Taskee is a to do app developed using Clean Architecture and TDD.
Using firebase services to authentication and realtime database with CI/CD in CodeMagic.
- The user can sign in with your account
- The user can create an account
- The user can create tasks
- The user can update the state of your tasks
- The user can delete your tasks
- The user can update your tasks
The project structure is divided into three main layers:
- Domain: The heart of the application, business rules, and use cases are here, as well as the datasources interfaces.
- Data: In here are the external connection behind data sources implementations.
- UI: All pages of the app with your controllers and components.
The application layout could be accessed in the Figma.
- Firebase - To authentication and realtime database.
- Codemagic - To Continuous integration and deployment.
- GitFlow with Sourcetree - To better management of the branches
All the Firebase communications were made with Rest API to avoid coupling with the external world.