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A Basic Theory of Video

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A Basic Theory of Video Games

  • publication-date: 3 May 2017
  • revision @ 12 Mar 2020 (added illustrations, more footnotes, edited for clarity)

In the modern era, computers are extremely powerful. But they weren't always so, and video games were invented back in an age when processing power was still quite modest. But they were still capable of fast and frenetic action, demanding of the player's reflexes. So one might wonder: How did they do that?

The operative word is video. Understanding how a television works will really help in understanding how a video game works.


How an old-school analogue television tube generates images on its glowing screen is not too complicated. At the back of the tube there's a "gun" that shoots a beam of electrons forward, and where this beam hits the screen from behind, it makes a glowing spot. The intensity of the beam can be changed to vary the brightness of the glow, and there are some magnets along the sides of the tube which can bend the beam before it hits the screen, and thus determine where on the screen the spot appears. (It's a little more complicated for colour TVs, but let's ignore those for now to keep things simple.)

But — at any given time there can only be one spot on the screen that's being hit by the beam like this. So to create the illusion that the whole screen is glowing, the trick is to move the spot around very, very quickly.

To make an image that fills the screen, we need a good method for covering the the entire screen in an orderly fashion. The method developed for television broadcasting is one such method. Each frame starts at the top-left of the screen, and is composed of successive left-to-right scan lines, each of which is slightly lower down on the screen than the one before it. Then, when we get to the bottom-right of the screen, the beam goes back up to the top-left for the next frame. (Footnote 1)

Diagram of video frame scan lines

While there are certainly some differences, modern displays work quite similarly. (Footnote 2)

That glowing spot is fairly small, so to get a nice, solid-looking frame, we should space the scan lines closely together. For the sake of concreteness, let's say there are 200 scan lines on our picture tube, and that we will vary the intensity of the beam 200 times during each scan line. Each frame must be drawn quickly to make it look like a solid image, and if we want the impression of smooth motion in the video, the frames must be generated in quick succession, as well — say, 30 frames per second.

Crunching these numbers, we find that each frame must be drawn in 1/30 of a second, and each of its 200 scan lines must be drawn in 1/6000 of a second. That's a really short time — one-sixth of a millisecond. And since each scan line contains 200 pixels, the beam must be able to change in intensity 1.2 million times a second!

Video display circuitry

1.2 million times per second is a lot of times per second to do anything. It's not too difficult to pack this many changes into an analogue signal that's being transmitted via radio waves (as TV signals originally were), but if you need a computer to generate such a signal, that's a slightly different story.

In the 80's it was not unusual for a CPU to have a clock speed of 4MHz, that is, four million times per second. But it would take several clock cycles to perform a single instruction. Let's say it took 4 on average, so the CPU could execute one million instructions per second.

This CPU would be almost fast enough to control the intensity of the video beam to generate our 200 scan lines of 200 pixels each. But — if it were tasked with doing that, we would have another problem: it wouldn't have any time left over to do anything else!

To solve this problem, early computers, or at least the kind meant to be hooked up to a television tube (arcade games and home computers), often had a significant amount of electronics inside them dedicated solely to the task of generating the video signal.

In fact, some of the architectural designs of these older computers are so video-oriented that they feel like devices designed to generate a video signal with a general-purpose computer strapped onto them, rather than the other way around.

Consider, for example, that the processor clock speed of a Commodore 64 in North America was 1.023 MHz. Why such a weird number, especially when the CPU was capable of 2 MHz? Because the clock signal that was driving the CPU was obtained by scaling down a master clock whose frequency was 14.31818 MHz. And why did it have such a master clock? So that it could generate frequencies matching the NTSC standard, to make the video signal for the North American TV set that it would typically be hooked up to. (Footnote 3)

At any rate, instead of making it the CPU's responsibility to generate the video signal, the computer would have dedicated video display circuitry to generate the video signal without taking up any of the CPU's time.

But how does this circuitry generate the display? There are many possible tricks it can use (Footnote 4), but the general idea is that in the computer there is some RAM dedicated to holding a representation of the display — the "video RAM" — that both the CPU and this circuitry can access. The CPU writes some values to it describing what should be displayed, and the video display circuitry reads these values and uses them to derive the signal that will modulate the beam that will make the various points on the screen either bright or dark.

The contents of the video RAM persist while the computer is powered on. The video display circuitry reads the video RAM (over and over and over), and generates the video signal from it (over and over and over), and if nothing changes the contents of the video RAM, the frames don't change either, and the picture on the screen looks still. A program running on the CPU only has to write a different value to one of the locations in video RAM, and the part(s) of the screen that correspond to that location will look different when the next frame is drawn. (Footnote 5)

Vertical blanking interval

I say "next frame" but of course, since the CPU doesn't have direct control over when the video circuitry will turn any given part of video RAM into a video signal, there is no guarantee that the CPU won't update the video RAM at the exact moment when the frame is being drawn. When that happens, the frame is based partly on the previous state of the video RAM, and partly on the new state of the video RAM, and what do you suppose the viewer sees on the screen when that happens? Generally speaking, they see a choppy flickering between partial images, and generally speaking, it's unpleasant. (A particularly egregious instance of this effect is the so-called CGA snow.) So, how can this unpleasantness be prevented?

There's one detail I've omitted in the description of how the television works: the beam can't travel around the screen instantaneously. It takes a bit of time, however small it might be, to change the power to the magnets. That glowing spot can't teleport; it always takes a continuous path from one point to another.

So what happens is, each time the beam gets to the right side of the screen, it "blanks" (becomes intensity zero = no glow) as it "retraces" (travels back) to the left for the next scan line. Ditto, each time it gets to the bottom, it "blanks" as it "retraces" to the top-left. The short periods of time when these retraces are happening are called the horizontal blanking interval (HBI) and the vertical blanking interval (VBI), respectively. The latter, especially, is very important for video games.

The key idea is that if you wait for the vertical blanking interval before making changes to video RAM, and also get all your changes done before the first scan line of the next frame starts being displayed, you will get a smoothly-drawn and smoothly-animated display.

To enable this, the computer architecture is usually wired up such that the CPU is able to detect when a VBI has begun. Often this is done with an interrupt, which is a way to alert the CPU of an external event no matter what the CPU is doing at the time.

But regardless of how it's implemented exactly, the idea is that the CPU waits for the VBI to start, and then gets to work writing new values to the video RAM that reflect what the screen should look like next. It's important that it should finish this work before the VBI is over, too, because as soon as the next frame begins being drawn, any updates to video RAM could cause flickering. And the CPU shouldn't touch the video RAM again until the next VBI begins.

In the time between VBIs, there's this entire screen being drawn, scan line by scan line, by the video display circuitry, and the CPU can't touch the video RAM. So does the CPU just sit there, waiting idly for the next VBI to start? No, that would be wasteful. Instead, it can use this time productively by computing the next state of the game. For example, what will be the player's new position based on their velocity? Did they collect a treasure and should we increase their score? That sort of thing. Then, when the next VBI does come, it will update the video RAM from that new game state that was computed. And if the new game state has been completely computed by that time, it can perform the display updates quickly — within the space provided by the VBI. (Footnote 6)

So in some sense, the history of video games can be summed up as: "How much processing can you get done in 1/n'th of a second?"

To recap:

  • Wait for the VBI to begin.
  • Update the video RAM based on the current game state.
  • Before the VBI has ended, stop updating video RAM and start putting together the next game state (based on the current game state plus the state of any input devices, etc.)
  • Wait for the next VBI to begin.
  • Repeat ad infinitum.


Hopefully the above has made it clear just how dependent a video game is on translating the game state into a set of video updates which can occur in a timely manner, as well as updating the game state in a timely manner during the period that the screen is actually being drawn. Now let's discuss how the game state can be structured to actually accomplish this.

Saying "the next game state is based on the current game state plus the state of input devices" is very nice from a mathematical point of view, but it's rather abstract to work with. Computer science provides us with the concept of the state machine which can help us break it down.

Note, however, that here the state machine concept is used primarily as a design pattern rather than as a reusable framework. There are many, many ways to implement a state machine, and you don't tend to see anything as elaborate and refined as class StateMachine { ... } in a video game's code, at least not until the 1990's, because the overhead for such a thing would be prohibitive on (e.g.) an 8-bit processor.

Instead, the state machine is implemented directly in the code, usually "hand-written" in terms of global variables and execution location. It's probably obvious how the former works, but the latter is somewhat more subtle; it basically comes down to, if we are inside such-and-such part of the code, we know we must be in such-and-such state (because otherwise, how did we get here?), so act accordingly. It's like the information about the current state has been "compiled into" the code.

This sort of code-to-state association also leads to a neat trick where the address of the routine that handles a particular state can be used to uniquely identify that state; you can store the address of the routine directly in the "current state" variable, and make comparisons on it. This saves having to establish an extra enumeration of values to represent the state.

There are a couple of other things about the state structure of a video game that might be easy to miss:

  • They extend outside of the game itself. Coin-op arcade games have an "attract mode", which might include a pre-recorded demonstration of the game being played, but even simple home games generally have a title screen or something before a new game begins, and that title screen is a state too.
  • They are composed of smaller states, sometimes sub-state machines. For instance, in the "attract mode" state, the machine might switch between showing a title screen and the list of high scores, each displayed for 5 seconds — these are sub-states of the "attract mode" state. Or, during the game itself, there might be 12 antagonists on the screen, each with its own state (position and velocity). You could also call those sub-states of the game, but here they compose differently — you could say the state of the game includes the Cartesian product of those 12 states.

There are virtually an endless number of ways these configurations of states can be combined and implemented, and even listing the most common patterns would probably be outside the scope of this article.

But as a concrete example, here is the diagram of a nested state machine describing the Asteroids-like game Cosmos Boulders:

State machine diagram for the game "Cosmos Boulders"

And here's a rough description of how the state logic in the above diagram might be coded inside the video-updating loop we talked about in the previous section. (In a few places in it I've not included every last detail, so as not to be bogged down while getting the main points across. If it's the sort of thing that appeals to you, you can say that filling in every last detail here is left as an exercise for the reader.)

  • Wait for the VBI to begin.
  • Update the video RAM based on the current game state:
    • If we are in attract mode, draw either the game's logo, or the list of high scores, depending on the sub-state.
    • If we are in game-over mode, draw the text "GAME OVER" on the screen.
    • If we are in game-on mode, draw the ship, boulders, and missiles on the screen, based on their position and their individual states (i.e. if they're exploding, draw an explosion instead).
  • Update the game state:
    • If we are in attract mode, check if the "Start Game" button is being pressed, and if so change to game-on mode. If not, check if a certain amount of time has passed, and if so, switch from showing the logo to showing the high scores, or vice versa.
    • If we are in game-over mode, check if a certain amount of time has elapsed, and if so change to attract mode.
    • If we are in game-on mode:
      • If the player is in playing mode, compute the new velocity of the player's ship based on the position of the joystick; Also, if the player's ship overlaps with one of the boulders, change the player from playing mode to exploding mode.
      • If the player is in exploding mode, check to see if a certain amount of time has passed. If it has, decrement the number of lives of the player. If it is above zero, go back to playing mode, else go to game-over mode.
      • For each boulder, if the boulder is in moving mode, compute its new position based on its current position and velocity.
      • For each missile, if the missile is in moving mode, compute its new position based on its current position and velocity.
  • Wait for the next VBI to begin.
  • Repeat ad infinitum.

...and when the machine is powered on (or when this game is loaded from a cassette tape, or whatever,) there is some startup code that sets up the initial state (current mode = attract mode, etc.) and jumps into this loop.


And there's really not much to add after this point.

This has been an exposition of a basic theory of video games.

It in itself is not Earth-shattering, of course, and there are dozens of little holes that have been glossed over — but knowing about it might give you a deeper appreciation of the medium.

For example, it gives some insight as to why there are bars of "dead space" above and below the main display on many older home computers: it effectively makes the VBI longer. Some games also update only the top half of the screen regularly, and fill the bottom half with an ornate, but largely static, "status display", which is another way to artificially lengthen the amount of time they have to update video RAM before the display circuitry gets to converting it to a video signal.

Or, have you ever been playing a first-person shooter and you trigger some kind of boobytrap and a bunch of antagonists appear and everything gets all choppy? You might know that that's called "frame drop", and you probably guessed it's because the computer now has "too much to do". But knowing this theory, you can see that it literally has too much to do — more game state to compute than it can process in 1/nth of a second, before the next VBI. So it fails to update the screen on that VBI, but it does get it done before the next VBI. So effectively the frame rate drops to half, accounting for the choppiness.

Are things really very different in the modern age? Well, yes and no.

Yes, because the dedicated video hardware is now immensely complex and capable of doing all kinds of things completely independently of the CPU, and because games often now run under multitasking operating systems that try to fairly distribute resources like processing time (and the video display!) to multiple programs at once, and that require these programs to access these resources via abstractions that distance them significantly from the hardware.

But also no, because you don't have to look far to see many of the same ideas, just in a different guise. For example, in Javascript in a modern web browser you can request an animation frame, which is an awful lot like waiting for the VBI.


Footnote 1

The similarity between this and how words are written on a page of text should not go unnoticed. Indeed, one wonders if, had television been invented in some other part of the world, scan lines would instead go right-to-left or top-to-bottom...

Footnote 2

Modern display devices are composed of millions of display elements — effectively, tiny lights — so in theory they no longer have the restriction of only being able to make one spot glow at a time. However, it's still more energy-efficient to do it that way. So they still work in basically the same way, with frames made up of scan lines.

In fact, devices like the 7-segment LED display on, for example, a microwave, work on the same "scan" principle. Try moving your eyes rapidly back and forth when looking at one of these, and you'll notice the afterimage is not a smooth streak. It's segmented, meaning parts of it are "blinking" — only one segment is illuminated at any one time — but it's going too quickly for you to notice.

Footnote 3

This StackExchange answer has a detailed exposition of this approach as it applies to the Amiga. Later generations of computers used dedicated video clocks in their video circuitry to allow the CPU and the video hardware to run at independent rates.

Footnote 4

Discussing all the tricks that have been used to make it possible to generate a signal for the entire screen in such a short amount of time on a system with limited processing power is probably outside the scope of this article, but they are an interesting subject in their own right, so here is a sampling of them for anyone who wishes to research them further:

  • programmable characters
  • hardware sprites
  • double-buffering
  • scan line and frame offsets ("smooth scrolling")
Footnote 5

The seperation wasn't always as clean as this makes it sound. The Atari 2600, for example, did have some dedicated hardware for displaying some "players and missiles" without the CPU's involvement, and the registers in this chip were in some sense the machine's "video RAM"; but that's effectively all it had. If you wanted to display other graphics, such as a background, the CPU would have that responsibility. The CPU would need to execute instructions to change the video signal at certain points on each scan line, as it was being drawn, sometimes executing dummy instructions to make sure it was in sync with where the scan line was at all times — a technique that has been called "racing the beam".

Footnote 6

It's probably worth noting that, once RAM became affordable enough, the double-buffering technique came to dominate, as it makes this much easier. The machine's memory essentially contains two banks of video RAM. When bank 1 is being displayed, the CPU updates bank 2, and vice versa. When the VBI comes, all that has to happen is, the video hardware is told to display the other bank, and the CPU is likewise told to to update the other bank, for the next frame.