+-- org.eclipse.scout.tasks (Maven project, this folder)
+-- src/main/java
+-- org.eclipse.scout.tasks (main Java package)
+-- model
| +-- service
| | + TaskService.java (task model in plain Java)
| | + ... other service interfaces
| + Task.java (plain java with javax.validation where appropriate, no other dependencies like Scout/Spring etc.)
| + ... other model classes
+-- scout
| +-- auth (contains servlet filter, credential verifier, access control service)
| +-- platform (contains components relevant for the integration of Scout with Spring Boot)
| +-- ui (UI components and UI business logic)
| +-- admin (UI components for admin outline)
| +-- task (UI components for task management outline)
| | + TaskForm.java (the dialog to create/edit tasks)
| | + ... other task related UI components
| + Desktop.java (desktop overall layout, desktop menus etc.)
| + ... other general UI components
+-- spring
| +-- controller (REST API)
| | + TaskController.java (REST controller making tasks available on /api/tasks using Spring Web)
| +-- repository (JPA persistence)
| | +-- entity
| | | +-- converter
| | | | + UuidConverter.java (JPA conversions for special attibutes like UUIDs)
| | | | + ... other converter classes
| | | + TaskEntity.java (JPA entity for tasks, depending on task model and javax.persistence only)
| | | + ... other JPA entity classes
| | + TaskRepository.java (task repository interface using Spring Data)
| | + ... other repository interfaces
| +-- service (Spring services)
| + DefaultTaskService.java (provides a plain Java API and links to JPA repository)
| + ... other service implementations
+ Application.java (applications main class, makes it a Spring Boot application)
+ ScoutServlet.java (installs Scout UI servlet filter and credential verification)
+ WebMvcConfig.java (redirection of UI related requests to Scout servlet and managing requests to /api with Spring)
Run 'org.eclipse.scout.tasks.Application' as normal Java program
mvn spring-boot:run
Once the application is running (see above) open it in the browser at localhost:8080. By default, the application requires user authentication. The credentials are 'root/eclipse', 'alice/test', 'bob/test'.