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343 lines (288 loc) · 13.7 KB

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343 lines (288 loc) · 13.7 KB

Expresiones Regulares

Expresión Regular Nombre del Token Expresión Regular Nombre del Token
\s+ [ \n\r]
'//'(~[\r\n])* [/][*]~[*]*[*]+(~[*/]~[*]*[*]+)*[/]
Int RW_Int Float RW_Float
String RW_String Bool RW_Bool
Character RW_Character var RW_var
let RW_let if RW_if
else RW_else for RW_for
while RW_while guard RW_guard
switch RW_switch case RW_case
default RW_default break RW_break
continue RW_continue return RW_return
true RW_true false RW_false
nil RW_nil func RW_func
inout RW_inout in RW_in
append RW_append removeLast RW_removeLast
remove RW_remove at RW_at
isEmpty RW_isEmpty count RW_count
repeating RW_repeating struct RW_struct
mutating RW_mutating self RW_self
print RW_print -> TK_prompt
_ TK_under '"'(\~('\n'|'"'|'\\')|'\\'.)'"' TK_char
'"'(~('\n'|'"'|'\\')|'\\'.)*'"' TK_string [0-9]+ TK_int
[0-9]+'.'[0-9]+ TK_float ('_')*[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]* TK_id
+= TK_add -= TK_sub
+ TK_plus - TK_minus
* TK_mult / TK_div
% TK_mod == TK_equequ
!= TK_notequ <= TK_lessequ
>= TK_moreequ = TK_equ
< TK_less > TK_more
&& TK_and ```
! TK_not ( TK_lpar
) TK_rpar { TK_lbrc
} TK_rbrc [ TK_lbrk
] TK_rbrk . TK_dot
, TK_comma : TK_colon
; TK_semicolon ? TK_question
& TK_amp


Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal Terminal
RW_Int RW_Float RW_Bool RW_Character RW_String RW_true
RW_false RW_var RW_let RW_if RW_else RW_for
RW_while RW_guard RW_switch RW_case RW_default RW_break
RW_continue RW_return RW_nil RW_func RW_inout RW_in
RW_append RW_removeLast RW_remove RW_at RW_isEmpty RW_count
RW_repeating RW_struct RW_mutating RW_self RW_print TK_prompt
TK_under TK_char TK_string TK_int TK_float TK_id
TK_add TK_sub TK_plus TK_minus TK_mult TK_div
TK_mod TK_equequ TK_notequ TK_lessequ TK_moreequ TK_equ
TK_less TK_more TK_and TK_or TK_not TK_lpar
TK_rpar TK_lbrc TK_rbrc TK_lbrk TK_rbrk TK_dot
TK_comma TK_colon TK_semicolon TK_question TK_amp

No Terminales

No Terminal No Terminal No Terminal No Terminal
init instsglobal instglobal callfunc
listargs arg decvar deccst
declfunc listparams param typeparam
ifstruct switchstruct envs casesdefault
cases case default loopfor
range loopwhile guard reasign
addsub decvector funcvector decmatrix
defvector defmatrix matrix vectors
vector simplematrix typematrix reasignvector
dims defstruct listattribs attrib
useattribs useattribs1 obj print
env instructions instruction type
typeComp exp


init :
	instsglobal EOF |

instsglobal :
	instsglobal instglobal |
	instglobal             ;

instglobal :
	instruction |
	declfunc    |
	defstruct   ;

callfunc :
	TK_id '(' listargs ')' |
	TK_id '(' ')'          ;

listargs :
	listargs ',' arg |
	arg              ;

arg :
	TK_id ':' '&' exp |
	TK_id ':' exp     |
	'&' exp           |
	exp               ;

decvar :
	'var' TK_id ':' type '=' exp |
	'var' TK_id ':' type '?'     |
	'var' TK_id '=' exp          ;

deccst :
	'let' TK_id ':' type '=' exp |
	'let' TK_id '=' exp          ;

declfunc :
	'func' TK_id '(' listparams ')' '->' typeComp env |
	'func' TK_id '(' listparams ')' env               |
	'func' TK_id '(' ')' '->' typeComp env            |
	'func' TK_id '(' ')' env                          ;

listparams :
	listparams ',' param |
	param                ;

param :
	TK_id TK_id ':' 'inout' typeparam |
    TK_id       ':' 'inout' typeparam |
    '_'   TK_id ':' 'inout' typeparam |
    TK_id       ':' 'inout' typeparam |
    TK_id TK_id ':'         typeparam |
    TK_id       ':'         typeparam |
    '_'   TK_id ':'         typeparam |
    TK_id       ':'         typeparam ;

typeparam :
	typeComp   |
	typematrix ;

ifstruct :
	'if' exp env 'else' ifstruct |
	'if' exp env 'else' env      |
	'if' exp env                 ;

switchstruct :
	'switch' exp envs ;

envs :
	'{' casesdefault '}' |
	'{' '}'              ;

casesdefault :
	cases default |
	cases         |
	default       ;

cases :
	cases case |
	case       ;

case :
	'case' exp ':' instructions |
	'case' exp ':'              ;

default :
	'default' ':' instructions |
	'default' ':'              ;

loopfor :
	'for' ('_' | TK_id) 'in' range env |
	'for' ('_' | TK_id) 'in' exp env   ;

range :
	exp '.' '.' '.' exp ;

loopwhile :
	'while' exp env ;

guard :
	'guard' exp 'else' env ;

reasign :
	TK_id '=' exp ;

addsub :
	TK_id ('+=' | '-=') exp ;

decvector :
	'var' TK_id ':' '[' typeComp ']' '=' defvector |
	'let' TK_id ':' '[' typeComp ']' '=' defvector |
	'var' TK_id '=' defvector                      |
	'let' TK_id '=' defvector                      ;

defvector :
	'[' listexp ']'          |
	'[' ']'                  |
	'[' typeComp ']' '(' ')' |
	TK_id                    ;

listexp :
	listexp ',' exp |
	exp             ;

funcvector :
	TK_id '.' 'append' '(' exp ')'          |
	TK_id '.' 'removeLast' '(' ')'          |
	TK_id '.' 'remove' '(' 'at' ':' exp ')' ;

decmatrix :
	'var' TK_id ':' typematrix '=' defmatrix |
	'var' TK_id '=' defmatrix                ;

defmatrix :
	matrix       |
	simplematrix ;

matrix :
	'[' vectors ']' ;

vectors :
	vectors ',' vector |
	vector             ;

vector :
	'[' listexp ']' |
	matrix          ;

simplematrix :
	typematrix '(' 'repeating' ':' simplematrix ',' 'count' ':' exp ')' |
	typematrix '(' 'repeating' ':' exp ',' 'count' ':' exp ')'          ;

typematrix :
	'[' typematrix ']' |
	'[' type ']'       ;

reasignvector :
	TK_id dims '=' exp ;

dims :
	dims '[' exp ']' |
	'[' exp ']'      ;

defstruct :
	'struct' TK_id '{' listattribs '}' ;

listattribs :
	listattribs ';'? attrib |
	attrib ';'?             ;

attrib :
	('let' | 'var') TK_id (':' typeComp)? ('=' exp)? |
	'mutating'? declfunc                             ;

decstruct :
	('let' | 'var') TK_id (':' TK_id)? '=' TK_id '(' listdupla? ')' |
	('let' | 'var') TK_id (':' TK_id)? '=' TK_id '(' ')'            ;

listdupla :
	TK_id ':' exp ',' listdupla |
	TK_id ':' exp               ;

useattribs :
	obj useattribs1  |
	obj '.' callfunc ;

obj :
	TK_id '[' exp ']' |
	TK_id             ;

useattribs1 :
	'.' TK_id useattribs1 |
	'.' TK_id             ;

print :
	'print' '(' listexp ')' |
	'print' '(' ')'         ;

env :
	'{' instructions '}' |
	'{' '}'              ;

instructions :
	instructions instruction |
	instruction              ;

instruction :
	decvar                       ';'? |
	deccst                       ';'? |
	ifstruct                          |
	switchstruct                      |
	loopfor                           |
	loopwhile                         |
	guard                             |
	('self' '.' )? reasign       ';'? |
	('self' '.' )? addsub        ';'? |
	decvector                    ';'? |
	funcvector                   ';'? |
	('self' '.' )? reasignvector ';'? |
	decmatrix                    ';'? |
	decstruct                    ';'? |
	('self' '.' )? useattribs    ';'? |
	('self' '.' )? callfunc      ';'? |
	print                        ';'? |
	'return' exp                 ';'? |
	'return'                     ';'? |
	'continue'                   ';'? |
	'break'                      ';'? ;

type :
	'String'    |
	'Int'       |
	'Bool'      |
	'Character' |
	'Float'     ;

typeComp :
	type  |
	TK_id ;

exp :
	TK_id dims                |
	exp '.' 'isEmpty'         |
	exp '.' 'count'           |
	'-' exp                   |
	exp ('*' | '/' | '%') exp |
	exp ('+' | '-') exp       |
	exp ('<=' | '>=') exp     |
	exp ('<'  | '>') exp      |
	exp ('==' | '!=') exp     |
	'!' exp                   |
	exp '&&' exp              |
	exp '||' exp              |
	type '(' exp ')'          |
	('self' '.' )? useattribs |
	('self' '.' )? callfunc   |
	('self' '.' )? TK_id      |
	'nil'                     |
	TK_string                 |
	TK_char                   |
	TK_int                    |
	TK_float                  |
	'true'                    |
	'false'                   |
	'(' exp ')'               ;