This is a simple example of how to use the fedramp-automation validation rules with SaxonJS
is available in two forms:
- A node.js version, installable via npm:
- A browser version, which must be loaded via a
tag. See the SaxonJS documentation for more details:
This example utilizes the node.js version. Usage in the browser is similar, with some subtle differences. The fedramp-automation
web code base may be referenced as an example, in Typescript, that will run in both node.js and the browser. See: ../../web
Compiled Schematron XSLT artifacts are required to run this example. The following command will build the artifact:
cd ../../..
make build-validations
To get a bash prompt within the container, run:
docker compose run example bash -l
You may now run and interact with the example code.
To run tests, build the required Schematron XSLT to sef.json files and run the test script:
docker compose run example npm run ./
To auto-format code:
docker compose run example npm format