Run relay node using a v2 watcher
Instructions to run two instances of ts-nitro
clients in a node environment and create a ledger and a virtual channel between them
In root of the repo, install depedencies:
Start a Hardhat chain:
yarn chain
Deploy the Nitro protocol contracts:
yarn test:deploy-contracts # Expected output: # Contracts deployed, addresses written to ~/ts-nitro/packages/nitro-util/nitro-addresses.json
Copy over the JSON file with deployed contract addresses:
yarn test:copy-addresses
Build packages for node environment
yarn build:node
Set the relay node multiaddr (
) in .env
repo change directory topackages/server
cd packages/server
Assign private keys of Bob to variables
export BOB_PK=0279651921cd800ac560c21ceea27aab0107b67daf436cdd25ce84cad30159b4 export BOB_CHAIN_PK=59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
Run a client for Bob (
) withwait
flag to keep it running:# In packages/server yarn cli --pk $BOB_PK --chain-pk $BOB_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/bob-db --wait # Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Constructed Engine +0ms # ts-nitro:server Started P2PMessageService +0ms
Assign private keys of Alice and address of Bob to variables
export ALICE_PK=2d999770f7b5d49b694080f987b82bbc9fc9ac2b4dcc10b0f8aba7d700f69c6d export ALICE_CHAIN_PK=ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 export BOB_ADDRESS=0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94
Run another client for Alice (
) and pass in Bob's address as a counterparty to create the ledger channel with:# In packages/server yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --direct-fund --counter-party $BOB_ADDRESS --amount 1000000 # Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Constructed Engine +0ms # ts-nitro:server Started P2PMessageService +0ms # . # . # ts-nitro:engine Objective DirectFunding-0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d is complete & returned to API +12ms # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel created with id 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d +9s
Assign ledger channel id in output log above to an environment variable
Run command to get ledger channel information
yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --get-ledger-channel --ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID # Expected output: # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d", # "Status": "Open", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Hub": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Client": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "HubBalance": 1000000, # "ClientBalance": 1000000 # } # } +194ms
Run client for Alice again to create virtual payment channel:
yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --virtual-fund --counter-party $BOB_ADDRESS --amount 1000 # Final Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Objective VirtualFund-0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 is complete & returned to API +1ms # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel created with id 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 +813ms
Assign payment channel id in output log above to an environment variable
Run command to get payment channel information
yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --get-payment-channel --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID # Expected output: # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992", # "Status": "Open", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Payee": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Payer": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "PaidSoFar": 0, # "RemainingFunds": 1000 # } # } +179ms
Run client for Alice to make payment:
yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --pay --amount 50 --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --wait # Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Constructed Engine +0ms # ts-nitro:server Started P2PMessageService +0ms # . # . # Sending message: {"to":"0xBBB676","from":"0xAAA662","payloadSummaries":[],"proposalSummaries":[],"payments":[{"amount":50,"channelId":"0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992"}],"rejectedObjectives":[]} +180ms
Wait for voucher receieved log in client Bob
# Expected output: # ts-nitro:util:helpers Received voucher: { # ts-nitro:util:helpers "ChannelId": "0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992", # ts-nitro:util:helpers "Amount": 50, # ts-nitro:util:helpers "Signature": { # ts-nitro:util:helpers "R": "Sps5YQwVZUsLCTC0DVBOiYUQJp4iI4nqAOlUxGUS44E=", # ts-nitro:util:helpers "S": "SbTXk2CtNG1z9ZI1azAYyUvgjrm25OrsyAZ/Qz7egLo=", # ts-nitro:util:helpers "V": 28 # ts-nitro:util:helpers } # ts-nitro:util:helpers } +0ms
Close client Alice after getting above log
Pay command can be run multiple times
Check status of payment channel after making payments
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --get-payment-channel --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID
Close virtual payment channel using client Alice
yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --virtual-defund --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --get-payment-channel # Final Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Objective VirtualDefund-0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 is complete & returned to API +1ms # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel with id 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 closed # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992", # "Status": "Complete", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Payee": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Payer": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "PaidSoFar": 100, # "RemainingFunds": 900 # } # } +1ms
Close the ledger channel using client Alice
yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --direct-defund --ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID --get-ledger-channel # Final Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Objective DirectDefunding-0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d is complete & returned to API +1ms # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel with id 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d closed # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d", # "Status": "Complete", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Hub": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Client": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "HubBalance": 1000100, # "ClientBalance": 999900 # } # }
Check balance of accounts on chain
# Alice's balance echo $( printf "Result: %d" $( curl -sk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBalance", "params": ["0xAAA6628Ec44A8a742987EF3A114dDFE2D4F7aDCE", "latest"], "id":1 }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result' ) ) # Expected output: # Result: Amount equal to "ClientBalance" of the closed ledger channel # Bob's balance echo $( printf "Result: %d" $( curl -sk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBalance", "params": ["0xBBB676f9cFF8D242e9eaC39D063848807d3D1D94", "latest"], "id":1 }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result' ) ) # Expected output: # Result: Amount equal to "HubBalance" of the closed ledger channel
In NodeJS environment clear storage by deleting DB directories in
rm -r ./out
Instructions to run instances of ts-nitro
(node) and go-nitro
clients and create a ledger channel between them
Follow the setup steps in the
section -
, checkout to branch required for interopsgit checkout ts-interop
Install dependencies:
go mod tidy
Assign private keys of Erin to variables
# In statechannels/go-nitro export ERIN_PK=0aca28ba64679f63d71e671ab4dbb32aaa212d4789988e6ca47da47601c18fe2 export ERIN_CHAIN_PK=7c852118294e51e653712a81e05800f419141751be58f605c371e15141b007a6
Assign contract addresses to variables
# In statechannels/go-nitro export NA_ADDRESS=0x5FbDB2315678afecb367f032d93F642f64180aa3 export VPA_ADDRESS=0xe7f1725E7734CE288F8367e1Bb143E90bb3F0512 export CA_ADDRESS=0x9fE46736679d2D9a65F0992F2272dE9f3c7fa6e0
Run a client for Erin (0xB2B22ec3889d11f2ddb1A1Db11e80D20EF367c01):
# In statechannels/go-nitro go run . -msgport 3006 -wsmsgport 5006 -rpcport 4006 -pk $ERIN_PK -chainpk $ERIN_CHAIN_PK -naaddress $NA_ADDRESS -vpaaddress $VPA_ADDRESS -caaddress $CA_ADDRESS # Expected output: # Initialising mem store... # Initializing chain service and connecting to ws:// # Initializing message service on tcp port 3006 and websocket port 5006... # P2PMessageService started with Peer Id: 16Uiu2HAmF7aWvcJoAWWE5LqRoxnZJUBbeKmtWrb2EN7VZgH9hXVH # Address: 0xB2B22ec3889d11f2ddb1A1Db11e80D20EF367c01 # {"level":"debug","engine":"0xB2B22e","time":1688632729155,"caller":"engine.go:151","message":"Constructed Engine"} # Initializing websocket RPC transport... # Nitro as a Service listening on port 4006
Assign private keys of Alice and address of Erin to variables
# In packages/server export ALICE_PK=2d999770f7b5d49b694080f987b82bbc9fc9ac2b4dcc10b0f8aba7d700f69c6d export ALICE_CHAIN_PK=ac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80 export ERIN_ADDRESS=0xB2B22ec3889d11f2ddb1A1Db11e80D20EF367c01
Create a JSON file (
) with the following contents (go-nitro client Erin's peer info) for further usage:[ { "address": "0xB2B22ec3889d11f2ddb1A1Db11e80D20EF367c01", "multiaddr": "/ip4/" } ]
Run client for Alice (
) and pass in Erin's address as a counterparty to create the ledger channel with:# In packages/server yarn cli --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --direct-fund --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --amount 1000000 --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Constructed Engine +0ms # ts-nitro:server Started P2PMessageService +0ms # . # . # ts-nitro:engine Objective DirectFunding-0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d is complete & returned to API +12ms # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel created with id 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d +9s
Assign ledger channel id in output log above to an environment variable
Run command to get ledger channel information
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --get-ledger-channel --ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --amount 1000000 --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Expected output: # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d", # "Status": "Open", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Hub": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Client": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "HubBalance": 1000000, # "ClientBalance": 1000000 # } # } +194ms
Run client for Alice again to create virtual payment channel:
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --virtual-fund --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --amount 1000 --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Final Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Objective VirtualFund-0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 is complete & returned to API +1ms # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel created with id 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 +813ms
Assign payment channel id in output log above to an environment variable
Run command to get payment channel information
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --get-payment-channel --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Expected output: # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992", # "Status": "Open", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Payee": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Payer": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "PaidSoFar": 0, # "RemainingFunds": 1000 # } # } +179ms
Run client for Alice to make payment:
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --pay --amount 50 --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --wait --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Constructed Engine +0ms # ts-nitro:server Started P2PMessageService +0ms # . # . # Sending message: {"to":"0xBBB676","from":"0xAAA662","payloadSummaries":[],"proposalSummaries":[],"payments":[{"amount":50,"channelId":"0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992"}],"rejectedObjectives":[]} +180ms
Check status of payment channel after making payments
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --get-payment-channel --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json
Close virtual payment channel using client Alice
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --virtual-defund --payment-channel $PAYMENT_CHANNEL_ID --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Final Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Objective VirtualDefund-0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 is complete & returned to API +1ms # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel with id 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 closed # ts-nitro:server Virtual payment channel 0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992 status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0x033d8dcf8a34333cf7807082c03cb940241a3a115a7fa44e47de2c9ec7e5e992", # "Status": "Complete", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Payee": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Payer": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "PaidSoFar": 100, # "RemainingFunds": 900 # } # } +1ms
Close the ledger channel using client Alice
yarn cli -p 3005 --pk $ALICE_PK --chain-pk $ALICE_CHAIN_PK --use-durable-store true --durable-store-folder ./out/alice-db --direct-defund --ledger-channel $LEDGER_CHANNEL_ID --get-ledger-channel --counter-party $ERIN_ADDRESS --additional-peers ./additional-peers.json # Final Expected output: # ts-nitro:engine Objective DirectDefunding-0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d is complete & returned to API +1ms # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel with id 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d closed # ts-nitro:server Ledger channel 0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d status: # ts-nitro:server { # "ID": "0xb18b4a179496b698d1adef6c6a57a8debf75c1000ed69154615a5a4904036e4d", # "Status": "Complete", # "Balance": { # "AssetAddress": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000", # "Hub": "0xbbb676f9cff8d242e9eac39d063848807d3d1d94", # "Client": "0xaaa6628ec44a8a742987ef3a114ddfe2d4f7adce", # "HubBalance": 1000100, # "ClientBalance": 999900 # } # }
Check balance of accounts on chain
# Alice's balance echo $( printf "Result: %d" $( curl -sk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBalance", "params": ["0xAAA6628Ec44A8a742987EF3A114dDFE2D4F7aDCE", "latest"], "id":1 }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result' ) ) # Expected output: # Result: Amount equal to "ClientBalance" of the closed ledger channel # Erin's balance echo $( printf "Result: %d" $( curl -sk -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getBalance", "params": ["0xB2B22ec3889d11f2ddb1A1Db11e80D20EF367c01", "latest"], "id":1 }' http://localhost:8545 | jq -r '.result' ) ) # Expected output: # Result: Amount equal to "HubBalance" of the closed ledger channel
Clear storage by deleting DB directories in
rm -r ./out