A tiny Python program to convert picture to chars, get hog features from picture's areas and using char with most similiar hog feathre to represident it, finally convert a picture to a list of chars.
- Python 2.7
- OpenCV 3
- Numpy
- Movie-py
python pic2char.py <source> <max(width, height)> <target_file> [<channels> [<to_txt_file> [<trim_txt_file>]]]
- source: source file, can be picture, gif or video file (gif and video consume huge amount time)
- max(width, height): max width or height of output file, choose the longer one
- target_file: The file you want to export, you can export to any file if you set
to 1, but you need to choose right fiel type otherwise, picture to picture, gif to gif, video to video - channels: the channels use to extract features, 3 or 1. * to_txt_file: ONLY WORKS IN PICTURE, 1 means output to txt file, otherwise to pictures * trim_txt_file: ONLY WORKS IN PICTURE, 1 means skip blank in line end
Sample Picture (Get from pixabay):
To TXT File: (The origin file is located in txt.txt)
You can edit some params defined at the top of pic2char.py, the area's width or height, the chars to use, the gray values.