new #213 // class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown
+ │ 304: dup
+ │ 305: aload 16
+ │ 307: aconst_null
+ │ - 308: invokespecial #72 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown."":(Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ - 311: invokespecial #73 // Method java/lang/Thread."":(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ - 314: invokevirtual #74 // Method java/lang/Runtime.addShutdownHook:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ + 308: invokespecial #215 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown."":(Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client;Ljava/util/Timer;)V
+ │ + 311: invokespecial #218 // Method java/lang/Thread."":(Ljava/lang/Runnable;)V
+ │ + 314: invokevirtual #221 // Method java/lang/Runtime.addShutdownHook:(Ljava/lang/Thread;)V
+ │ 317: aload 16
+ │ 319: iload 10
+ │ - 321: invokevirtual #75 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.share:(I)V
+ │ - 324: getstatic #76 // Field com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.ERROR:Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + 321: invokevirtual #225 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.share:(I)V
+ │ + 324: getstatic #228 // Field com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.ERROR:Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ 327: aload 16
+ │ - 329: invokevirtual #77 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.getState:()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ - 332: invokevirtual #78 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ + 329: invokevirtual #234 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client.getState:()Lcom/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState;
+ │ + 332: invokevirtual #238 // Method com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState.equals:(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z
+ │ 335: ifeq 342
+ │ 338: iconst_1
+ │ - 339: invokestatic #44 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ + 339: invokestatic #129 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ 342: goto 368
+ │ 345: astore 16
+ │ - 347: getstatic #80 // Field logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - 350: ldc #81 // String Fatal error: {}
+ │ + 347: getstatic #241 // Field logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + 350: ldc #245 // String Fatal error: {}
+ │ 352: aload 16
+ │ - 354: invokevirtual #82 // Method java/lang/Exception.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ + 354: invokevirtual #247 // Method java/lang/Exception.getMessage:()Ljava/lang/String;
+ │ 357: aload 16
+ │ - 359: invokeinterface #83, 4 // InterfaceMethod org/slf4j/Logger.error:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ + 359: invokeinterface #248, 4 // InterfaceMethod org/slf4j/Logger.error:(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V
+ │ 364: iconst_2
+ │ - 365: invokestatic #44 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ + 365: invokestatic #129 // Method java/lang/System.exit:(I)V
+ │ 368: return
+ │ Exception table:
+ │ from to target type
+ │ 85 90 93 Class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException
+ │ 243 342 345 Class java/lang/Exception
+ │ LineNumberTable:
+ │ line 113: 0
+ │ @@ -729,22 +722,22 @@
+ │ frame_type = 22 /* same */
+ │
+ │ static {};
+ │ descriptor: ()V
+ │ flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
+ │ Code:
+ │ stack=1, locals=0, args_size=0
+ │ - 0: ldc #50 // class com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ - 2: invokestatic #84 // Method org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.getLogger:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ - 5: putstatic #80 // Field logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + 0: ldc #124 // class com/turn/ttorrent/cli/ClientMain
+ │ + 2: invokestatic #254 // Method org/slf4j/LoggerFactory.getLogger:(Ljava/lang/Class;)Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ + 5: putstatic #241 // Field logger:Lorg/slf4j/Logger;
+ │ 8: return
+ │ LineNumberTable:
+ │ line 43: 0
+ │ line 44: 2
+ │ line 43: 8
+ │ }
+ │ SourceFile: "ClientMain.java"
+ │ InnerClasses:
+ │ - public static abstract #121= #40 of #27; // OptionException=class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException of class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ - public static abstract #134= #133 of #27; // Option=class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option of class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ - public static #229= #71 of #61; // ClientShutdown=class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown of class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ - public static final #312= #234 of #61; // ClientState=class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState of class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ + public static abstract #312= #306 of #79; // Option=class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$Option of class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ + public static abstract #313= #111 of #79; // OptionException=class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser$OptionException of class jargs/gnu/CmdLineParser
+ │ + public static #314= #213 of #180; // ClientShutdown=class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientShutdown of class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
+ │ + public static final #315= #229 of #180; // ClientState=class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client$ClientState of class com/turn/ttorrent/client/Client
With gumtree-jvm-bytecode-diff
+ ```
+ ===
+ update-node
+ ---
+ majorVersion: 50 [6,8]
+ replace 50 by 52
+ ```
+ The spurious diff contains differences in constant pool entries only.
+ However, the decompiled source code is exact same.
+ The differences emerge because the same source file is compiled to different target languages.
+ Our tool shows exactly that.