This GitHub repo contains codes and scripts for the paper "Mitigating Spurious Correlation in Natural Language Inference with Causal Inference" (EMNLP 2022).
- The example in "counterfactual_inference_example_huggingface.ipynb" shows how one may use counterfactual inference to debias an existing NLI model.
- In order to get counterfactual inference results on MNLI as seen on paper "notebooks/Counterfactual_inference_debias_result_correction_Anon.ipynb" shows how one can apply counterfactual inference and collect results.
- To train bias models and main models from scratch, one may consult the rest of this readme file:
pip install allennlp==2.5.0 allennlp-models==2.5.0
We mainly use CLI to run all the scripts. We also use the slurm system; the slurm scripts are basically shell scripts with extra configurations.
To include customized allennlp's packages add ``--include-package my_package'' to the command
allennlp train <training_config>.jsonnet -s <output_path> --include-package my_package
We can evaluate multiple evaluation datasets at once using ``'evaluate_mult''
allennlp evaluate_mult ${MNLI_PARAMS[@]}
- Create customized features for training the bias model. The example in "notebooks/Build_features_extraction.ipynb".
- For the bias model used in the paper, see "notebooks/Bias_Model_3_classes.ipynb" or "notebooks/Bias_Model_use_our_features.ipynb".
Firstly, we need to make sure that the dataset is well placed in the relative path "data/fact_verification". For convenient, you can run the "" and "" scripts in the path "data/fact_verification" to get a FEVER dataset. In order to train the bias model for FEVER dataset, you can configure the following parameters in "notebooks/Bias_Model_FEVER.ipynb" file. Then we run all the python script in this file for training the bias model and save it into your pointed path.
DUMMY_PREFIX = "" # "sample_" for few samples and "" for the real one
TRAIN_DATA_FILE = "../data/fact_verification/%sfever.train.jsonl"%DUMMY_PREFIX
VAL_DATA_FILE = "../data/fact_verification/%sfever.val.jsonl"%DUMMY_PREFIX
DEV_DATA_FILE = "../data/fact_verification/"%DUMMY_PREFIX
TEST_DATA_FILE = "../data/fact_verification/fever_symmetric_v0.1.test.jsonl"
WEIGHT_KEY = "sample_weight"
OUTPUT_VAL_DATA_FILE = "../data/fact_verification/%sweighted_fever.val.jsonl"%DUMMY_PREFIX
OUTPUT_TRAIN_DATA_FILE = "../data/fact_verification/%sweighted_fever.train.jsonl"%DUMMY_PREFIX
SAVED_MODEL_PATH = "../results/fever/bias_model"
In addition, the example process of loading bias model is also contains in "notebooks/Bias_Model_FEVER.ipynb".
- Create features for training the bias model. The example in "notebooks/qqp_features_extraction.ipynb".
- To train the bias model used in the paper, see: "notebooks/qqp_feature_classification_using_MaxEnt.ipynb".
Once you have the scripts and the dataset available on your local machine, the training process of the main model could be execute via the following running template.
bash slurm_jobs/{DATASET}/job_{MODEL_NAME}_train.sub
For example, training the baseline model with FEVER dataset would requires you to execute this command.
bash slurm_jobs/fact_verification/job_bert_base_train.sub
Simialar to training, to evaluate the trained model on the testset, we could do it by executing the following command.
bash slurm_jobs/{DATASET}/job_{MODEL_NAME}_eval.sub
Getting raw prediction from trained model on FEVER is quite trivial when using the "job_get_raw.sub" and following by your path of the trained model. For instance,
bash slurm_jobs/fact_verification/job_get_raw.sub results/outputs_fever_bert_base_1
- for raw prediction data: you can download using the following link:
We thank Sitiporn Sae-Lim for refactoring our code.