Hi, due to Corona virus, I like many other people had too much free time. I spent my time catching up on anime. After taking a class on Machine Learning I thought I would combine my two passions together, anime and computer science.
This app is meant to give other anime lovers recommendations on what to watch based on their favorite anime. So a user would input an anime title that they liked in a search bar and press enter. Afterwards the application would display a gallery of other anime titles that the user might like. This applications uses a React/Flask stack. Im using React to make a stylish frontend while I am using Flask to handle the data science part of the application.
into the frontend
directory and run the following to install all the packages needed for the project:
npm i
Afterwards all you have to do is run:
npm start
You can now view the app on http://localhost:3000
into the backend
directory and run the following:
pipenv shell
Afterwards run the following command to install the dependacies:
pipenv install --dev
Finally you can run the following to start up the Flask server:
export FLASK_APP=autoapp.py
flask run
Before coding out the recommendation part for Flask, I decided to test out some code in simple.ipynb
with this tutorial, https://www.kaggle.com/astandrik/simple-anime-recommendation-system-content-based/notebook?select=anime.csv.
I used that tutorial to write the recommendation feature of the app.