Author Tags are used to store information about an author in a centralised way, allowing librarianettes to add consistent author metadata to every book by an author.
LibraryThing stores all tags on books, not on authors. At VBL, we wish to capture information about an author in a books tags, yet keep them consistent across all books by an author.
This section describes how you can do that.
Author's pages will show their tags. The picture above shows the default view.
The three buttons are:
- Push: all tags associated with the author are appended to the list of tags for all books by that author.
- Sync: performs a push, and additionally removes any extra tags on a book that are not associated with any of its authors. Ensure that your author tags are correct before performing a sync!
- Edit: brings up the edit view
The edit view (pictured above) has three additional buttons, described below:
- Pull: copies all author tags associated with an authors books to the author. This is useful if you have existing books with author tags on them, and an empty author page with no tags on it yet.
- Save: saves the author tags
- Cancel: returns to the default view.
Author tags can also be used while editing a book!
Click "Pull Author Tags" to copy all tags associated with every author of the book into the Tags field in the edit form.