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Radoslav Gerganov edited this page May 31, 2024 · 5 revisions

Certifier Framework Monthly Meeting

Date: Wed, May, 22, 2024, Time: 6-7am PST


  • Community: John Manferdelli, Chris Ramming, Aditya Gurajada
  • Broadcom: Ye Li, Rado Gerganov
  • Samsung: Bokdeuk Jeong
  • AMD: Harold Gilkey (AMD, San Diego office)
  • Others: None


  1. Status Updates from last meeting
  2. Discuss: Chris: How-to best project CFCC forward externally. CF is a diff kind of SDK (as opposed to Gramine or OE.) Lily Sturman (Red Hat) - working up on some CCC project layer-cake collateral. We need to better represent ourselves in that doc.
  3. Discuss: Chris: CCC "Gaps" doc being developed. Need some details on tamper-proof and tamper-evidence on hw/TEE designs.

Status Updates

  1. Made some progress to stabilize CI env on latest Ubuntu 22.04. Thanks to Sangwan Kwon for fixing Islet issues
  2. No other progress on pending code-cleanup, stabilization issues
  3. CCC-TAC interested to hear on John's investigation into supporting emerging NIST standards quantum safe finalists (dilithium, kyber). To be scheduled.
  4. Started draft Wiki-page for John to provide more details from his investigations.
  5. Upcoming Confidential Computing Summit 2024; SFO June 5th-6th (Wed/Thu)
  6. Mentored / Provided KT-hand-holding to U of Missouri team (Hemanth) to understand Certifier Framework build system.
  7. John gave talk to National Academy of Sciences on CC
  8. John invited ... some folks from Euro to join CFCC, to continue discussions. (follow-up w/John).
  9. Rado: working on the integration of Ray deployments with the Certifier Framework

Action Items

  1. Follow-up on CCC-request for repository PR#246 (OpenSSF Badge updated) from Sal. Assigned to Ye & John
  2. John/ Ye / Aditya to have a conf-call to follow-up on which tool to implement in our repo
  3. Rado needs access to H100 GPU m/c. Chris said NVidia offered access to test-cloud w/H100. Rado to follow-up.
  4. Rado to log an open issue for tracking this GPU support dev-work / investigation.
  5. Follow-up with Sal Kimmich: Engage w/ CCC's architect to follow-up and revise doc that Lily's authoring. (Aditya to start mail-thread.)
  6. Ye to follow-up on support Coconut/SVSM ... Need to get more info on progress of this dev, and how the vTPM would behave. Harold to help, Ye ... to drive this forward.
  7. Chris to follow up with UCB Kubi's team, who seem to have published something using CFCC.