title | permalink |
Audio Mezzanine GPIO Guide |
/documentation/mezzanine/audio-mezzanine/Guides/advanced-guides/gpio-guide.md.html |
Build a system that toggles a relay on and off when the touch sensor is tapped using Linux GPIO IO.
The pins on connectors I/H and F/E are connected to GPIO pins on the baseboard and can be directly controlled from Linux. In this project, the application reads the state of the touch sensor from GPIO-H on connector I/H, and toggles the relay by driving GPIO-E on connector F/E. Each time the touch sensors is tapped, the relay will toggle between on and off.
- DragonBoard-410c
- Audio Mezzanine
- 5v Grove Relay
- 5v Grove Touch Sensor
Note: We are using Grove Sensors for this example, but the same can be reproduced using regular sensors and the Level Shifted Low Speed Header. If you want to refer pin numbering take a look at: https://www.96boards.org/pinout/
- Make sure SW2 is set to 5v
- Connect the relay to the E/F Grove connector
- Connect the touch sensor to I/H Grove connector
- Make sure you are on the latest Debian build for DragonBoard-410c: https://www.96boards.org/documentation/consumer/dragonboard410c/installation/
- Make sure to follow this guide to install MRAA and UPM Packages.
- Save the following code as
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "mraa.hpp"
bool running = true;
bool relay_state = false;
int last_touch;
void sig_handler(int signo)
if (signo == SIGINT)
running = false;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
mraa::Gpio* touch_gpio = new mraa::Gpio(30);
mraa::Gpio* relay_gpio = new mraa::Gpio(27);
mraa::Result response;
int touch;
signal(SIGINT, sig_handler);
response = touch_gpio->dir(mraa::DIR_IN);
if (response != mraa::SUCCESS)
return 1;
response = relay_gpio->dir(mraa::DIR_OUT);
if (response != mraa::SUCCESS)
return 1;
while (running) {
touch = touch_gpio->read();
if (touch == 1 && last_touch == 0) {
relay_state = !relay_state;
response = relay_gpio->write(relay_state);
last_touch = touch;
delete relay_gpio;
delete touch_gpio;
return response;
Build the Code
shell $ g++ touch_switch.cpp -o touch_switch -g -Wall -lmraa
Run the demo
shell sudo ./touch_relay