José Paumard [email protected]
This is a set of personal notes on software craftsmanship. Many things gathered here are not new, some of them are well-known! It is mainly thoughts on my activity as a software craftsmanship coach in several different teams I had the pleasure to work with.
Most of these katas can be found somewhere else on the Internet, and sorry, I did not try to find out who invented which. Well some of them, I know I invented them, but it is so easy to invent a kata that I cannot be sure that someone somewhere came with the same idea.
Anyway, here is a list a very good (and well known!) readings if you want to learn more about clean code, software craftsmanship, and all the practices around those.
The FizzBuzz Kata
The Leap Years Kata
The RPN Calculator Kata
The String Calculator Kata
The One Two Kata
The Palindrome Kata
The Roman Numerals Kata
The Fizz Buzz Woof Kata
Anyway, here is a list a very good (and well known!) readings if you want to learn more about clean code, software craftsmanship, and all the practices around those.
Book Cover |
Book & authors |
The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers, Robert C. Martin, 2008. |
Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship, Robert C. Martin, 2011. |
Test Driven Development: By Example, Kent Beck, 2003. |
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, Kent Beck, 2004. |
Working Effectively with Legacy Code, Michael Feathers, 2004. |
The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master, Andrew Hunt, 1999. |
Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts, 1999 |
The Software Craftsman: Professionalism, Pragmatism, Pride, Sandro Mancuso, 2014. |
The Coding Dojo Handbook, Emily Bache, 2013. |
Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, 1994. |