diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
index 87737e93..8e0c66c7 100644
--- a/.travis.yml
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ branches:
- master
- /quarter\d*/
+ - develop
+ - /2.\d*.\d*/
diff --git a/app/controllers/grants_controller.rb b/app/controllers/grants_controller.rb
index 50b76a93..17cc8f82 100644
--- a/app/controllers/grants_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/grants_controller.rb
@@ -136,7 +136,13 @@ def update
format.json { head :no_content }
format.html { render action: 'edit' }
- format.json { render json: @grant.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ if params[:is_xeditable]
+ format.json { render json: {errors: @grant.errors}, status: :ok }
+ else
+ format.json { render json: @grant.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
+ end
diff --git a/app/views/funding_sources/_index_table.html.haml b/app/views/funding_sources/_index_table.html.haml
index ce74b093..85e96686 100755
--- a/app/views/funding_sources/_index_table.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/funding_sources/_index_table.html.haml
@@ -2,71 +2,147 @@
table_dom_id = SecureRandom.hex
show_actions ||= 0
+ %h2 Programs
- if show_actions == 1
= render :partial => "funding_sources/index_actions"
- %table.table.table-hover{:id => table_dom_id, :data => {:toggle => 'table',
- :pagination => 'true',
- :show_pagination_switch => 'false',
- :page_list => "5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 10000]",
- :page_size => current_user.num_table_rows,
- :search => 'false',
- :toolbar => "#programs_table_actions",
- :export_types => "['csv', 'txt', 'excel']",
- :show_export => 'true',
- :show_columns => 'true',
- :cookie => 'true',
- :cookie_id_table => "funding_sources_id",
- :cookie_expire => "1y"}}
- %thead
- %tr
- %th.center{:data => {:visible => 'false'}} Object Key
- %th.center{:data => {:visible => 'false', :sortable => 'true'}} External ID
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Name
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Source
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Type
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true', :formatter => 'percentage_formatter'}} Inflation Rate
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Life of $ (yrs)
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true', :formatter => 'percentage_formatter'}} Pcnt Match
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Valid From
- %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Valid To
- %th
- %tbody
- - funding_sources.each do |f|
- %tr{:id => f.object_key, :class => 'action-path'}
- %td.left= f.object_key
- %td.left= f.external_id
- =# add whitespace so always read as text and not number. JS plugin trims later
- %td.left{data: {tableexport: {msonumberformat: "\\@", value: "#{f.name} "}}}
- = f.name
- %td.left= f.funding_source_type
- %td.center= f.formula_fund.present? ? 'Formula' : (f.discretionary_fund.present? ? 'Discretionary' : 'Unknown')
- %td.right= f.inflation_rate.present? ? f.inflation_rate : ''
- %td.center= format_as_integer(f.life_in_years)
- %td.right= f.match_required
- %td.center= format_as_fiscal_year(f.fy_start)
- %td.center= format_as_fiscal_year(f.fy_end)
- %td.center.nowrap{:data => {:field => 'action-cell'}}
- %a.transam-popover{data: {placement: 'left', toggle: 'popover', html: 'true', content: "#{f.description}
#{f.details}"}, title: 'Details', tabindex: '0'}
- %i.fa.fa-info-circle
- - if can? :update, f
- = link_to edit_funding_source_path(f), :class => "button btn-xs", :title => "Edit program" do
- %i.fa.fa-edit.fa-1-5x.text-success
- - if (can? :destroy, f) && f.deleteable?
- = link_to funding_source_path(f), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure? The action cannot be undone."} do
- %i.fa.fa-trash-o.fa-fw.text-danger
+= javascript_include_tag "https://kit.fontawesome.com/#{ENV['FONT_AWESOME']}.js"
+ %table.elbat{:id => table_dom_id,
+ :use => 'true',
+ :data => {:use => 'true',
+ :table_code => 'programs',
+ :side => 'client',
+ :current_page => '0',
+ :current_page_size => '10',
+ :page_sizes => "10,20,50,100",
+ :search => 'client',
+ :export => "['csv', 'txt']",
+ :columns => '{"name":{"name":"Program Name","type":"drilldown-link","width":"25%"},
+ "1":{"name":"Source","width":"12%"},
+ "2":{"name":"Program Type","width":"15%"},
+ "3":{"name":"Inflation Rate","width":"10%"},
+ "4":{"name":"Life of $ (yrs)","width":"10%"},
+ "5":{"name":"% Match","width":"10%"},
+ "6":{"name":"Valid From","width":"10%"},
+ "7":{"name":"Valid To","width":"10%"},
+ "8":{"name":"Description","width":"10%"},
+ "9":{"name":"Details","width":"8%"},
+ "10":{"name":"External ID","width":"10%"},
+ "11":{"name":"Object Key","width":"12%"},
+ "12":{"name":"Actions","type":"action-column","width":"15%"}}',
+ :selected_columns => "name,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,12",
+ :cookies => "true",
+ :sort => 'client',
+ :params => "{}",
+ :filter => "[]",
+ :data_source => 'client',
+ :url => ''}}
+ - funding_sources.each_with_index do |f, index|
+ %div.actions
+ %a.transam-popover{data: {placement: 'left', toggle: 'popover', html: 'true', content: "#{f.description}
#{f.details}"}, title: 'Details', tabindex: '0'}
+ %i.fa.fa-info-circle
+ - if can? :update, f
+ = link_to edit_funding_source_path(f), :class => "button btn-xs", :title => "Edit program" do
+ %i.fa.fa-edit.fa-1-5x.text-success
+ - if (can? :destroy, f) && f.deleteable?
+ = link_to funding_source_path(f), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure? The action cannot be undone."} do
+ %i.fa.fa-trash-o.fa-fw.text-danger
+ :javascript
+ add_row('#{table_dom_id}',
+ {
+ "name": '#{h link_to f.name, funding_source_path(f) }',
+ "1": '#{h f.funding_source_type }',
+ "2": '#{h f.formula_fund.present? ? "Formula" : (f.discretionary_fund.present? ? "Discretionary" : "Unknown") }',
+ "3": '#{h f.inflation_rate.present? ? format_as_percentage(f.inflation_rate, 3) : "" }',
+ "4": '#{h format_as_integer(f.life_in_years) }',
+ "5": '#{h format_as_percentage(f.match_required, 3) }',
+ "6": '#{h format_as_fiscal_year(f.fy_start) }',
+ "7": '#{h format_as_fiscal_year(f.fy_end) }',
+ "8": '#{h f.description }',
+ "9": '#{h f.details }',
+ "10": '#{h f.external_id }',
+ "11": '#{h f.object_key }',
+ }, #{index});
+ add_aux_queue('#{table_dom_id}',()=>$(".actions").eq(#{index}).detach().appendTo($("##{table_dom_id} .action-column").eq(#{index}).find(".cell-text")));
+-# .table-responsive
+-# %table.table.table-hover{:id => table_dom_id, :data => {:toggle => 'table',
+-# :pagination => 'true',
+-# :show_pagination_switch => 'false',
+-# :page_list => "5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 10000]",
+-# :page_size => current_user.num_table_rows,
+-# :search => 'false',
+-# :toolbar => "#programs_table_actions",
+-# :export_types => "['csv', 'txt', 'excel']",
+-# :show_export => 'true',
+-# :show_columns => 'true',
+-# :cookie => 'true',
+-# :cookie_id_table => "funding_sources_id",
+-# :cookie_expire => "1y"}}
+-# %thead
+-# %tr
+-# %th.center{:data => {:visible => 'false'}} Object Key
+-# %th.center{:data => {:visible => 'false', :sortable => 'true'}} External ID
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Name
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Source
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Type
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true', :formatter => 'percentage_formatter'}} Inflation Rate
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Life of $ (yrs)
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true', :formatter => 'percentage_formatter'}} Pcnt Match
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Valid From
+-# %th.center{:data => {:sortable => "content":
+-# %th
+-# %tbody
+-# - funding_sources.each do |f|
+-# %tr{:id => f.object_key, :class => 'action-path'}
+-# %td.left= f.object_key
+-# %td.left= f.external_id
+-# =# add whitespace so always read as text and not number. JS plugin trims later
+-# %td.left{data: {tableexport: {msonumberformat: "\\@", value: "#{f.name} "}}}
+-# = f.name
+-# %td.left= f.funding_source_type
+-# %td.center= f.formula_fund.present? ? 'Formula' : (f.discretionary_fund.present? ? 'Discretionary' : 'Unknown')
+-# %td.right= f.inflation_rate.present? ? f.inflation_rate : ''
+-# %td.center= format_as_integer(f.life_in_years)
+-# %td.right= f.match_required
+-# %td.center= format_as_fiscal_year(f.fy_start)
+-# %td.center= format_as_fiscal_year(f.fy_end)
+-# %td.center.nowrap{:data => {:field => 'action-cell'}}
+-# %a.transam-popover{data: {placement: 'left', toggle: 'popover', html: 'true', content: "#{f.description}
#{f.details}"}, title: 'Details', tabindex: '0'}
+-# %i.fa.fa-info-circle
+-# - if can? :update, f
+-# = link_to edit_funding_source_path(f), :class => "button btn-xs", :title => "Edit program" do
+-# %i.fa.fa-edit.fa-1-5x.text-success
+-# - if (can? :destroy, f) && f.deleteable?
+-# = link_to funding_source_path(f), :method => :delete, :data => {:confirm => "Are you sure? The action cannot be undone."} do
+-# %i.fa.fa-trash-o.fa-fw.text-danger
= render 'shared/table_formatters'
@@ -80,12 +156,12 @@
- $('#' + '#{table_dom_id}').on('click', 'td', function () {
- var path = "#{funding_source_path('xxx')}";
- var row = $(this).parent('tr').attr('id');
- if ($(this).attr('data-field') != 'action-cell') {
- var url = path.replace("xxx", row);
- document.location.href = url;
- }
- });
\ No newline at end of file
+ //$('#' + '#{table_dom_id}').on('click', 'td', function () {
+ // var path = "#{funding_source_path('xxx')}";
+ // var row = $(this).parent('tr').attr('id');
+ //
+ // if ($(this).attr('data-field') != 'action-cell') {
+ // var url = path.replace("xxx", row);
+ // document.location.href = url;
+ // }
+ //});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/grants/_index_table.html.haml b/app/views/grants/_index_table.html.haml
index bd7bd77a..50306c5b 100644
--- a/app/views/grants/_index_table.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/grants/_index_table.html.haml
@@ -2,7 +2,12 @@
table_dom_id = SecureRandom.hex
show_actions ||= 0
+ html {
+ max-width: 100%;
+ overflow-x: hidden;
+ }
#subheader-label h2 {
border-bottom: 1px solid #e5e5e5;
@@ -15,60 +20,170 @@
%h2 Grants
- %legend.asset-subheader
- %span #{params[:state] == "all" ? "All" : "Filtered"}
+ -# %legend.asset-subheader
+ -# %span #{params[:state] == "all" ? "All" : "Filtered"}
- if show_actions == 1
- = render :partial => "grants/index_actions"
- %table.table.table-hover{:id => table_dom_id, :data => {:toggle => 'table',
- :pagination => 'true',
- :show_pagination_switch => 'false',
- :page_number => '1',
- :page_list => "[10, 20, 50, 100, 200]",
- :page_size => current_user.num_table_rows,
- :search => 'false',
- :export_types => "['csv', 'txt', 'excel']",
- :show_export => 'false',
- :show_columns => 'false',
- :cookie => 'true',
- :cookie_id_table => "grants_id",
- :cookie_expire => "1y"}}
- %thead
- %tr
- %th.left{:data => {:visible => 'false'}} Object Key
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Grant Number
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Source
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Program
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Grant Year
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Owner
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Contributor
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Legislative Authorization
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Date of Award
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Date of Most Recent Amendment
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Status
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Last Update By
- %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Last Update Date
- %tbody
- - grants.each do |grant|
- %tr{:id => grant.object_key}
- %td.left= grant.object_key
- %td.left= link_to grant.grant_num, grant_path(grant)
- %td.left= grant.sourceable.funding_source_type
- %td.left= grant.funding_source
- %td.left= grant.fy_year
- %td.left= grant.owner
- %td.left= grant.has_multiple_contributors ? 'Multiple' : (grant.contributor.nil? ? 'Other' : grant.contributor)
- %td.left= grant.legislative_authorization
- %td.left= format_as_date(grant.award_date)
- %td.left= format_as_date(grant.grant_amendments.last.try(:created_at).try(:to_date))
- %td.left= grant.state.titleize
- %td.left= grant.updater
- %td.left= format_as_date_time(grant.updated_at)
+ = render :partial => "grants/index_actions", :sourceable => @sourceable
+= javascript_include_tag "https://kit.fontawesome.com/#{ENV['FONT_AWESOME']}.js"
+ %table.elbat{:id => table_dom_id,
+ :use => 'true',
+ :data => {:side => 'client',
+ :table_code => 'grants',
+ :current_page => '0',
+ :current_page_size => '10',
+ :page_sizes => "10,20,50,100",
+ :search => 'client',
+ :export => "['csv', 'txt']",
+ :columns => '{"0":{"name":"Object Key","width":"8%"},
+ "1":{"name":"Grant Number","width":"8%","type":"drilldown-link"},
+ "2":{"name":"Source","width":"5%"},
+ "3":{"name":"Program","width":"8%"},
+ "year":{"name":"Grant Year","width":"5%"},
+ "owner":{"name":"Owner","width":"5%"},
+ "6":{"name":"Contributor","width":"8%"},
+ "7":{"name":"Legislative Authorization","width":"12%"},
+ "8":{"name":"Date of Award","width":"8%","type":"right-align"},
+ "9":{"name":"Date of Most Recent Amendment","width":"11%"},
+ "10":{"name":"Status","width":"7%"},
+ "11":{"name":"Last Update By","width":"10%"},
+ "12":{"name":"Last Update Date","width":"8%","type":"right-align"}}',
+ :selected_columns => "1,2,3,year,owner,6,7,8,9,10,11,12",
+ :cookies => "true",
+ :sort => 'client',
+ :params => "{}",
+ :filter => "[]",
+ :data_source => 'client',
+ :url => ''}}
+ -# :ruby
+ -# def pre_sort(vals)
+ -# vals.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } }
+ -# end
+ -# sort = {"0"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.id }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } } ,
+ -# "1"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.grant_num }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } } ,
+ -# "2"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.sourceable.funding_source_type }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "3"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.funding_source }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "year"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.fy_year }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "owner"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.owner }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "6"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.has_multiple_contributors ? "Multiple" : (grant.contributor.nil? ? "Other" : grant.contributor) }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "7"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.legislative_authorization }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "8"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.award_date }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "9"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.grant_amendments.last.try(:created_at).try(:to_date) }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "10"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.state.titleize }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "11"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.updater }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } },
+ -# "12"=> grants.sort_by { |grant| grant.updated_at }.map.with_index { |grant,index| { grant.id => index } }}
+ - grants.each_with_index do |grant, index|
+ :javascript
+ add_row('#{table_dom_id}',
+ {
+ "0":'#{h grant.id }',
+ "1":'#{h link_to grant.grant_num, grant_path(grant) }',
+ "2":'#{h grant.sourceable.funding_source_type }',
+ "3":'#{h grant.funding_source }',
+ "year":'#{h grant.fy_year }',
+ "owner":'#{h grant.owner }',
+ "6":'#{h grant.has_multiple_contributors ? "Multiple" : (grant.contributor.nil? ? "Other" : grant.contributor) }',
+ "7":'#{h grant.legislative_authorization }',
+ "8":'#{h format_as_date(grant.award_date) }',
+ "9":'#{h format_as_date(grant.grant_amendments.last.try(:created_at).try(:to_date)) }',
+ "10":'#{h grant.state.titleize}',
+ "11":'#{h grant.updater }',
+ "12":'#{h format_as_date_time(grant.updated_at) }'
+ }, #{index});
+-# - if show_actions == 1
+-# = render :partial => "grants/index_actions", :sourceable => @sourceable
+-# %table.table.table-hover{:id => table_dom_id, :data => {:toggle => 'table',
+-# :pagination => 'true',
+-# :show_pagination_switch => 'false',
+-# :page_number => '1',
+-# :page_list => "[10, 20, 50, 100, 200]",
+-# :page_size => current_user.num_table_rows,
+-# :search => 'false',
+-# :export_types => "['csv', 'txt', 'excel']",
+-# :show_export => 'false',
+-# :show_columns => 'false',
+-# :cookie => 'true',
+-# :cookie_id_table => "grants_id",
+-# :cookie_expire => "1y"}}
+-# %thead
+-# %tr
+-# %th.left{:data => {:visible => 'false'}} Object Key
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Grant Number
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Source
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Program
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Grant Year
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Owner
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Contributor
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Legislative Authorization
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Date of Award
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Date of Most Recent Amendment
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Status
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Last Update By
+-# %th.left{:data => {:sortable => 'true'}} Last Update Date
+-# %tbody
+-# - grants.each do |grant|
+-# %tr{:id => grant.object_key}
+-# %td.left= grant.object_key
+-# %td.left= link_to grant.grant_num, grant_path(grant)
+-# %td.left= grant.sourceable.funding_source_type
+-# %td.left= grant.funding_source
+-# %td.left= grant.fy_year
+-# %td.left= grant.owner
+-# %td.left= grant.has_multiple_contributors ? 'Multiple' : (grant.contributor.nil? ? 'Other' : grant.contributor)
+-# %td.left= grant.legislative_authorization
+-# %td.left= format_as_date(grant.award_date)
+-# %td.left= format_as_date(grant.grant_amendments.last.try(:created_at).try(:to_date))
+-# %td.left= grant.state.titleize
+-# %td.left= grant.updater
+-# %td.left= format_as_date_time(grant.updated_at)
+-# '{"0":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "1":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "2":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "3":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "4":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "5":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "6":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "7":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "8":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "9":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "10":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "11":{"asc":"true"},
+-# "12":{"asc":"true"}}'
+ -# //"0": {"content":'#{h grant.id }',"sort":'#{sort["0"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "1": {"content":'#{h link_to grant.grant_num, grant_path(grant) }',"sort":'#{sort["1"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "2": {"content":'#{h grant.sourceable.funding_source_type }',"sort":'#{sort["2"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "3": {"content":'#{h grant.funding_source }',"sort":'#{sort["3"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "4": {"content":'#{h grant.fy_year }',"sort":'#{sort["4"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "5": {"content":'#{h grant.owner }',"sort":'#{sort["5"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "6": {"content":'#{h grant.has_multiple_contributors ? "Multiple" : (grant.contributor.nil? ? "Other" : grant.contributor) }',"sort":'#{sort["6"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "7": {"content":'#{h grant.legislative_authorization }',"sort":'#{sort["7"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "8": {"content":'#{h format_as_date(grant.award_date) }',"sort":'#{sort["8"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "9": {"content":'#{h format_as_date(grant.grant_amendments.last.try(:created_at).try(:to_date)) }',"sort":'#{sort["9"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "10": {"content":'#{h grant.state.titleize}',"sort":'#{sort["10"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "11": {"content":'#{h grant.updater }',"sort":'#{sort["11"][index][grant.id]}'},
+ -# // "12": {"content":'#{h format_as_date_time(grant.updated_at) }',"sort":'#{sort["12"][index][grant.id]}'}
= render :partial => 'shared/table_scripts', :locals => {:table_id => table_dom_id, :path_pattern => grant_path("xxx")}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/app/views/grants/show.html.haml b/app/views/grants/show.html.haml
index 59d8eca4..1a26b455 100755
--- a/app/views/grants/show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/grants/show.html.haml
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
%legend Details
+ #xeditable-errors
= render 'details'
%legend Apportionments
diff --git a/app/views/shared/_financial_nav.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_financial_nav.html.haml
index db6bdf79..da994a27 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_financial_nav.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_financial_nav.html.haml
@@ -48,31 +48,31 @@
- if count > 0
- %li.text-left.dropdown-submenu
+ %li.text-left
= link_to funding_sources_path do
- %ul.dropdown-menu
- - FundingSourceType.all.each do |type|
- - if FundingSource.where(funding_source_type_id: type.id).count > 0
- %li.text-left.dropdown-submenu
- = link_to '#' do
- %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-book
- = type
- %ul.dropdown-menu
- - FundingSource.where(funding_source_type_id: type.id).each do | program |
- %li.text-left
- = link_to funding_source_path(program) do
- %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-book
- = program
- - if can? :create, FundingSource
- - if FundingSource.all.count > 0
- %li.divider
- %li
- = link_to new_funding_source_path do
- %i.fa.fa-plus.fa-fw
- = "Add Funding Program";
+ -# %ul.dropdown-menu
+ -# - FundingSourceType.all.each do |type|
+ -# - if FundingSource.where(funding_source_type_id: type.id).count > 0
+ -# %li.text-left.dropdown-submenu
+ -# = link_to '#' do
+ -# %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-book
+ -# = type
+ -# %ul.dropdown-menu
+ -# - FundingSource.where(funding_source_type_id: type.id).each do | program |
+ -# %li.text-left
+ -# = link_to funding_source_path(program) do
+ -# %i.fa.fa-fw.fa-book
+ -# = program
+ -# - if can? :create, FundingSource
+ -# - if FundingSource.all.count > 0
+ -# %li.divider
+ -# %li
+ -# = link_to new_funding_source_path do
+ -# %i.fa.fa-plus.fa-fw
+ -# = "Add Funding Program";
- SystemConfig.transam_module_names.each do |mod|
- view_component = "#{mod}_financial_nav"
diff --git a/lib/transam_accounting/version.rb b/lib/transam_accounting/version.rb
index 42058219..960f89d1 100644
--- a/lib/transam_accounting/version.rb
+++ b/lib/transam_accounting/version.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
module TransamAccounting
- VERSION = "2.10.0"
+ VERSION = "2.11.0"