This documentation covers the binary encodings (for things like decimal point and steepness) as well as the NN configuration data structure.
RAM Organization. This is a modified layout of fann_small and its associated abbreviated structs compacted to fit in block-sized chunks. Certain fields are aligned on block boundaries while others are not. The format below is shown for a network with a topology of 5x2x1x[something] and a block size of 16 bytes (128 bits). The start of the layers and neurons and every weight are aligned on block boundaries. The steepness must be a power of 2 and is encoded using 3 bits (see table below this one). The table structure will differ slightly for different block sizes, i.e., 32, 64, or 128 bytes.
| Class | Address | Offset | Size | Attribute | Sub Attribute * == Unused |
| Info | 0 | 0 | 3 | net info | decimal point |
| | | 3 | 1 | | error function |
| | | 4 | 3 | | binary format (epb) |
| | | 7 | 9 | | *** unused *** |
| | | 16 | 16 | | total weight blocks |
| | | 32 | 16 | | total neurons |
| | | 48 | 16 | | total layers [N] |
| | | 64 | 32 | | * first layer ptr [LF*] |
| | | 96 | 32 | | * weights ptr [W*] |
| Layers | [LF*] | 0 | 32 | layer 0 | first neuron ptr [L0Nf] |
| | | 32 | 16 | | neurons in layer |
| | | 48 | 16 | | neurons in previous layer |
| | | 64 | 32 | layer 1 | first neuron ptr [L1Nf] |
| | | 96 | 112 | | neurons in layer |
| | | 128 | 10 | | neurons in previous layer |
| | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| | | 0 | 32 | layer N-2 | first neuron ptr [LpNf] |
| | | 32 | 16 | | neurons in layer |
| | | 48 | 16 | | neurons in previous layer |
| | | 64 | 64 | | *** unused *** |
| Neurons | [L0Nf] | 0 | 32 | L0 neuron 0 | weight offset [L0N0w] |
| | | 32 | 16 | | number of weights |
| | | 48 | 5 | | activation function |
| | | 53 | 3 | | steepness |
| | | 56 | 56 | | *** unused *** |
| | | 112 | 32 | | bias |
| | | 0 | 32 | L0 neuron 1 | weight offset [L0N1w] |
| | | 32 | 16 | | number of weights |
| | | 48 | 5 | | activation function |
| | | 53 | 3 | | steepness |
| | | 56 | 56 | | *** unused *** |
| | | 112 | 32 | | bias |
| ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
| Weights | [W*] and | 0 | 32 | Weight 0 | first weight |
| | [W* + | 32 | 32 | Weight 1 | second weight |
| | L0N0w] | 64 | 32 | Weight 2 | third weight |
| | | 96 | 32 | Weight 3 | fourth weight |
| | | 0 | 32 | Weight 4 | last weight |
| | | 32 | 96 | Bias | *** unused *** |
| Weights | [W* + | 0 | 32 | Weight 0 | first weight |
| | L0N1w] | 32 | 32 | Weight 1 | second weight |
| | | 64 | 32 | Weight 2 | third weight |
| | | 96 | 32 | Weight 3 | fourth weight |
| | | 0 | 32 | Weight 4 | last weight |
| | | 32 | 96 | Bias | *** unused *** |
| | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
The actual decimal (really "binary") point is defined:
decimal point = [decimal point encoded] + [decimal point offset]
The decimal point offset, currently 7, is controlled by a parameter in Configs.scala. Using this parameter, the encoded decimal points are then:
| Encoded Decimal Point | Actual Decimal Point |
| 000 | 7 |
| 001 | 8 |
| 010 | 9 |
| 011 | 10 |
| 100 | 11 |
| 101 | 12 |
| 110 | 13 |
| 111 | 14 |
The steepness is defined such that:
actual steepness = 2 ** ([encoded steepness] - [steepness offset])
The steepness offset, currently 4, is also controlled by a Configs.scala parameter. When tabulated, the steepness mappings are then:
| Encoded Steepness | Actual Steepness | Shift |
| 000 | 1/16 | >> 4 |
| 001 | 1/8 | >> 3 |
| 010 | 1/4 | >> 2 |
| 011 | 1/2 | >> 1 |
| 100 | 1 | = |
| 101 | 2 | << 1 |
| 110 | 4 | << 2 |
| 111 | 8 | << 3 |
All "segments" are aligned on block boundaries. To indicate this below, I define a function align()
which serves to align an index on a block boundary.
| Data | Address | Offset |
| Input | 0 | 0 |
| Hidden Layer 0 Output | align(#in) | 0 |
| Hidden Layer 1 Output | | align(#h_0) |
| ... | | |
| Hidden Layer [H]-1 Output | | align(#h_H-2) |
| Output | align(#in + sum(#h_h)) | 0 |
[H]: Number of Hidden Layers
| Class | Written by | Size | State |
| E[out] | User | output neurons | _LOAD_OUTPUTS |
| Input | User | input neurons | *_FEEDFORWARD |
| Output | hidden 1 | hidden 1 neurons | |
| Output | hidden 2 | hidden 2 neurons | |
| ... | ... | | |
| Output | hidden [H] | hidden [H] neurons | |
| Output | output | output neurons | |
| Delta | output | output neurons | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| Delta--Weight | output | hidden [H] neurons | |
| Delta | hidden [H] | hidden [H] neurons | |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H] | hidden [H]-1 neurons | |
| Delta | hidden [H]-1 | hidden [H]-1 neurons | |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H]-1 | hidden [H]-2 neurons | |
| ... | ... | | |
| Delta | hidden 2 | hidden 2 neurons | |
| Delta--Weight | hidden 2 | hidden 1 neurons | |
| Bias | hidden 1 | hidden 1 neurons | _UPDATE_SLOPE |
| ... | ... | | |
| Bias | hidden [H] | hidden [H] neurons | |
| Bias | output | output neurons | |
| Slopes | hidden 1 | | _UPDATE_SLOPE |
| ... | ... | | |
| Slopes | hidden [H] | | |
| Slopes | output | | |
This results in the following number of writes to the register file based on state. Note that the number of writes may be more (in the case of writing delta--weight products), but only the last data written by a neuron will then be counted.
| state (e_TTABLE_STATE prefix) | # writes (multiplies of # neurons in layer) |
| _LEARN_FEEDFORWARD | 1 or 3 (when in last layer) |
| _LEARN_ERROR_BACKPROP | 2 or 1 (when in first layer) |
| _LEARN_UPDATE_SLOPE | 1 (only bias counted) |
| Class | Written by | Size | State |
| E[out] | User | output neurons | _LOAD_OUTPUTS |
| Input | User | input neurons | *_FEEDFORWARD |
| Output | hidden 1 | hidden 1 neurons | |
| Output | hidden 2 | hidden 2 neurons | |
| ... | ... | | |
| Output | hidden [H] | hidden [H] neurons | |
| Output | output | output neurons | |
| Delta--Weight | output | hidden [H] neurons | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H] | hidden [H]-1 neurons | |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H]-1 | hidden [H]-2 neurons | |
| ... | ... | | |
| Delta--Weight | hidden 2 | hidden 1 neurons | |
| Bias | hidden 1 | hidden 1 neurons | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| ... | ... | | |
| Bias | hidden [H] | hidden [H] neurons | |
| Bias | output | output neurons | |
| Slopes | hidden 1 | | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| ... | ... | | |
| Slopes | hidden [H] | | |
| Slopes | output | | |
Number of writes to the register file.
| state (e_TTABLE_STATE prefix) | # writes (multiplies of # neurons in layer) |
| _LEARN_FEEDFORWARD | 1 or 2 (when in last layer) |