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TetFit offers a modular approach into the ever-growing marketplace for DIY fitness apps. With features such as extensive workout timeline customisation, body condition monitoring and exhaustive guides to a constantly updated catalogue of exercises, TetFit aims to deliver an easy-to-use, informative and robust workout experience to all fitness enthusiasts out there.
- The launch activity serves up the exercise catalogue from which the user may select desired number of repetitions of each exercise for the workout.
- Post rep-selection, the user is moved into an activity to modify the duration of each rep in the workout.
- Once durations are finalized, a workout countdown timer is launched for each exercise and relevant info to the workout is stored locally.
- A floating action button in the home activity opens into a body condition report for the user based on past workouts.
- Exercise catalogue fetched from server hosted on AWS and displayed in the form of "custom views" through the ListAdapter class.
- User rating fetched from server for each exercise and displayed in the respective exercise item.
- Description button displays detailed info on each exercise in the form of a Toast message.
- Play button launches into relevant exercise video on YouTube through an explicit intent.
- Selected exercises and relevant information transferred from home activity via an implicit intent and displayed in list form using the ArrayAdapter class.
- Star button lauches AlertDialogBox to enable user to rate exrcise; changes reflected on the server.
- Relative workload calculation with respect to muscle groups made for overall workout and information transferred to timer activity through an implicit intent.
- Dataset modified to remove third from last workout and incorporate current workout information; workload information for user stored locally in a SharedPreferences file.
- CountdownTimer sequentially launched with respective durations for each rep in the workout.
- Workload data imported from SharedPreferences file and "muscle groups views" set to appropriate colours.
Minimum SDK version 15
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