Scripts shared between argocd gs repositories.
Helper to get the limits, useful to used before applying a new limit on the namespace.
Helper to used tp get the request of the resource to be able to update them.
Helper to login the the cluster.
Helper to create a new GeoMapFish project based on files present on /apps/example
Helper to parse the JSON logs of a container.
Helper to get all the pod on errors.
Helper to connect to the database, cal also be used to run pg_dump
and pg_restore
(run all of them locally with the database credentials).
Helper used to generate the Kubernetes object from the Helm template with the right list of values.
Used in the CI to print the diff with group aon application.
Not used currently but made to do an ArgoCD sync, with a blacklist of applications.
Used by CI to create a pull request.
Used by the CI to checks and monitor all the images with Snyk
Used by the CI to update the image hash in the values files.