- Add auto event enrichment. This should be done by examining the schema and loading any properties on it that need to be retrieved from the db
import { Action } from '../../action'
import { Object, String } from '../../core'
import Event from './Event'
const ProcessEventAction = {
name: 'event.ProcessEventAction',
schema: Action.schema.keys({
payload: Object.schema.keys({
// This should be auto loaded...
event: Event.schema,
eventId: String.schema.required()
export default ProcessEventAction
upgrade to node 12
Setup vscode debugging for when code is running locally on emulators
add new DB concepts to firestore.rules
- App
- File
- Host
- Page
- PageContent
- Url
rename service folder to
move all queryAndWatch and db enhancer functions into
folders within modules -
complete sdk implementation
Add a styles system that picks up styles from theme
- should also allow for a feature similar to "class names" for overriding styles
Add a styles section to theme
IMPROVEMENT: setup webpack dev server that runs independently of the functions
add app concept
- move expo config to app folder and specify which one to use
- each app should have a folder in the
folder based on slug name - each app should have a
folder in it - need a way to add the App entry to the db. How is this done?
- add app command line utility
- how do we map URLs to the specific App instance?
add Theme concept
- theme should have a json file to define it with the following values
name: 'my-theme',
color: '#4A90E2',
theme folder should have a
folder -
public folder should be served by express as a static folder
caching should be added to items in public folder
add module for browserconfig
- use xmlbuilder2 to generate xml file
- add path to express app to serve browserconfig.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<square70x70logo src="/assets/icons/rubber-duck-icon-70x70.png"/>
<square150x150logo src="/assets/icons/rubber-duck-icon-270x270.png"/>
<square310x310logo src="/assets/icons/rubber-duck-icon-310x310.png"/>
<!-- <wide310x150logo src="./assets/mstile-310x150.png"/> -->
TileColor should come from
Icons should come from
IMPROVEMENT: Switch CI to Google Cloud Build instead of Semaphore
FEATURE: create an install system that authenticates through Google and github during setup
- it should enable all necessary google APIs
- it should setup initial configuration and environments
- it should setup the firebase project
- it should setup all github triggers and hooks for establishing CI deployment
add deployment of infrastructure
setup server side functions to use webpack so we can make use of code branching
collapse all modules down into a single folder. Use webpack to generate correct module code for each target.