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Binary Encodings and Data Structures

This documentation covers the binary encodings (for things like decimal point and steepness) as well as the NN configuration data structure.

NN Configuration Encoding

RAM Organization. This is a modified layout of fann_small and its associated abbreviated structs compacted to fit in block-sized chunks. Certain fields are aligned on block boundaries while others are not. The format below is shown for a network with a topology of 5x2x1x[something] and a block size of 16 bytes (128 bits). The start of the layers and neurons and every weight are aligned on block boundaries. The steepness must be a power of 2 and is encoded using 3 bits (see table below this one). The table structure will differ slightly for different block sizes, i.e., 32, 64, or 128 bytes.

| Class   | Address  | Offset | Size | Attribute   | Sub Attribute * == Unused |
| Info    | 0        |      0 |    3 | net info    | decimal point             |
|         |          |      3 |    1 |             | error function            |
|         |          |      4 |    3 |             | binary format (epb)       |
|         |          |      7 |    9 |             | *** unused ***            |
|         |          |     16 |   16 |             | total weight blocks       |
|         |          |     32 |   16 |             | total neurons             |
|         |          |     48 |   16 |             | total layers [N]          |
|         |          |     64 |   32 |             | * first layer ptr [LF*]   |
|         |          |     96 |   32 |             | * weights ptr [W*]        |
| Layers  | [LF*]    |      0 |   32 | layer 0     | first neuron ptr [L0Nf]   |
|         |          |     32 |   16 |             | neurons in layer          |
|         |          |     48 |   16 |             | neurons in previous layer |
|         |          |     64 |   32 | layer 1     | first neuron ptr [L1Nf]   |
|         |          |     96 |  112 |             | neurons in layer          |
|         |          |    128 |   10 |             | neurons in previous layer |
|         | ...      |    ... |  ... | ...         | ...                       |
|         |          |      0 |   32 | layer N-2   | first neuron ptr [LpNf]   |
|         |          |     32 |   16 |             | neurons in layer          |
|         |          |     48 |   16 |             | neurons in previous layer |
|         |          |     64 |   64 |             | *** unused ***            |
| Neurons | [L0Nf]   |      0 |   32 | L0 neuron 0 | weight offset [L0N0w]     |
|         |          |     32 |   16 |             | number of weights         |
|         |          |     48 |    5 |             | activation function       |
|         |          |     53 |    3 |             | steepness                 |
|         |          |     56 |   56 |             | *** unused ***            |
|         |          |    112 |   32 |             | bias                      |
|         |          |      0 |   32 | L0 neuron 1 | weight offset [L0N1w]     |
|         |          |     32 |   16 |             | number of weights         |
|         |          |     48 |    5 |             | activation function       |
|         |          |     53 |    3 |             | steepness                 |
|         |          |     56 |   56 |             | *** unused ***            |
|         |          |    112 |   32 |             | bias                      |
| ...     | ...      |    ... |  ... | ...         | ...                       |
| Weights | [W*] and |      0 |   32 | Weight 0    | first weight              |
|         | [W* +    |     32 |   32 | Weight 1    | second weight             |
|         | L0N0w]   |     64 |   32 | Weight 2    | third weight              |
|         |          |     96 |   32 | Weight 3    | fourth weight             |
|         |          |      0 |   32 | Weight 4    | last weight               |
|         |          |     32 |   96 | Bias        | *** unused ***            |
| Weights | [W* +    |      0 |   32 | Weight 0    | first weight              |
|         | L0N1w]   |     32 |   32 | Weight 1    | second weight             |
|         |          |     64 |   32 | Weight 2    | third weight              |
|         |          |     96 |   32 | Weight 3    | fourth weight             |
|         |          |      0 |   32 | Weight 4    | last weight               |
|         |          |     32 |   96 | Bias        | *** unused ***            |
|         | ...      |    ... |  ... | ...         | ...                       |

Decimal Point Encoding

The actual decimal (really "binary") point is defined:

decimal point = [decimal point encoded] + [decimal point offset]

The decimal point offset, currently 7, is controlled by a parameter in Configs.scala. Using this parameter, the encoded decimal points are then:

| Encoded Decimal Point | Actual Decimal Point |
|                   000 |                    7 |
|                   001 |                    8 |
|                   010 |                    9 |
|                   011 |                   10 |
|                   100 |                   11 |
|                   101 |                   12 |
|                   110 |                   13 |
|                   111 |                   14 |

Steepness Encoding

The steepness is defined such that:

actual steepness = 2 ** ([encoded steepness] - [steepness offset])

The steepness offset, currently 4, is also controlled by a Configs.scala parameter. When tabulated, the steepness mappings are then:

| Encoded Steepness | Actual Steepness | Shift |
|               000 | 1/16             | >> 4  |
|               001 | 1/8              | >> 3  |
|               010 | 1/4              | >> 2  |
|               011 | 1/2              | >> 1  |
|               100 | 1                | =     |
|               101 | 2                | << 1  |
|               110 | 4                | << 2  |
|               111 | 8                | << 3  |

Register File Organization

All "segments" are aligned on block boundaries. To indicate this below, I define a function align() which serves to align an index on a block boundary.

Feedforward Transaction

| Data                      | Address                |        Offset |
| Input                     | 0                      |             0 |
| Hidden Layer 0 Output     | align(#in)             |             0 |
| Hidden Layer 1 Output     |                        |   align(#h_0) |
| ...                       |                        |               |
| Hidden Layer [H]-1 Output |                        | align(#h_H-2) |
| Output                    | align(#in + sum(#h_h)) |             0 |

Learning Transaction


[H]: Number of Hidden Layers

With Delta Writes

| Class         | Written by   | Size                 | State           |
| E[out]        | User         | output neurons       | _LOAD_OUTPUTS   |
| Input         | User         | input neurons        | *_FEEDFORWARD   |
| Output        | hidden 1     | hidden 1 neurons     |                 |
| Output        | hidden 2     | hidden 2 neurons     |                 |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Output        | hidden [H]   | hidden [H] neurons   |                 |
| Output        | output       | output neurons       |                 |
| Delta         | output       | output neurons       | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| Delta--Weight | output       | hidden [H] neurons   |                 |
| Delta         | hidden [H]   | hidden [H] neurons   |                 |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H]   | hidden [H]-1 neurons |                 |
| Delta         | hidden [H]-1 | hidden [H]-1 neurons |                 |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H]-1 | hidden [H]-2 neurons |                 |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Delta         | hidden 2     | hidden 2 neurons     |                 |
| Delta--Weight | hidden 2     | hidden 1 neurons     |                 |
| Bias          | hidden 1     | hidden 1 neurons     | _UPDATE_SLOPE   |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Bias          | hidden [H]   | hidden [H] neurons   |                 |
| Bias          | output       | output neurons       |                 |
| Slopes        | hidden 1     |                      | _UPDATE_SLOPE   |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Slopes        | hidden [H]   |                      |                 |
| Slopes        | output       |                      |                 |

This results in the following number of writes to the register file based on state. Note that the number of writes may be more (in the case of writing delta--weight products), but only the last data written by a neuron will then be counted.

| state (e_TTABLE_STATE prefix) | # writes (multiplies of # neurons in layer) |
| _LOAD_OUTPUTS                 | 0                                           |
| _FEEDFORWARD                  | 1                                           |
| _LEARN_FEEDFORWARD            | 1 or 3 (when in last layer)                 |
| _LEARN_ERROR_BACKPROP         | 2 or 1 (when in first layer)                |
| _LEARN_UPDATE_SLOPE           | 1 (only bias counted)                       |
| _LEARN_WEIGHT_UPDATE          | 0                                           |

Without Delta Writes (#32 state merge)

| Class         | Written by   | Size                 | State           |
| E[out]        | User         | output neurons       | _LOAD_OUTPUTS   |
| Input         | User         | input neurons        | *_FEEDFORWARD   |
| Output        | hidden 1     | hidden 1 neurons     |                 |
| Output        | hidden 2     | hidden 2 neurons     |                 |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Output        | hidden [H]   | hidden [H] neurons   |                 |
| Output        | output       | output neurons       |                 |
| Delta--Weight | output       | hidden [H] neurons   | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H]   | hidden [H]-1 neurons |                 |
| Delta--Weight | hidden [H]-1 | hidden [H]-2 neurons |                 |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Delta--Weight | hidden 2     | hidden 1 neurons     |                 |
| Bias          | hidden 1     | hidden 1 neurons     | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Bias          | hidden [H]   | hidden [H] neurons   |                 |
| Bias          | output       | output neurons       |                 |
| Slopes        | hidden 1     |                      | _ERROR_BACKPROP |
| ...           | ...          |                      |                 |
| Slopes        | hidden [H]   |                      |                 |
| Slopes        | output       |                      |                 |

Number of writes to the register file.

| state (e_TTABLE_STATE prefix) | # writes (multiplies of # neurons in layer) |
| _LOAD_OUTPUTS                 | 0                                           |
| _FEEDFORWARD                  | 1                                           |
| _LEARN_FEEDFORWARD            | 1 or 2 (when in last layer)                 |
| _LEARN_ERROR_BACKPROP         | 1                                           |
| _LEARN_WEIGHT_UPDATE          | 0                                           |