index 8450cc2..f03382f 100644
@@ -1,6 +1,31 @@
+2.0: 2014-11
+Cloud-Control becomes Mission_Control!
+New Features:
+- New install menu.
+- Rundeck can now be installed by Misson_Control.
+- Docker support. (docker-control project)
+- A chef-server container can now be installed. Accessible via HTTPS/4443.
+- All the variables can be edited in the "vars" file.
+- The Rundeck project "cloud-control" got renamed to "kvm-control".
+- Added new DB field "chef_installed".
+- Ditched "file" backend.
+- Floating ips for KVM guests can now be added separately.
+- Every projects will be separated from each other in #{data_folder}.
+- Smarter way to detect if Rundeck is running or not while installing Mission_Control.
+- All gems will be install with `bundle install`.
+- MySQL database name can now be changed via a variable.
+- The KVM table name can now be changed via a variable.
+- Installer won't download the same source image several times if previously downloaded.
+- The ssh_keys variable can now be edited in the "vars" file.
+- The userdata templates can now be generated with more than one ssh-key.
1.4: 2014-10-11
@@ -45,19 +70,18 @@ New feature:
- Upload "ready to use" Rundeck Jobs automatically.
-- Ditched RVM, using ruby package instead.
-- Rename "rundeck_scripts" directory to "lib".
+- Ditched RVM, using ruby1.9 package instead.
+- Renamed "rundeck_scripts" directory to "lib".
- The setup script will now create /srv/cloud-control and generate/copy all the files and directories needed.
-- Moved all the Ruby script to actual Rundeck Jobs.
+- Moved all the Ruby scripts to actual Rundeck Jobs.
- Added "data_folder" variable to the setup script.
- Removed unneeded HOME variable from ENV file.
- Removed unneeded curb gem from Gemfile.
-- get_images.rb is now using the curb gem instead of a wget system call.
- RUNDECK_SCRIPTS variable got renamed to LIB.
- Generate Rundeck Jobs XMLs based on user environment.
- build-essential added to packages list.
-- Add rundeck user to libvirts and kvm Unix groups.
-- The setup script will now fetch the current Trusty 14.04 LTS version from: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com
+- Installer will add the rundeck user to libvirtd and kvm Unix groups.
+- The install script will now wget the current cloud-image of Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS from: https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com
- Added .gitignore file.
- Added CHANGELOG file.
@@ -68,7 +92,7 @@ New features:
- New vnc_port field added to backend DBs.
-- bzr package no needed anymore.
+- bzr package not needed anymore.
- cloud-utils package added.
- Removed CLOUD_UTILS variable.
- source.include? "origin" to "img".
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9f5f11f..f91e058 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,48 +1,43 @@
-Cloud-Control is a Rundeck/KVM project that lets you create/start/shutdown/destroy virtual machines. You can choose to start a new virtual machine with an ISO or an Ubuntu Cloud image.
+Mission_Control is a set of Rundeck projects that lets you `create / start / shutdown / destroy` virtual machines and containers.
-Rundeck should be installed.
-The hypervisor should have `Virtual Technology` enabled. You can test this prior the installation by running:
+You will need to execute the `install` script to install all the required packages, gems and lay down the configuration files.
- ubuntu@cbuisson:~$ egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
- #Anything but 0 is good.
+ ./install
-And after the installation:
+**Variables:** You can edit the `vars` file to reflect your current environment or what you want. You can paste your SSH public keys here.
- ubuntu@cbuisson:~$ kvm-ok
- INFO: /dev/kvm exists
- KVM acceleration can be used
+The install process will display a menu where you can choose to install any feature that you want.
+Mission_Control has been developed for **Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS**.
-You will need to execute the `install` script to install all the required packages and gems.
-Cloud-Control is using RVM.
- ./install
+You can choose to start a new virtual machine with an ISO or an Ubuntu Cloud image.
+When an Ubuntu Cloud image is used to launch a new instance, the vm will get a static IP. ISO's on the other hand, will get a DHCP ip.
-Cloud-Control has been developed for **Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS**.
+###Network types:
+*Netmask*: Mission_Control is setup to work on with Class C IPs, therefore the netmask is hard coded to:
-**Floating IPs**:
+####Floating IPs
-You will need to edit the `install` file and add:
+You will need to edit the `vars` file and add:
- - A backend type (*flat file, MySQL or PostgreSQL*)
+ - The interface out (**Must be br0** if using floating static IPs!)
+ - A backend type (*MySQL or PostgreSQL*)
- Start IP (*i.e*)
- End IP (*i.e*)
- Gateway IP (*i.e*)
-Cloud-Control will assign floating IPs to the KVM guests. Those floating IPs should be able to reach the hypervisor's IP and the gateway. You need to specify a floating IP range for the guests and a gateway to route out.
+Mission_Control will assign floating IPs to the KVM guests. Those floating IPs should be able to reach the hypervisor's IP and the gateway. You need to specify a floating IP range for the guests and a gateway to route out.
**NAT IPs**:
@@ -54,19 +49,39 @@ You can choose to assign a floating IP or a NAT IP when launching a new guest in
Deleting the KVM guest will release both the IP (floating or NAT) and the VNC port.
- - **ssh-key**: You can add your public key to *templates/ssh_key*.
- - **netmask**: Cloud-Control is setup to work on with Class C IPs, therefore the netmask is hard coded to:
+This is a Docker container that come with Chef Server 11 already installed. Mission_Control will download and launch this container if you want to. It will also grab the Knife admin keys and configure the Rundeck user to be able to use Knife.
-When an Ubuntu Cloud image is used to launch a new instance, the vm will get a static IP.
-ISO's on the other hand, will get a DHCP ip.
+You can manage Docker containers and images with this project.
- - VMs will reach the internet trough the hypervisor via `br0`, edit the KVM guests' XML template to reflect your environment.
+ - VMs will reach the internet trough the hypervisor via `br0` if floating IP selected. While using NAT, `virbr0` will be used.
- If a guest is launched with the NAT option, `virbr0` ( will be used to route out.
+ - The Docker Chef_Server will be accessible via HTTPS:4443
+The hypervisor should have `Virtual Technology` enabled. You can test this prior the installation by running:
+ ubuntu@cbuisson:~$ egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo
+ #Anything but 0 is good.
+And after the installation:
+ ubuntu@cbuisson:~$ kvm-ok
+ INFO: /dev/kvm exists
+ KVM acceleration can be used
diff --git a/docker/rundeck_jobs.xml b/docker/rundeck_jobs.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2240ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/rundeck_jobs.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+ 1804c8af-d5b1-42d8-be98-6107e8c1506d
+ docker rmi $(docker images -q)
+ Delete all Docker images.
+ Delete all images
+ docker-control
+ 1804c8af-d5b1-42d8-be98-6107e8c1506d
+ 862b23c4-b269-49d7-b47b-784102a83997
+ docker rm -f $(docker ps -q)
+ Delete all stopped containers!
+ Delete all non-running containers
+ docker-control
+ 862b23c4-b269-49d7-b47b-784102a83997
+ cd820882-15bf-4f30-b7b3-ec4e60dd548a
+ List them all!
+ List all containers
+ docker-control
+ cd820882-15bf-4f30-b7b3-ec4e60dd548a
+ bbf54c33-fc96-48eb-a61e-f887917e6abe
+ List only the running containers
+ List all running containers
+ docker-control
+ bbf54c33-fc96-48eb-a61e-f887917e6abe
+ 0ad015fb-9883-4f11-850e-effd25517d37
+ List all local images
+ List all images
+ docker-control
+ 0ad015fb-9883-4f11-850e-effd25517d37
diff --git a/docker/template/rundeck_jobs-chef.xml.erb b/docker/template/rundeck_jobs-chef.xml.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e21a38e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docker/template/rundeck_jobs-chef.xml.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ a37ea70a-b691-4fad-a78e-f049000850eb
+ Find <%= CHEF_SERVER_CONTAINER_NAME %> image and container ID then delete all the files.
+ Remove <%= CHEF_SERVER_CONTAINER_NAME %> container
+ chef_server-control
+ a37ea70a-b691-4fad-a78e-f049000850eb
+ a82e287f-e142-40d8-ad29-f065ac2e2893
+ Start container: <%= CHEF_SERVER_CONTAINER_NAME %>
+ chef_server-control
+ a82e287f-e142-40d8-ad29-f065ac2e2893
+ e6246fc8-9101-413c-a8e2-c2300b01aca8
+ Shutdown container: <%= CHEF_SERVER_CONTAINER_NAME %>
+ chef_server-control
+ e6246fc8-9101-413c-a8e2-c2300b01aca8
diff --git a/generate_scripts.rb b/generate_scripts.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index a48c0c8..0000000
--- a/generate_scripts.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-require 'erb'
-#Generate ENV file
-template = ERB.new(File.read("templates/ENV.erb"))
-xml_content = template.result(binding)
-File.open("#{data_folder}/ENV", "w") do |file|
- file.puts xml_content
-#Generate lib files
-lib_files = ["generate_static_ip", "lists"]
-lib_files.each do |file|
- template = ERB.new(File.read("templates/#{file}.erb"))
- xml_content = template.result(binding)
- File.open("#{data_folder}/lib/#{file}.rb", "w") do |file|
- file.puts xml_content
- end
-#Generate misc files
-misc_files = ["rundeck_jobs.xml", "get_images.rb"]
-misc_files.each do |misc|
- template = ERB.new(File.read("templates/#{misc}.erb"))
- xml_content = template.result(binding)
- File.open("#{data_folder}/#{misc}", "w") do |file|
- file.puts xml_content
- end
-system("sudo su rundeck -c 'rd-project -p cloud-control -a create'")
-system("sudo su rundeck -c 'rd-jobs load -r -f #{data_folder}/rundeck_jobs.xml -p cloud-control'")
-#Generate user-data template files
-user_data_templates=["TEMPLATE-user-data", "TEMPLATE-user-data-nat"].each do |ud|
- ssh_key = File.read("templates/ssh_key").chomp
- var = "<%= ip %>"
- template = ERB.new(File.read("templates/#{ud}.erb"))
- xml_content = template.result(binding)
- File.open("#{data_folder}/templates/#{ud}.erb", "w") do |file|
- file.puts xml_content
- end
-system("sudo cp templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb #{data_folder}/templates/")
-system("sudo chown -R rundeck. #{data_folder}")
-puts "\nAll the scripts were generated!\n Cloud-Control folder location: #{data_folder}\n Backend: #{backend}\n Ip Range: #{start_ip} to #{end_ip}"
-if backend == "mysql"
- begin
- require 'mysql2'
- client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root", :password => mysql_password)
- client.query "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS cloud_control CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"
- client.query "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS cloud_control.guests \
- (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(25), ip VARCHAR(17), vnc_port INT, network_type VARCHAR(8))"
- rescue Mysql2::Error => e
- puts e.error
- end
- puts "\nDatabase \"cloud_control\" created!"
-elsif backend == "postgres"
- begin
- system("createdb -p 5432 -O pguser -U pguser -E UTF8 cloud_control")
- require 'pg'
- conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => "cloud_control", :user => "pguser")
- conn.exec_params('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS guests (
- id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(25) NOT NULL, ip varchar(17) NOT NULL, vnc_port int, network_type varchar(8))')
- rescue PG::Error => e
- puts e.error
- end
- puts "\nDatabase \"cloud_control\" created!"
diff --git a/install b/install
index 9c870c6..9286171 100755
--- a/install
+++ b/install
@@ -1,69 +1,14 @@
-if [ -z "$backend" ]; then echo -e "Please set a backend type for the VMs' data\n\n Choose between: file, mysql OR postgres" && exit 1; fi
-if [ -z "$start_ip" ] || [ -z "$end_ip" ]; then echo -e "Please set an IP Range!\n" && exit 1; fi
-if [ -z "$gateway_ip" ]; then echo -e "Please set a gateway IP!\n" && exit 1; fi
-echo "System requirements"
-sudo apt-get update
-sudo apt-get -y install build-essential ruby1.9 qemu-utils cloud-utils kvm libvirt-bin
+#!/bin/bash -e
+echo "Welcome to:"
+echo "-----------"
+echo " __ __ __ __ __ ___ __ __"
+echo " |\/| | /__\` /__\` | / \\ |\\ | / \` / \\ |\\ | | |__) / \\ |"
+echo " | | | .__/ .__/ | \\__/ | \\| ___ \\__, \\__/ | \\| | | \\ \\__/ |___"
+echo -e "\n\nInstallation is progress...\n"
+sudo apt-get -q update
+sudo apt-get -y install build-essential ruby1.9
echo "Installing: bundler"
sudo gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc
bundle install
-echo "Creating kvm_guests and sources folders"
-sudo mkdir -p $data_folder/{kvm_guests,lib,templates,lists,sources/{iso,cloud_images}}
-sudo chown -R rundeck. $data_folder
-sudo cp lib/* $data_folder/lib
-echo "Add rundeck user to libvirtd and kvm groups"
-sudo adduser rundeck libvirtd && sudo adduser rundeck kvm
-echo "Restart libvirtd..."
-sudo service libvirt-bin restart
-echo "Restart Rundeck...."
-sudo sed -i s,"/var/lib/rundeck:/bin/false","/var/lib/rundeck:/bin/bash",g /etc/passwd
-sudo service rundeckd restart
-echo "Giving 20 seconds to Rundeck to fully restart, hang tight..."
-sleep 20
-if [[ $backend == "file" ]]; then
- sudo mkdir $data_folder/interfaces
- sudo touch $data_folder/interfaces/ip_address_pool.txt
-elif [[ $backend == "mysql" ]]; then
- echo "mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password password $mysql_password
- mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password seen true
- mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password_again password $mysql_password
- mysql-server-5.5 mysql-server/root_password_again seen true
- " | sudo debconf-set-selections
- export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
- sudo apt-get install -q -y mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-dev
- sudo gem install mysql2
-elif [[ $backend == "postgres" ]]; then
- sudo apt-get -y install postgresql libpq-dev
- sudo gem install pg
- sudo su - postgres -c "createuser pguser -s"
- echo -e "local all postgres peer\nlocal all pguser trust\nlocal all all peer\nhost all all md5" | sudo tee /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
- sudo service postgresql restart
- echo "Backend: ${backend} not supported!"
- exit 1
ruby=`which ruby`
-sudo $ruby generate_scripts.rb $backend $start_ip $end_ip $gateway_ip $data_folder $mysql_password
-sudo $ruby $data_folder/get_images.rb $first_image_source
-rundeck_url=`sudo cat /etc/rundeck/framework.properties |grep framework.server.url |awk '{print $3}'`
-echo -e "\n#############"
-echo "Cloud-Control installation completed!"
-echo "Go to: ${rundeck_url}/project/cloud-control/jobs"
-echo "######"
+sudo $ruby scripts/menu_main.rb
diff --git a/kvm/generate_scripts-floating.rb b/kvm/generate_scripts-floating.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b9cadf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvm/generate_scripts-floating.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+require 'erb'
+def generate_scripts(backend, database_name, db_kvm_table, mysql_password, kvm_folder, start_ip, end_ip, gateway_ip, ssh_keys, floating)
+ dir=File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+ #Generate ENV file
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/ENV.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/ENV", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ #Generate lib files
+ lib_files = ["mysql_backend", "postgres_backend", "generate_static_ip", "lists"]
+ lib_files.each do |file|
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/#{file}.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/lib/#{file}.rb", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ end
+ #Generate misc files
+ misc_files = ["rundeck_jobs.xml", "get_images.rb"]
+ misc_files.each do |misc|
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/#{misc}.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/#{misc}", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ end
+ system("sudo su rundeck -c 'rd-project -p kvm-control -a create'")
+ system("sudo su rundeck -c 'rd-jobs load -r -f #{kvm_folder}/rundeck_jobs.xml -p kvm-control'")
+ #Generate user-data template files
+ user_data_templates=["TEMPLATE-user-data", "TEMPLATE-user-data-nat"].each do |ud|
+ var = "<%= ip %>"
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/#{ud}.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/templates/#{ud}.erb", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ end
+ system("sudo cp #{dir}/templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb #{kvm_folder}/templates/")
+ system("sudo chown -R rundeck. #{kvm_folder}")
+ puts "\nAll the scripts were generated!\n Mission_Control folder location: #{kvm_folder}\n Backend: #{backend}\n Floating IP Range: #{start_ip} to #{end_ip}"
diff --git a/kvm/generate_scripts.rb b/kvm/generate_scripts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..980f434
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvm/generate_scripts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+require 'erb'
+def generate_scripts(backend, database_name, db_kvm_table, mysql_password, kvm_folder, ssh_keys, floating)
+ dir=File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+ #Generate ENV file
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/ENV.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/ENV", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ #Generate lib files
+ lib_files = ["mysql_backend", "postgres_backend", "generate_static_ip", "lists"]
+ lib_files.each do |file|
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/#{file}.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/lib/#{file}.rb", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ end
+ #Generate misc files
+ misc_files = ["rundeck_jobs.xml", "get_images.rb"]
+ misc_files.each do |misc|
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/#{misc}.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/#{misc}", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ end
+ system("sudo su rundeck -c 'rd-project -p kvm-control -a create'")
+ system("sudo su rundeck -c 'rd-jobs load -r -f #{kvm_folder}/rundeck_jobs.xml -p kvm-control'")
+ #Generate user-data template file
+ var = "<%= ip %>"
+ template = ERB.new(File.read("#{dir}/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb"))
+ xml_content = template.result(binding)
+ File.open("#{kvm_folder}/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb", "w") do |file|
+ file.puts xml_content
+ end
+ system("sudo cp #{dir}/templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb #{kvm_folder}/templates/")
+ system("sudo chown -R rundeck. #{kvm_folder}")
+ puts "\nAll the scripts were generated!\n Mission_Control folder location: #{kvm_folder}\n Backend: #{backend}"
diff --git a/kvm/get_first_cloud_image.rb b/kvm/get_first_cloud_image.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcfec36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvm/get_first_cloud_image.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+def get_first_cloud_image(kvm_folder, first_image_source)
+ filename = first_image_source.split(/\?/).first.split(/\//).last
+ if File.exist?(kvm_folder+"/sources/cloud_images/"+filename)
+ puts "#{filename} is already in #{kvm_folder}/sources/cloud_images/ skipping..."
+ else
+ system("sudo ruby #{kvm_folder}/get_images.rb #{first_image_source}")
+ end
diff --git a/lib/def.rb b/kvm/lib/def.rb
similarity index 100%
rename from lib/def.rb
rename to kvm/lib/def.rb
diff --git a/kvm/setup_db.rb b/kvm/setup_db.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3fc66d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvm/setup_db.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+def setup_kvm_db(backend, database_name, db_kvm_table, mysql_password)
+ if backend == "mysql"
+ begin
+ bundle_install "mysql2"
+ Gem.clear_paths
+ require 'mysql2'
+ client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root", :password => mysql_password)
+ client.query "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS #{database_name} CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci"
+ client.query "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #{database_name}.#{db_kvm_table} \
+ (id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR(25), ip VARCHAR(17), vnc_port INT, network_type VARCHAR(8), chef_installed VARCHAR(3))"
+ rescue Mysql2::Error => e
+ puts e.error
+ end
+ puts "\nDatabase \"#{database_name}\" created!"
+ elsif backend == "postgres"
+ begin
+ system("createdb -p 5432 -O pguser -U pguser -E UTF8 #{database_name}")
+ bundle_install "pg"
+ require 'pg'
+ conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => "#{database_name}", :user => "pguser")
+ conn.exec_params("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS #{db_kvm_table} (
+ id serial PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(25) NOT NULL, ip varchar(17) NOT NULL, vnc_port int, network_type varchar(8), chef_installed VARCHAR(3))")
+ rescue PG::Error => e
+ puts e.error
+ end
+ puts "\nDatabase \"#{database_name}\" created!"
+ end
diff --git a/templates/ENV.erb b/kvm/templates/ENV.erb
similarity index 82%
rename from templates/ENV.erb
rename to kvm/templates/ENV.erb
index 550d5f1..e71c55a 100644
--- a/templates/ENV.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/ENV.erb
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ require 'fileutils'
<% if backend == "mysql" %>require 'mysql2'<% elsif backend == "postgres" %>require 'pg'<% end %>
#KVM guest
-DATA_DIR="<%= data_folder %>"
+DATA_DIR="<%= kvm_folder %>"
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ SOURCES=DATA_DIR+"/sources"
-<% if backend == "mysql" %>MYSQL_PASSWORD="<%= mysql_password %>"<% elsif backend == "file" %>IP_FILE=DATA_DIR+"/interfaces/ip_address_pool.txt"<% end %>
+<% if backend == "mysql" %>MYSQL_PASSWORD="<%= mysql_password %>"<% end %>
-#Floating IP range
+<% if floating == "yes" %>#Floating IP range
START_IP="<%= start_ip %>"
-END_IP="<%= end_ip %>"
+END_IP="<%= end_ip %>"<% end %>
#NAT IP range
diff --git a/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb b/kvm/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb
similarity index 96%
rename from templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb
rename to kvm/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb
index 62bae0e..45e1179 100644
--- a/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data-nat.erb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package_update: true
- htop
- - <%= ssh_key %>
+ - <%= ssh_keys.to_a.join("\n - ") %>
- content: |
# The loopback network interface
diff --git a/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data.erb b/kvm/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data.erb
similarity index 96%
rename from templates/TEMPLATE-user-data.erb
rename to kvm/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data.erb
index e43b933..62f255f 100644
--- a/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/TEMPLATE-user-data.erb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ package_update: true
- htop
- - <%= ssh_key %>
+ - <%= ssh_keys.to_a.join("\n - ") %>
- content: |
# The loopback network interface
diff --git a/templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb b/kvm/templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb
similarity index 100%
rename from templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb
rename to kvm/templates/TEMPLATE.xml.erb
diff --git a/templates/generate_static_ip.erb b/kvm/templates/generate_static_ip.erb
similarity index 80%
rename from templates/generate_static_ip.erb
rename to kvm/templates/generate_static_ip.erb
index 2d9420a..c2010f1 100644
--- a/templates/generate_static_ip.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/generate_static_ip.erb
@@ -18,10 +18,7 @@ def generate_ip (name, network_type)
exit 1
- <% if backend == "file" %>
- file = File.open(IP_FILE).each do |lines|
- ip_in_use << lines.tr("\n","")
- end<% elsif backend == "mysql" %>
+ <% if backend == "mysql" %>
require_relative "#{LIB}/mysql_backend.rb"
ip_in_use = get_ips_list<% elsif backend == "postgres" %>
require_relative "#{LIB}/postgres_backend.rb"
@@ -54,9 +51,5 @@ def generate_ip (name, network_type)
File.open("#{USER_DATA}/#{name}-user-data.erb", "w") do |file|
file.puts interfaces
- <% if backend == "file" %>
- File.open(IP_FILE, "a") {|f|
- f << "#{available[0]}\n"
- }
- File.chmod(0664, IP_FILE)<% elsif backend == "mysql" || backend == "postgres" %>return ip<% end %>
+ <% if backend == "mysql" || backend == "postgres" %>return ip<% end %>
diff --git a/templates/get_images.rb.erb b/kvm/templates/get_images.rb.erb
similarity index 90%
rename from templates/get_images.rb.erb
rename to kvm/templates/get_images.rb.erb
index 22b53aa..6872b37 100755
--- a/templates/get_images.rb.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/get_images.rb.erb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-eval File.read("<%= data_folder %>/ENV")
+eval File.read("<%= kvm_folder %>/ENV")
require_relative "#{LIB}/lists.rb"
if ARGV[0].nil?
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@ else
add_to_list "source", filename, type
- system("chown rundeck. <%= data_folder %>/lists/source_list.json")
+ system("chown rundeck. <%= kvm_folder %>/lists/source_list.json")
puts "Download completed!".cyan
diff --git a/templates/lists.erb b/kvm/templates/lists.erb
similarity index 79%
rename from templates/lists.erb
rename to kvm/templates/lists.erb
index 20d364e..4e13aee 100644
--- a/templates/lists.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/lists.erb
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ require 'json'
def add_to_list(type, attr, misc)
if type == "vm"
- list="<%= data_folder %>/lists/vm_list.json"
+ list="<%= kvm_folder %>/lists/vm_list.json"
elsif type == "source"
- list="<%= data_folder %>/lists/source_list.json"
+ list="<%= kvm_folder %>/lists/source_list.json"
puts "Unsupported type!".red
exit 1
@@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ end
def delete_from_list(type, attr, misc)
if type == "vm"
- list="<%= data_folder %>/lists/vm_list.json"
+ list="<%= kvm_folder %>/lists/vm_list.json"
elsif type == "source"
- list="<%= data_folder %>/lists/source_list.json"
+ list="<%= kvm_folder %>/lists/source_list.json"
puts "Unsupported type!".red
exit 1
diff --git a/lib/mysql_backend.rb b/kvm/templates/mysql_backend.erb
similarity index 61%
rename from lib/mysql_backend.rb
rename to kvm/templates/mysql_backend.erb
index 4c22ae3..14b9f11 100644
--- a/lib/mysql_backend.rb
+++ b/kvm/templates/mysql_backend.erb
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-def add_guest(name, ip, vnc_port, network_type)
+def add_guest(name, ip, vnc_port, network_type, chef)
client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root", :password => MYSQL_PASSWORD)
- client.query "INSERT INTO cloud_control.guests (name, ip, vnc_port, network_type) VALUES ('#{name}', '#{ip}', '#{vnc_port}', '#{network_type}')"
+ client.query "INSERT INTO <%= database_name %>.<%= db_kvm_table %> (name, ip, vnc_port, network_type, chef_installed) VALUES ('#{name}', '#{ip}', '#{vnc_port}', '#{network_type}', '#{chef}')"
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
puts e.error
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ def get_ips_list
client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root", :password => MYSQL_PASSWORD)
- client.query("SELECT * FROM cloud_control.guests").each do |row|
+ client.query("SELECT * FROM <%= database_name %>.<%= db_kvm_table %>").each do |row|
ip_in_use << row["ip"]
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ def get_ips_list
def remove_guest(name)
client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root", :password => MYSQL_PASSWORD)
- client.query "DELETE FROM cloud_control.guests WHERE name = '#{name}'"
+ client.query "DELETE FROM <%= database_name %>.<%= db_kvm_table %> WHERE name = '#{name}'"
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
puts e.error
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ def guest_ip(name)
ip = ""
client = Mysql2::Client.new(:host => "localhost", :username => "root", :password => MYSQL_PASSWORD)
- client.query("SELECT * FROM cloud_control.guests WHERE name = '#{name}'").each do |x|
+ client.query("SELECT * FROM <%= database_name %>.<%= db_kvm_table %> WHERE name = '#{name}'").each do |x|
ip = x["ip"]
rescue Mysql2::Error => e
diff --git a/kvm/templates/postgres_backend.erb b/kvm/templates/postgres_backend.erb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..901239b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kvm/templates/postgres_backend.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+def add_guest(name, ip, vnc_port, network_type, chef)
+ begin
+ conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => "<%= database_name %>", :user => "pguser")
+ conn.exec_params "INSERT INTO <%= db_kvm_table %> (name, ip, vnc_port, network_type, chef_installed) VALUES ('#{name}', '#{ip}', '#{vnc_port}', '#{network_type}', '#{chef}')"
+ rescue PG::Error => e
+ puts e.error
+ end
+def get_ips_list
+ begin
+ ip_in_use=[]
+ conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => "<%= database_name %>", :user => "pguser")
+ conn.exec_params("SELECT * FROM <%= db_kvm_table %>").each do |row|
+ ip_in_use << row["ip"]
+ end
+ rescue PG::Error => e
+ puts e.error
+ end
+return ip_in_use
+def remove_guest(name)
+ begin
+ conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => "<%= database_name %>", :user => "pguser")
+ conn.exec_params "DELETE FROM <%= db_kvm_table %> WHERE name = '#{name}'"
+ rescue PG::Error => e
+ puts e.error
+ end
+def guest_ip(name)
+ begin
+ ip = ""
+ conn = PG::Connection.open(:dbname => "<%= database_name %>", :user => "pguser")
+ conn.exec_params("SELECT * FROM <%= db_kvm_table %> WHERE name = '#{name}'").each do |x|
+ ip = x["ip"]
+ end
+ rescue PG::Error => e
+ puts e.error
+ end
+return ip
diff --git a/templates/rundeck_jobs.xml.erb b/kvm/templates/rundeck_jobs.xml.erb
similarity index 91%
rename from templates/rundeck_jobs.xml.erb
rename to kvm/templates/rundeck_jobs.xml.erb
index aa9c3d6..cc9f679 100644
--- a/templates/rundeck_jobs.xml.erb
+++ b/kvm/templates/rundeck_jobs.xml.erb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
+ <% if floating == "yes" %>
+ <% elsif floating == "no" %><% end %>
@@ -197,7 +199,7 @@ puts "New XML file created at: " + XML.underline]]>
@@ -251,7 +253,7 @@ puts ""]]>
- <% if backend == "file" %>
@@ -343,17 +339,19 @@ puts "Carry on..."]]>
+ <% if floating == "yes" %>
+ <% elsif floating == "no" %><% end %>
@@ -369,7 +367,7 @@ puts "Carry on..."]]>