A complete development environment can be accessed through Github codespaces.
To get started, click the green "Code" button on the repository's main page, and then click "Create codespace on main":
After a minute or two, your codespace will be ready with a VSCode editor:
Before making changes, click on the "main" branch name at the bottom of the window:
Click "Create new branch" at the top of the window:
Enter a name for your branch and then press Enter:
Once you've made some changes, you can run the tests right here! Choose "Terminal" and then "Run Task" from the hamburger menu (3 lines) on the left sidebar:
Next, type "test" into the text box at the top and click "Run tests for current file":
In the terminal window below, you can see if the tests were successful:
When you've finished your changes, click the source control button on the left sidebar and then "Commit & Create Pull Request":
Enter a commit message and click the checkmark button to complete:
Finally, enter a title and description for your pull request in the left side bar. Click the "Create" button to submit: