The Grundbuchperson (not the Stammperson) should be delivered to the index (full sync and partial sync).
PostgreSQL is needed to save temporary data about the running transaction.
RabbitMQ is a message queue. All received data (over REST) will be sent to RabbitMQ. A secondary process will then consume these messages and create the files for sedex.
Prometheus collects information from the running process and prepares them for Grafana. Grafana shows the collected information in a dashboard.
These componentes are optional. They do not necessarily have to be installed, but they are helpful to get some insights in the running system.
No, because it is only needed for temporary data.
You have to do the following steps:
- Check the logs to find the causing error
- Fix the error
- Restart the processor
The processor should recover automatically.
The status of the full syncs is available over REST and visible in the Grafana-Dashboard. A full sync fails when one of the person-data wasn't correct.
You have to do the following steps:
- Fix the wrong person-data
- Reset the transaction (it deletes the already received data)
- Send the full-data again
The status of the partial syncs is available over REST and visible in the Grafana-Dashboard. A partial sync fails when the person-data wasn't correct.
You have to do the following steps:
- Fix the person-data
- Send the partial-data again
The needed resources depend on the count of mutations to transfer. To transfer one million mutations you need minimal:
- 4 (V-)CPUs
- 10 GB RAM
- 15 GB Disk Space (only temporarly until the Sedex-Message is sent)