WinAVR Alternative, Compile files On Windows Windows Subsystem for Linux (Ubunti Jammy) WSL2
While I share how I compiled, Karl-Heinz Kübbeler (kubi48) TransistorTester 1.13k and also Markus Reschke (madires) ComponentTester 1.51m, You may explore diffrent way's. Please feel free to share your way's and perhaps better way's.
How to install Linux on Windows with WSL
After Installing you can access you linux drive with Windows Explorer.
To get your Ubuntu folder in Windows Explorer Open Windows Explorer and in address bar type or paste
Click on your user name.
I created short cuts on my desktop example \wsl.localhost\Ubuntu-22.04\home\carl\New-GM328A\ComponentTester-1.51m
right click your desktop click NEW and select " Shortcut
and paste your folder path click ok. Now you can get fast access to work with the Files and folders without all the learning to do this on Ubunti Linux.
I do all the code working in Windows Explorer , Downloading firmware and coping the files and folders to Ubuntu Folder and only used linux to run (make) One issues is, always refrech Windows Explorer to update the files before coping them to your firmware uploader.
I used AVRDUDESS tu update MCU
Download your files needed and unpack them , I use 7-zip$20-lcr-esr-transistor-checker-project/
In windows search in task bar type u and click on Ubuntu-22.04 (I sent a shortcut to my task bar)
You get the Ubuntu console
What's great here is windows copy and paste works in your Ubuntu, so you can copy and paste these comands and not have to type them all out. so copy and paste these next comands. I already have installed all these so your screen will be slightly diffrent, you will most likly need to press Y for YES to update and install files.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config git libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install binutils gcc-avr avr-libc uisp avrdude
It has been found by those who know best that older releases compile using less memory. here you can removed AVR and install the 5.4.0
sudo apt-get purge gcc-avr
sudo apt-get install binutils gcc-avr 5.4.0
avr-gcc --version
sudo apt-get install avr-libc uisp avrdude
From windows download Karl-Heinz Kübbeler (kubi48) TransistorTester files from
Click on Code and then Download Zip to your prefered folder.
Unzip (unpack)
You can double click to Unzip ZIP file with Windows or right click Zip file and move mouse pointer to 7-zip then to right to Extrack to "TransistorTester-source-master" (win 10) with windows 11 you need to right click, select Show more options and then move mouse pointer to 7-zip then to right to Extrack to "TransistorTester-source-master"
Go to Your unzipped TransistorTester-source-master folder then right click copy trunk folder to your Ubuntu home (username) folder
go to your Ubuntu trunk folder (we or still using Windows Explorer) make changes to your prefered Makefile ( Do not mess with Makefile in trunk main folder , use the Makefile in prefered firmware folder ex: mega328_color_kit folder
I edit with Notepad++
After your done making your changes Go to your Ubuntu Command prompt , or Start Ubuntu
copy paste this ( or type it out)
cd ~/trunk/mega328_color_kit (or your prefered folder)
then type
From windows download Markus Reschke (madires) ComponentTester files from
Click on Code and then Download Zip to your prefered folder.
Unzip (unpack)
You can double click to Unzip ZIP file with Windows or right click Zip file and move mouse pointer to 7-zip then to right to Extrack to "Transistortester-Warehouse-master" (win 10) with windows 11 you need to right click, select Show more options and then move mouse pointer to 7-zip then to right to Extrack to "Transistortester-Warehouse-master"
Go to Your unzipped Transistortester-Warehouse-master folder then \Transistortester-Warehouse-master\Firmware\m-firmware
This is where 7-zip is used to unpack the tar files
right click ComponentTester-1.51m.tgz file and move mouse pointer to 7-zip then to right to Extrack to "ComponentTester-1.51m" (win 10) with windows 11 you need to right click, select Show more options and then move mouse pointer to 7-zip then to right to Extrack to "ComponentTester-1.51m"
We have to do this again for the tar file, go to the ComponentTester-1.51m Folder and Unpack ComponentTester-1.51m.tar
Do this again , but with cap.c-1.51m.tgz (cap.c fixed file)
go to cap.c-1.51m folder and copy the cap.c file to ComponentTester-1.51m foler over writing the existing bad cap.c file
right click ComponentTester-1.51m folder copy and paste to folder to your Ubuntu home (username) folder
go to your Ubuntu ComponentTester-1.51m (we or still using Windows Explorer)
make changes to your prefered files, I edit with Notepad++
First edit Makefile and set your MCU and crystal MHz
Also edit Your config MCU file you set in Makefile ex: config_328.h
After your done making your changes Go to your Ubuntu Command prompt , or Start Ubuntu
copy paste this ( or type it out)
cd ~/ComponentTester-1.51m
Upload file to MCU with Your prefered Loader I used AVRDUDESS 2.7
I copy my firmware files to a folder and point AVRDUDESS to them, I never messed with any fuses, I leave what AVRDUDESS detects