v1.0.0 | 2018-01-15
- Improved documentation
- Switched default replacement character to underscore
v0.0.7 | 2016-12-05
- Added -R flag to extract command as an alias for all recommended flags
- Added support in extract for choosing the character that replaces spaces
v0.0.6 | 2016-03-24
- [Issue #8] Collapse directories now deletes the empty leftover directory
- The verbose flag can now go on subcommands e.g. d2lmf extract -v a.zip out
v0.0.5 | 2016-02-11
- [Issue #6] Improved error message for extracting to a non-empty folder
- [Issue #7] Fixed extract-nested hanging on conflicts
- Improved documentation
v0.0.4 | 2016-02-02
- Added tar, rar and 7z support to Windows
- Foreach command supports running a program for each submission
v0.0.3 | 2015-10-17
- Added Windows support
- Added Python 3.5 support
v0.0.2 | 2015-10-14
- Added OSX support
- Extract command supports removal of junk files with -j, and extracting from an already unzipped directory
- [Issue #3] Fixed extract-nested error handling
v0.0.1 | 2015-10-07
- Added Linux support
- Added Python 2.7 support
- Extract command supports extracting submitted archives with -x, collapsing unneccessary directories with -c, and merging submissions with -m