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File metadata and controls

149 lines (103 loc) · 4.15 KB


Firebase implementation for Micropython on ESP WROOM 32. Not tested on other platforms running micropython but should work.

This is a very basic and ported version of for micropython. This is WIP. All the basic features like:

1. GET

work fine.

Requires urequests and usseclient. urequests is a part of micropython already. I have added a ported version of sseclient removing other dependencies not available in micropython. No other dependencies have to be added.

Connect to wifi

run the file to connect to WiFi. Pass ssid and password as arguments. Put ssid under single/double quotes
if it contains spaces.

>>> execfile(' ssid password')

Now you are good to go.

get and put

get gets the value of a Firebase at some URL, put writes or replaces data at a Firebase path.

>>> import ufirebase as firebase
>>> URL = 'lucid-lychee'  # see note on URLs at the bottom of documentation
>>> print firebase.get(URL)  # this is an empty Firebase

>>> firebase.put(URL, 'tell me everything')  # can take a string
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
tell me everything

>>> firebase.put(URL, {'lucidity': 9001})  # or a dictionary
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'lucidity': 9001}

>>> firebase.put(URL, {'color': 'red'})  # replaces old value
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'color': u'red'}

>>> print firebase.get(URL + '/color')


push pushes data to a list on a Firebase path. This is the same as patching with an incrementing key, with Firebase taking care of concurrency issues.

>>> import ufirebase as firebase
>>> URL = 'bickering-blancmanges'
>>> print firebase.get(URL)

>>> firebase.push(URL, {'color': 'pink', 'jiggliness': 'high'})
>>> firebase.get(URL)
  u'-JyAXHX9ZNBh7tPPja4w': {u'color': u'pink', u'jiggliness': u'high'}

>>> firebase.push(URL, {'color': 'white', 'jiggliness': 'extreme'})
>>> firebase.get(URL)
  u'-JyAXHX9ZNBh7tPPja4w': {u'color': u'pink', u'jiggliness': u'high'},
  u'-JyAXHX9ZNBh7tPPjasd': {u'color': u'white', u'jiggliness': u'extreme'}


patch adds new key value pairs to an existing Firebase, without deleting the old key value pairs.

>>> import ufirebase as firebase
>>> URL = 'tibetan-tumbleweed'
>>> print firebase.get(URL)

>>> firebase.patch(URL, {'taste': 'tibetan'})
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'taste': u'tibetan'}

>>> firebase.patch(URL, {'size': 'tumbly})  # patching does not overwrite
>>> print firebase.get(URL)
{u'taste': u'tibetan', u'size': u'tumbly'}

subscriber (WIP. This won't work)

subscriber takes a URL and callback function and calls the callback on every update of the Firebase at URL.

>>> import firebase
>>> from pprint import pprint  # function which pretty prints objects
>>> URL = 'clumsy-clementine'
>>> S = firebase.subscriber(URL, pprint)  # pprint will be called on all Firebase updates
>>> S.start()  # will get called with initial value of URL, which is empty
(u'put', {u'data': None, u'path': u'/'})

>>> firebase.put(URL, ';-)')  # will make S print something
(u'put', {u'data': u';-)', u'path': u'/'})

>>> firebase.put(URL, {'status': 'mortified'})  # continuing from above
(u'put', {u'data': {u'status': u'mortified'}, u'path': u'/'})
>>> firebase.patch(URL, {'reason': 'blushing'})  # same data, different method
(u'patch', {u'data': {u'reason': u'blushing'}, u'path': u'/'})

>>> firebase.put(URL + '/color', 'red')
(u'put', {u'data': u'red', u'path': u'/color'})

>>> S.stop()

URLs (WILL BE REMOVED in the upcoming versions for reducing any code latency)

All URLs are internally converted to the apparent Firebase URL. This is done by the firebaseURL method.

>>> import firebase

>>> print firebase.firebaseURL('bony-badger')

>>> print firebase.firebaseURL('bony-badger/bones/humerus')

>>> print firebase.firebaseURL('')


  1. Remove whatever latency possible.
  2. Async Subscription to changes is WIP