Here are the instructions for building the Polymorph screensaver from source. See README for how to run or install the screensaver after it is built.
You need a recent MinGW-W64 toolchain and GNU Make. To get them, install MSYS2 from Sourceforge, then launch the MINGW32 or MINGW64 shell and get the necessary packages using the commands:
pacman -Sqyu ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-gcc
pacman -Sqyu ${MINGW_PACKAGE_PREFIX}-make
If you want to minify the shader sources, you also need to have Perl installed.
To compile, enter this command in the MINGW32 or MINGW64 shell:
You can set variables on the Make command line to influence Make's behaviour. For example:
To target 32-bit Windows:
mingw32-make PLATFORM=x86
To specify the location of Perl if it is not on the path:
mingw32-make PERL=c:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe
To skip shader minification (e.g., if Perl is not available):
mingw32-make shaders=full