The domain in this example is kutt.local
. This needs to be configured in your hosts file for this example to work as written. You should, of course, modify this domain to suit your needs.
module.exports = {
PORT: process.env.KUTT_PORT, # Or whatever you want to name the env var
/* The domain that this website is on */
DEFAULT_DOMAIN: process.env.KUTT_DOMAIN, # Or whatever..
No docker-relevant modifications are necessary for client/config.js. However, you will still need to configure this as part of the standard kutt setup.
You can run neo4j in a container and link it to the kutt container in Docker.
Properly installing and running neo4j is outside of the scope of this document. But here's a simple one-liner to get neo4j running on docker for dev/test:
docker run \
--publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
--name neo4j \
This is not a production-ready setup. There is no data persistence, nor proper security. Use for test/dev only.
Then, configure Kutt: server/config.js
/* Neo4j database credential details */
DB_URI: 'bolt://neo4j',
DB_USERNAME: 'neo4j', # Or pass this in via env var as before
DB_PASSWORD: 'neo4j', # Or via env var..
Once you have neo4j running in a container, you'll link your Kutt container to it. This will be documented below.
First you'll need to build Kutt.
From the root directory of Kutt, execute the following:
docker build -t kutt .
Once you've built the image, then all that is left to do is run Kutt.
docker run -d -p80:3000 -e KUTT_PORT=3000 -e KUTT_DOMAIN=kutt.local --link=neo4j kutt
Direct your browser to http://kutt.local/ and begin kutting URLs!