// src/View/AppView.php
namespace App\View;
use WyriHaximus\TwigView\View\TwigView;
class AppView extends TwigView
// Code ...
// src/View/AppView.php
namespace App\View;
use WyriHaximus\TwigView\View\TwigView;
class AppView extends TwigView
public function initialize()
Note: TwigView will look for its templates with the extension .twig
and then for .tpl
Layout example
<!DOCTYPE html>
{{ Html.charset()|raw }}
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
{{ __('MySite') }}
{{ _view.fetch('title')|raw }}
{{ Html.meta('icon')|raw }}
{{ Html.css('app.css')|raw }}
{{ Html.script('app')|raw }}
{{ _view.fetch('meta')|raw }}
{{ _view.fetch('css')|raw }}
{{ _view.fetch('script')|raw }}
{{ _view.fetch('header')|raw }}
<h1 class="page-title">{{ _view.fetch('title') }}</h1>
{{ _view.fetch('content')|raw }}
in Template/Controller/action.twig
{{ _view.start('header') }}
<p>It's my header</p>
{{ _view.end() }}
{{ _view.assign('title', "it's my title") }}
<p>It's my content</p>