This document describes how to build GMT from source codes (stable release or development version) on Linux, macOS and Windows.
For general users:
- Build and runtime dependencies
- Installing dependencies
- Getting GMT source codes
- Configuring
- Building GMT source codes
- Installing
- Setting path
For developers and advanced users:
- Building documentation
- Running tests
- Creating source packages
- Packaging
- Updating the development source codes
For package maintainers:
To build GMT, you must install:
Optionally install these for more capabilities within GMT:
- Ghostscript (Ability to convert PostScript plots to PDF and rasters)
- GDAL (Ability to read and write numerous grid and image formats)
- PCRE or PCRE2 (Regular expression support)
- FFTW single-precision (Fast FFTs, >=3.3 [not needed under macOS])
- GLib GTHREAD support
- LAPACK (Fast matrix inversion [not needed under macOS])
- BLAS (Fast matrix multiplications [not needed under macOS])
For movie-making capabilities these executables are needed:
- GraphicsMagick (Convert images to animated GIFs)
- FFmpeg (Convert images to videos)
For viewing documentation under Linux via gmt docs
, your need xdg-open
- xdg-open (Unified open for a variety of files)
Optionally install for building GMT documentations and running tests:
- Sphinx (>=1.4.x, for building the manpage and HTML documentation)
- GraphicsMagick (for running the tests)
You also need to download support data:
- GSHHG: A Global Self-consistent, Hierarchical, High-resolution Geography Database (>=2.2.0)
- DCW-GMT: The Digital Chart of the World (optional, >=1.0.5)
For Ubuntu and Debian, there are prepackaged development binaries available. Install the GMT dependencies with:
# Install required dependencies
sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libcurl4-gnutls-dev libnetcdf-dev
# Install optional dependencies
sudo apt-get install gdal-bin libgdal-dev libfftw3-dev libpcre3-dev liblapack-dev libblas-dev libglib2.0-dev ghostscript
# to enable movie-making
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick ffmpeg
# to enable document viewing via gmt docs
sudo apt-get install xdg-utils
# to enable testing
sudo apt-get install graphicsmagick
# to build the documentation
sudo apt-get install python-sphinx
For RHEL and CentOS, GMT's dependencies are available from Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux. You can add this repository by telling yum:
sudo yum install epel-release
You then can install the GMT dependencies with:
# Install necessary dependencies
sudo yum install cmake libcurl-devel netcdf-devel
# Install optional dependencies
sudo yum install gdal gdal-devel pcre-devel fftw3-devel lapack-devel openblas-devel glib2-devel ghostscript
# to enable movie-making
# ffmpeg is provided by [rmpfusion](
sudo yum localinstall --nogpgcheck`rpm -E %rhel`.noarch.rpm
sudo yum install GraphicsMagick ffmpeg
# to enable document viewing via gmt docs
sudo yum install xdg-utils
# to enable testing
sudo yum install GraphicsMagick
# to build the documentation
sudo yum install python-sphinx
For Fedora, there are prepackaged development binaries available. Install the GMT dependencies with:
# Install necessary dependencies
sudo dnf install cmake libcurl-devel netcdf-devel
# Install optional dependencies
sudo dnf install gdal gdal-devel pcre-devel fftw3-devel lapack-devel openblas-devel glib2-devel ghostscript
# to enable movie-making
# ffmpeg is provided by [rmpfusion](
sudo dnf install`rpm -E %fedora`.noarch.rpm
sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick ffmpeg
# to enable document viewing via gmt docs
sudo dnf install xdg-utils
# to enable testing
sudo dnf install GraphicsMagick
# to build the documentation
sudo dnf install python-sphinx
For Archlinux, there are prepackaged development binaries available. Install the gmt dependencies with:
# install necessary dependencies
sudo pacman -S base-devel cmake libcurl-gnutls netcdf
# install optional dependencies
sudo pacman -S gdal pcre fftw lapack openblas glib2 ghostscript
# to enable movie-making
sudo pacman -S graphicsmagick ffmpeg
# to enable document viewing via gmt docs
sudo pacman -S xdg-utils
# to enable testing
sudo pacman -S graphicsmagick
# to build the documentation
sudo pacman -S python-sphinx
For FreeBSD, there are prepackaged development binaries available. Install the gmt dependencies with:
# install necessary dependencies
sudo pkg install shells/bash devel/cmake ftp/curl science/netcdf
# install optional dependencies
sudo pkg install graphics/gdal devel/pcre math/fftw3-float math/lapack math/openblas print/ghostscript9
# to enable movie-making
sudo pkg install graphics/GraphicsMagick multimedia/ffmpeg
# to enable document viewing via gmt docs
sudo pkg install xdg-utils
# to enable testing
sudo pkg install graphics/GraphicsMagick
# to build the documentation
sudo pkg install py36-sphinx
For macOS with homebrew installed, you can install the dependencies with:
# Install necessary dependencies
brew install cmake curl netcdf
# Install optional dependencies
brew install gdal pcre2 fftw glib ghostscript
# to enable movie-making
brew install graphicsmagick ffmpeg
# to enable testing
brew install graphicsmagick
# to build the documentation
brew install sphinx-doc
For some software, e.g. CMake, Ghostscript, GraphicsMagick and FFmpeg, you can download binary installers to install them. If there is an option to add it to the system PATH, remember to tick it.
For other dependency libraries, it's recommended to install them via vcpkg. To use vcpkg, make sure you have met the prerequisites:
- Windows 10, 8.1, 7
- Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 or newer with "Desktop development with C++" installed
- Git
- CMake >=3.12.4
Open a command prompt, and install vcpkg with:
cd C:\
git clone
cd C:\vcpkg
After installing vcpkg, you can install the GMT dependency libraries with (it may take more than 30 minutes):
# Build and install libraries
# If you want to build x64 libraries (recommended)
vcpkg install netcdf-c gdal pcre fftw3[core,threads] clapack openblas --triplet x64-windows
# If you want to build x86 libraries
vcpkg install netcdf-c gdal pcre fftw3[core,threads] clapack openblas --triplet x86-windows
# hook up user-wide integration (note: requires admin on first use)
vcpkg integrate install
After installing these dependency libraries, you also need to add
vcpkg's bin path (i.e. C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\bin
) and
GDAL's bin path (i.e. C:\vcpkg\installed\x64-windows\tools\gdal
to the system environmental variable PATH
so that GMT executables can find the DLL shared libraries and
the GDAL tools (gdal_translate
and ogr2ogr
The latest stable release of the GMT source codes (filename: gmt-x.x.x-src.tar.gz) are available from the GMT main site.
If you want to build/use the latest developing/unstable GMT, you can get the source codes from GitHub by:
git clone
You can also get supporting data GSHHG and DCW (filename: gshhg-gmt-x.x.x.tar.gz and dcw-gmt-x.x.x.tar.gz) from the GMT main site.
Extract the files and put them in a separate directory (need not be where you eventually want to install GMT).
GMT can be built on any platform supported by CMake. CMake is a cross-platform,
open-source system for managing the build process. The building process is
controlled by two configuration files in the cmake
- ConfigDefault.cmake is version controlled and used to add new default variables and set defaults for everyone. You should NOT edit this file.
- ConfigUser.cmake is not version controlled and used to override defaults on a per-user basis. There is a template file, ConfigUserTemplate.cmake, that you should copy to ConfigUser.cmake and make your changes therein.
In the source tree, copy the template configuration file
to cmake/ConfigUser.cmake
and edit the file according to your demands. This is an example:
set (GSHHG_ROOT /path/to/gshhg)
set (DCW_ROOT /path/to/dcw)
set (COPY_GSHHG true)
set (COPY_DCW true)
For Windows users, a good example is:
set (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "C:/programs/gmt6")
set (GSHHG_ROOT <path to gshhg>)
set (DCW_ROOT <path to dcw>)
set (COPY_GSHHG true)
set (COPY_DCW true)
See the additional comments in cmake/ConfigUserTemplate.cmake
for more details.
Now that you made your configuration choices, it is time for invoking CMake. To keep generated files separate from source files in the source tree, you should create a build directory in the top-level directory, where the build files will be generated, and change into your build directory:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
For Windows users, you need to open a command prompt and run:
mkdir build
cd build
# For x64 build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64
# For x86 build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=C:\vcpkg\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x86
For advanced users, you can append the option -G Ninja
to use the
build tool Ninja, which is a small build system
with a focus on speed.
In the build directory, type
# Linux/macOS
cmake --build .
# Windows
cmake --build . --config Release
which will compile all the programs. You can also append --parallel [jobs] to enable parallel build, in which jobs is the maximum number of concurrent processes to use when building. If jobs is omitted the native build tool's default number is used.
# Linux/macOS
cmake --build . --target install
# Windows
cmake --build . --target install --config Release
will install gmt executable, library, development headers and built-in data to the specified GMT install location. Optionally it will also install the GSHHG shorelines (if found), DCW (if found), UNIX manpages, and HTML documentations.
Depending on where GMT is being installed, you might need
write permission for this step so you can copy files to system directories.
Using sudo
will often do the trick.
Make sure you set the PATH
to include the directory containing the GMT executables
if this is not a standard directory like /usr/local/bin
For Linux/macOS users, open your SHELL configuration file (usually ~/.bashrc
and add the line below to it.
export PATH=${PATH}:/path/to/gmt/bin
Then, you should now be able to run GMT programs.
Below are instructions for developers and advanced users.
The GMT documentations are available in different formats and can be generated with:
cmake --build . --target docs_man # UNIX manual pages
cmake --build . --target docs_html # HTML manual, tutorial, cookbook, and API reference
To generate the documentation you need to install the Sphinx
documentation builder. You can choose to install the documentation files
from an external location instead of generating the Manpages, and HTML files from the sources.
This is convenient if Sphinx is not available. Set GMT_INSTALL_EXTERNAL_DOC in
A complete set of the example scripts used to create all the example plots,
including all necessary data files, are provided by the installation.
To enable testing, you need following lines in your ConfigUser.cmake
Then run:
cmake --build . --target check
Optionally set N_TEST_JOBS to the number of ctest jobs to run simultaneously.
You can also select individual tests using regexp with ctest, e.g.:
ctest --output-on-failure -R ex2[3-6]
Edit cmake/ConfigDefault.cmake
and set
Then create source packages with:
cmake --build . --target gmt_release # export the source tree and documentation
cmake --build . --target gmt_release_tar # create tarballs (in tar.gz and tar.xz formats)
Currently, packaging with CPack works on macOS (Bundle, TGZ, TBZ2), Windows (ZIP, NSIS), and UNIX (TGZ, TBZ2). On Windows you need to install NSIS. After building GMT and the documentation, build and place the executables, including the supplements, with
cmake --build . --target install
and then create the package with either one of these:
cmake --build . --target package
cpack -G <TGZ|TBZ2|Bundle|ZIP|NSIS>
Assuming you did not delete the build directory, this is just as simple as
cd path-to-gmt
git pull
cd build
cmake --build .
cmake --build . --target install
CMake will detect any changes to the source files and will automatically reconfigure. If you deleted all files inside the build directory you have to run cmake again manually.
These recommendations are directed at package maintainers of GMT.
First split off DCW-GMT and GSHHG into separate architecture independent packages,
e.g., dcw-gmt
and gshhg-gmt
, because they have a different development cycle.
Files should go into directories /usr/share/dcw-gmt/
and /usr/share/gshhg-gmt/
. Then configure GMT as shown below.
- Homepage:
- Summary: Digital Chart of the World (DCW) for GMT
- License: LGPL-3+
- Source:
- Description: DCW-GMT is an enhancement to the original 1:1,000,000 scale vector basemap of the world, available from the Princeton University Digital Map and Geospatial Information Center. It contains more state boundaries (the largest 8 countries are now represented) than the original data source. Information about DCW can be found on Wikipedia ( This data is for use by GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools.
- Homepage:
- Summary: Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Geography (GSHHG)
- License: LGPL-3+
- Source:
- Description: GSHHG is a high-resolution shoreline data set amalgamated from two databases: Global Self-consistent Hierarchical High-resolution Shorelines (GSHHS) and CIA World Data Bank II (WDBII). GSHHG contains vector descriptions at five different resolutions of land outlines, lakes, rivers, and political boundaries. This data is for use by GMT, the Generic Mapping Tools.
- Homepage:
- Summary: Generic Mapping Tools
- License: GPL-3+, LGPL-3+, or Restrictive depending on LICENSE_RESTRICTED setting
- Source:
- Description: GMT is an open-source collection of command-line tools for manipulating geographic and Cartesian data sets (including filtering, trend fitting, gridding, projecting, etc.) and producing PostScript illustrations ranging from simple x–y plots via contour maps to artificially illuminated surfaces and 3D perspective views. It supports many map projections and transformations and includes supporting data such as coastlines, rivers, and political boundaries and optionally country polygons.
- Build dependencies:
- cmake
- gcc
- curl
- netcdf
- gdal
- pcre
- fftw
- glib2
- lapack
- openblas
- dcw-gmt
- gshhg-gmt
- Runtime dependencies:
- ghostscript (required)
- curl (required)
- netcdf (required)
- gdal
- pcre
- fftw
- glib2
- lapack
- openblas
- dcw-gmt
- gshhg-gmt (at least the crude resolution GSHHG files are mandatory)
- CMake arguments:
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS=-fstrict-aliasing -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=${prefix} -DDCW_ROOT=${prefix}/share/gmt/dcw -DGSHHG_ROOT=${prefix}/share/gmt/gshhg -DNETCDF_ROOT=${prefix} -DFFTW3_ROOT=${prefix} -DGDAL_ROOT=${prefix} -DPCRE_ROOT=${prefix} -DGMT_INSTALL_TRADITIONAL_FOLDERNAMES=off -DLICENSE_RESTRICTED=LGPL or -DLICENSE_RESTRICTED=no to include non-free code
Note that you have to configure and build out-of-source.
It is safe to make a parallel build with make -j
It is expected that the GMT supplements plugin be distributed with the core programs.